trump 2016


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Its funny how you republitards jump on the bandwagon once all your original choices drop out of the race.

Listen, we are with you on this one... DONALD TRUMP FOR GOP NOMINEEEEEE !!!

No need to be jealous, upset, unhappy, worried or concerned.

Trump has NO shot at winning the white house. Not even the republicans like him, and like Romney, republicans who hate trump will not vote for him.

You people just dont learn your lessons.

You have all convinced yourselves that you need a millionaire or billionaire to run for office.

Its laughable ( we know ) but its so much fun watching you people flip flop all over the place..!

I supported Trump back in the summer when he annouced.

And all the EXPERTS that said Trump had no chance, are saying he probably has it.

He's ahead in almost all the next 13 states that have primaries.

So it looks like Trump WILL BE the next Republican nominee for the Presidency of the US.

Sorry TOS.

I also liked Carson, Huckabee, Cruz and Santorum.

Now, I would like a Trump/Carson ticket.


Staff member
I supported Trump back in the summer when he annouced.

And all the EXPERTS that said Trump had no chance, are saying he probably has it.

He's ahead in almost all the next 13 states that have primaries.

So it looks like Trump WILL BE the next Republican nominee for the Presidency of the US.

Sorry TOS.

I also liked Carson, Huckabee, Cruz and Santorum.

Now, I would like a Trump/Carson ticket.
And you call ME part of the problem? !


Strength through joy
Well , it's been a while since a non-politician held the office .
How much more damage could he do ?
Just maybe he would include more business minded executives into his administration and start to streamline some of the red tape that the current office holder has added .
I see massive job losses in gov't ahead .


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
@realbrown1 I'll give you credit when it comes to Trump. As a Presidential candidate, I think Trump fits you perfect. On that you done good for yourself!
He says things that I have been saying for years.

1. We have too much national debt.
2. We have an illigal immigration problem.
3 We sign trade deals that allow US companies to move overseas and shut down factories in the US.
4. We give foreign aide to a lot of countries, when we shouldn't.
5. Obamacare needs to go.
6. When we go to war, go to WIN it.

There are more, but you are right, Trump is singing my song.


Well-Known Member
Trump lies repeatedly. Anyone who can't see that is doe-eyed, at best, and clearly a poor consumer of all the information available on the internet.

Trumps' con is right there in his first book, "The Art of the Deal", and it's basically the playbook for his Presidential run.

It doesn't matter that what he's selling isn't possible (all politicians do that), but Trump's claims are so patently absurd that the fact he's winning just goes to show you how successful he really is at his con.

In the exit polls in South Carolina, a lot of people said they thought he was a bum, didn't really believe him, but that they voted for him anyway because he's saying the right thing.

As far as his business acumen, he hasn't had a real success since the late eighties/ early nineties. Virtually everything he's touched since then has turned to crap.

Forbes did a study and reported that if Trump had simply taken the $100 million? given to him by his father and invested it in modest mutual funds and other low-risk investments, he'd be worth $8 billion today.

He's currently worth between $2 and $4 billion, depending on whom you believe, so that doesn't speak well for his business sense.

If you buy the dubious concept that a businessman would make the best President, Trump certainly wouldn't be the guy to pick.

But, hey, he's saying all the right things, so, GO TRUMP!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I supported Trump back in the summer when he annouced.

And all the EXPERTS that said Trump had no chance, are saying he probably has it.

He's ahead in almost all the next 13 states that have primaries.

So it looks like Trump WILL BE the next Republican nominee for the Presidency of the US.

Sorry TOS.

I also liked Carson, Huckabee, Cruz and Santorum.

Now, I would like a Trump/Carson ticket.

Why are you telling me "sorry".. I TOO want Trump to be your nominee.. did you miss that part of what i said?

I enjoy that you want to double down and ask for Carson as a running mate! That even more hilarious.

But it really goes to show how your thought process works.

Sometimes, you just cant help letting your intelligence speak for you.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well , it's been a while since a non-politician held the office .
How much more damage could he do ?
Just maybe he would include more business minded executives into his administration and start to streamline some of the red tape that the current office holder has added .
I see massive job losses in gov't ahead .

Obama has already CUT the size of government employees, unlike REAGAN, BUSH and BUSH who grew the size of government employees while in office.

Get your facts straight bro. The republicans have NEVER cut the size of government, EVER in history.
