trump 2016


Strength through joy
Democrats’ Benghazi Report Mentions Donald Trump 23 Times For Some Reason

....the book-length report mentions Clinton 334 times. The term “Republicans” appears 200 times.
There are 20 references to Clinton ally David Brock and his super PAC Correct the Record.
Sean Smith, a State Department information specialist who also died in Benghazi, is named 36 times in the report.
Ambassador Chris Stevens is mentioned 85 times in the report.

A 339-page report released by Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi mentions Donald Trump 23 times.
That total is more than the combined number of references to Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, two of the former Navy SEALs killed.


Well-Known Member
Democrats’ Benghazi Report Mentions Donald Trump 23 Times For Some Reason

....the book-length report mentions Clinton 334 times. The term “Republicans” appears 200 times.
There are 20 references to Clinton ally David Brock and his super PAC Correct the Record.
Sean Smith, a State Department information specialist who also died in Benghazi, is named 36 times in the report.
Ambassador Chris Stevens is mentioned 85 times in the report.

A 339-page report released by Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi mentions Donald Trump 23 times.
That total is more than the combined number of references to Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, two of the former Navy SEALs killed.

That's random.


Strength through joy

Howie is trending! The Captain was invited to introduce Donald J. Trump at his rally in Maine and naturally he took the chance to give his favorite “Native American” a shout-out. But apparently news outlets and liberals everywhere are aghast at Howie’s remarks.

Politico didn’t waste any time, posting an article minutes after the speech with a headline that read, “Boston radio host at Trump event mocks Warren with war whoops.” Howie quickly called into the show to remind listeners that he has done this whoop several times and doesn’t understand what all the fuss is about.

The mainstream media is accusing Howie of cultural appropriation and yet they still have no problem with the fact that Liz Warren faked her ancestry in order to get a job at Harvard. The hypocrisy is truly amazing. As for how Mr. Carr is handling the criticism? “I’ve never been trending before! It is the first time but hopefully not the last!”

How many moons have I been challenging Lieawatha to submit to a DNA test?