After the negotiations are complete and the 2-man committee goes to the review,
your Local will have meeting to review the proposed language. And of course
you will get a copy mailed to you. Just like every time.
The IBT is not negotiating in good faith ? Please....
How many contracts have you negotiated for your Local ?
You sound like the goofball TDU and Teamsters United morons.
Negotiations normally entail input from the members at the outset (survey for a demand) I do not know of any member FT or PT who received a survey or questionnaire. Did the Teamsters negotiate based on the input of the small percentage of members at the union meetings? That is not a valid representation of the entire membership. This utter failure of the Hoffa/Taylor/UPS mgmt. Team could possibly put the Teamsters Union in the cross-hairs of a Duty of Fair Representation NLRB case. I hope not. The entire union should not suffer because of the apparent collusion by Hoffa/Taylor with UPS.
One of the reasons unions get in to trouble with negotiating in bad faith is the behavior the Hoffa/Taylor team is in violation of at this point in the process. When a union removes the entire negotiating team except for Taylor from negotiations; a red flag goes up. Hopefully Hoffa/Taylor will disclose the downside to their handshake agreement on the teleforum next week. I am hopeful they will fulfill their duty of fair representation.
We have 60+ Full Time Drivers in our center and NOT 1 is on the 9.5 list. 0% of our center drivers care about working OT. ZERO. Nationwide, maybe 10% of drivers are on the 9.5 list. If Hoffa/Taylor do not; Maybe our Local Rider can protect FT drivers right to OT and extra work.
If Full-Time Drivers stand to lose their right to OT and extra work; and Hoffa/Taylor do not disclose this fact; that is a major problem.
If Hoffa/Taylor do not specifically state that Hybrid Drivers will be subjected to excessive OT up to 70 hours per week with no recourse; that is a major problem. The Hoffa/Taylor team wants to address excessive OT. How is forcing employees to work up to 70 hours per week addressing excessive OT and the importance of family time?
Last contract Hoffa/Hall pulled the same shenanigans with smoke and mirrors.
Teamcare was pushed on us. A shiny DVD and numerous mailings, in addition to a Q&A by a Teamcare Rep. at the Union Hall. IT WAS NEVER mentioned that One Punch a week (work at least part of one day in a week) was now required to be eligible for Health Care Benefits for that week. NEVER, NOT ONCE. That was a major change that needed to be disclosed.
The prior UPS Healtcare Plan required only 1 punch (work at least part of on day in the MONTH) in order to maintain health care benefits for that month.
We had a driver receive a $40,000+ medical bills because he did not work any part of a week. He had a scheduled week or week and a half off to spend with his wife before, during and after the birth of their child. And HE LOST COVERAGE. For that language not to be disclosed is unacceptable.
When the Hoffa/Taylor team only discloses the uprising upside to the agreement and leave the negative particulars out; that can and will get them into trouble. But they will not have to pay restitution. Our Teamster Union and our dues will be on the hook.
No bait and switch; no shell games; We deserve; and have the right to the good and the bad aspects of this agreement.
I am cautiously optimistic that the teleforum will address these extremely important issues. i have a feeling that many of these issues will be addressed due to outpouring of concern on social media. Hoffa released only limited info for a reason.