I only heard a little about this but your statement above made me think of the Matt Araiza case. He was the best punter in the nation while at San Diego State. Called "the punt god." Drafted by the Buffalo Bills. Was in preseason that a woman at San Diego State claimed he and a couple of others raped her at a party. She was very graphic. The Buffalo Bills immediately cut him and he had to defend himself for a couple of years. He was raked over the coals by the media and social media. Then her story unraveled in court. Finally admitted she made it up. It still took him a year before a team would take a chance on him. Starts for Kansas City now.Due process, yeah, yeah, I get it.
Keep in mind the MN GOP is calling for this creep to scram. They’ve got him dead to rights lol
If this Republican state senator did what is alleged then by all means charge him. Don't know the particulars of the case so I'll let him have his day in court before I pass judgement.