trump 2016


Staff member

I really don't care about H.Clinton.

If Trump loses, than she wins, in which case, we will have achieved TOTAL SUCK.

But if you don't understand why Trump is being labeled as a 'racist', and you've gone over the things he's said, and you still don't get it.....

Then you're a poopy-head.

poopy head?!

didn't he know...


Well-Known Member
Decades from now citizens of earth will curse the name of David Cameron, who, in his own hubris and narcissism, brought the entire world geopolitical and economic structures to their knees.
fixed it for you

There was no reason to "fix" his quote, especially since it was spot on and, more specifically, since you lack the political acumen to speak intelligently on the subject.


Well-Known Member
No, you didn't.

Under Obama, things have actually gone fairly well.

The parts you don't like were the exact parts that would have happened in either case.

Imagine that Mitt Chumney had become President.

You'd be complaining about him instead of Obama.

B. Sanders has a point.

I already took him to task for "fixing" your quote.


nowhere special
In Dave's World comments are only intellectual if he agrees with them. If anyone posts anything he dislikes he commences his usual personal attacks in attempts to belittle people.