The Hoffa Team wasted most likely in excess of $100,000 of our dues money sending out Vote Yes propaganda before the vote on the 2013 contract. And then they the spent a bunch more of our $ to send out Vote Yes propaganda after the 18 supplements and riders were voted down last contract. They even stated the average UPS full time driver stands to make over $25,000 more over the term of that contract.
The $25,000 more info was true for the 2013-2018 contract. But now that the average FT driver stands to lose their right to OT valued at $125,000 to $175,000 over the term of the new agreement; AND SOMEHOW HOFFA/TAYLOR LEAVE THIS LIFE CHANGING INFO OUT OF THEIR UPDATES?
Yet, Hoffa/Taylor have not spent 1 cent on a questionnaire that should have been mailed to every part timer and full timer. The teamsters have all of our addresses. I received in excess of 15 mailings pushing the last contract.
The Teamsters are allowing UPS to take 25% to 35% of many full time drivers yearly income. YET NO MENTION IN AN UPDATE
The Teamsters are allowing UPS to take $25,000 to $35,000 or more per year for many drivers who never asked for their OT to eliminated or reduced. This results in a driver who wants and gets 10 to 15 or so hours OT to lose (have stolen from them) $125,000 to $175,000 or more over the 5 year term of the "agreement" AGAIN NO MENTION IN AN UPDATE. The drivers who really will be screwed are the ones who recently completed their 4 year progression working 55+ hours a week. Every one of these drivers that I have spoken with was really looking forward to OT at top wage.
The Teamsters are attempting to claim that all drivers wanted all OT eliminated. This is a misrepresentation at best. That is the VOCAL MINORITY. The Union and UPS know most drivers want OT as OT protections are already in place. The % of drivers on the 9.5 list is very low. We have FT drivers signing up for extra work every single Saturday for air driving. We also have drivers who volunteer to work the reload for OT. Over 90% of the drivers in our center are not on the 9.5 list. They want their OT. Drivers do not want their right to OT unilaterally taken away from them.
The Hybrids are getting screwed over by the Teamsters. They were NEVER asked if they wanted forced OT up to 70 hours per week with no 9.5 protection for at least the 5 year duration of the proposed "agreement" NO MENTION FROM THE TEAMSTERS AGAIN ABOUT BEING FORCED TO WORK UP TO 70 HOURS PER WEEK WITH NO PROTECTION FROM EXCESSIVE OT. Why doesn't the hybrids drivers family time matter?
Questionnaire example below for Taylor if he ever decides to end up actually asking the members what they want in this CBA. Taylor will have to ask the members what is acceptable after this CBA vote receives the impending NO VOTE. Couple simple obvious questions.
1. Part timers; Do you want to be forced to work up to 70 hours per week with no excessive OT 9.5 protection?
2. Part timers; Would you like to have the right to bid on OT if it is available? You will be forced to work over 9.5 hours only if not all staffing is met by employees who volunteer for OT.
1. Full Time Drivers; Do you want your rights to any and all OT and extra work taken away?
2. Full Time Drivers; If OT and extra work is available; Do you think you should have the right to the OT before the new hybrid drivers?
3. Full Time Drivers; Should UPS have the right to limit you to 40 hours per week even if OT is available?
Ask these questions of the entire membership and it will be extremely 1 sided answers.
From what we have been provided by the Teamsters so far; This contract (CBA) is being negotiated in bad faith. I hope we receive info that proves it is being negotiated in good faith on the teleforum on July 10th.
Maybe Taylor has only released the concessionary give back language and is holding off on the unreleased NEW GREAT Contract Language that is yet to come.