
Well-Known Member
Due process, yeah, yeah, I get it.

Keep in mind the MN GOP is calling for this creep to scram. They’ve got him dead to rights lol
I only heard a little about this but your statement above made me think of the Matt Araiza case. He was the best punter in the nation while at San Diego State. Called "the punt god." Drafted by the Buffalo Bills. Was in preseason that a woman at San Diego State claimed he and a couple of others raped her at a party. She was very graphic. The Buffalo Bills immediately cut him and he had to defend himself for a couple of years. He was raked over the coals by the media and social media. Then her story unraveled in court. Finally admitted she made it up. It still took him a year before a team would take a chance on him. Starts for Kansas City now.

If this Republican state senator did what is alleged then by all means charge him. Don't know the particulars of the case so I'll let him have his day in court before I pass judgement.


Well-Known Member
Due process, yeah, yeah, I get it.

Keep in mind the MN GOP is calling for this creep to scram. They’ve got him dead to rights lol
Who’s got him dead rights? he still has plenty of legal proceedings to go through my friend and he has not been convicted yet. They asked him to resign, which I believe is the prudent thing to do. You haven’t told me what you would have them do because you know there isn’t anything else they can do.

The Democrat party also asked the Democrat who is charged with burglary to resign and she won’t do it.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Who’s got him dead rights? he still has plenty of legal proceedings to go through my friend and he has not been convicted yet. They asked him to resign, which I believe is the prudent thing to do. You haven’t told me what you would do because you know there isn’t anything else they can do.
The cops sprung on him after he showed up thinking he was going to have sex with a minor. lol. They got him.

But yeah, due process.


Well-Known Member
So we want due process for child predators but not for asylum seekers. Got it.
Your asylum seekers was a sham from the start. 180 countries represented at the border in the last four years. There aren't 180 countries where conditions are so bad that people fear for their lives and are fleeing. Maybe 10% of that. How come most people stay put in all of those countries? The Biden administration using NGO's encouraged people abroad to come here and use the asylum process as their ticket in. Tell me how so many Haitians were able to make it to Mexico? They're an island nation and the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. Y'all BSed the American public for four years and if anything good came out of it it's the majority of voters now see you for what you are. And yet you're still trying to BS us.


Well-Known Member
And we couldn't have won the Revolutionary War without help from France. We should call our contributions even and consider each other great friends.
thats all wonderful. but the unnamed french guy that said he wants his statue back was an ass for even suggesting that when the US lost so many americans protecting their asses.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
thats all wonderful. but the unnamed french guy that said he wants his statue back was an ass for even suggesting that when the US lost so many americans protecting their asses.

For sure but Trumpees should recognize herp derp troll jobs as much as the left is expected to.

Does the U.S. deserve the Statue of Liberty? Not anymore, one French politician says

"Raphaël Glucksmann, a member of the European Parliament with the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, said at a party convention on Sunday that he had a message "to the Americans who have chosen to side with the tyrants … who fired researchers for demanding scientific freedom."

"Give us back the Statue of Liberty," he said with a smile as the crowd cheered. "We gave it to you as a gift, but apparently you despise it. So it will be just fine here at home."


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
For sure but Trumpees should recognize herp derp troll jobs as much as the left is expected to.

Does the U.S. deserve the Statue of Liberty? Not anymore, one French politician says

"Raphaël Glucksmann, a member of the European Parliament with the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, said at a party convention on Sunday that he had a message "to the Americans who have chosen to side with the tyrants … who fired researchers for demanding scientific freedom."

"Give us back the Statue of Liberty," he said with a smile as the crowd cheered. "We gave it to you as a gift, but apparently you despise it. So it will be just fine here at home."
Come and take it.


Well-Known Member
For sure but Trumpees should recognize herp derp troll jobs as much as the left is expected to.

Does the U.S. deserve the Statue of Liberty? Not anymore, one French politician says

"Raphaël Glucksmann, a member of the European Parliament with the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, said at a party convention on Sunday that he had a message "to the Americans who have chosen to side with the tyrants … who fired researchers for demanding scientific freedom."

"Give us back the Statue of Liberty," he said with a smile as the crowd cheered. "We gave it to you as a gift, but apparently you despise it. So it will be just fine here at home."
I'm surprised Trump hasn't poked back and said: Maybe we should just cut all ties with France... lol


Well-Known Member
A lot of police chiefs have been assassinated in Mexico. I remember about 20 years ago a bunch of Mexican marines were sent in to capture a cartel leader. One of the marines was hailed as a hero on tv in an interview. The cartel went to his home and killed his entire family. Parents, wife, children. The marines and other law enforcement now wear masks.
their elections are where the leaders who the cartel does not endorse are murdered.


Well-Known Member
I’ve got friends who are always trying to get me to go to Mexico for vacation. And I them every time you go you’re taking a pretty big chance because if something bad happens there is no help for you.
i went last year twice . I have family there. parts of mexico are safer than any US city because you have police and military visible there everywhere you go. I saw a group of 4 police responding to a situation in jewelery store running down the street with their guns drawn where US police would not have drawn their's until they started to enter the facility. It was a little unnerving. To your point though i actually agree you are taking a chance and you have to be careful you don't get yourself in a situation where you're alone with either the cartel or the police. Other "safer" places can also be a problem. My brother lives there and crossed into Belize. Belize is considered a great place for ex pats. He got shook down for bribe money by the police in belize when he crossed over.


nowhere special
i went last year twice . I have family there. parts of mexico are safer than any US city because you have police and military visible there everywhere you go. I saw a group of 4 police responding to a situation in jewelery store running down the street with their guns drawn where US police would not have drawn their's until they started to enter the facility. It was a little unnerving. To your point though i actually agree you are taking a chance and you have to be careful you don't get yourself in a situation where you're alone with either the cartel or the police. Other "safer" places can also be a problem. My brother lives there and crossed into Belize. Belize is considered a great place for ex pats. He got shook down for bribe money by the police in belize when he crossed over.
Is there any place near there that doesn't have bribes?