trump 2016


Well-Known Member
uh oh.

Stalingrad & Poorski ‏@Stalingrad_Poor 40m40 minutes ago

Trump campaign removes 'Muslim ban' link from website

Some of the most controversial proposals Donald Trump made while running for U.S. president were gone from his campaign website by Thursday, including his call to ban Muslims from entering the country and his promise to cancel the Paris Climate Agreement.

The link to his Dec. 7 proposal titled: "Donald J. Trump statement on Preventing Muslim Immigration," in which he called for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" vanished, along with his list of his potential Supreme Court justice picks as president and certain details of his economic, defense and regulatory reform plans.

The Trump campaign did not respond to multiple emails seeking comment on the website changes


Well-Known Member
richard wolff doesnt think trump is gona improve standards of living.

im gonna keep posting expert opinions here on whether trump will do mostly good or bad for average americans. so far we have 2x who are skeptical of him.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
richard wolff doesnt think trump is gona improve standards of living.

im gonna keep posting expert opinions here on whether trump will do mostly good or bad for average americans. so far we have 2x who are skeptical of him.
Funny... The experts and the polls said he wouldn't win, yet you're still listening to them. TTKU. :laugh:


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
uh oh.

Stalingrad & Poorski ‏@Stalingrad_Poor 40m40 minutes ago

Trump campaign removes 'Muslim ban' link from website

Some of the most controversial proposals Donald Trump made while running for U.S. president were gone from his campaign website by Thursday, including his call to ban Muslims from entering the country and his promise to cancel the Paris Climate Agreement.

The link to his Dec. 7 proposal titled: "Donald J. Trump statement on Preventing Muslim Immigration," in which he called for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" vanished, along with his list of his potential Supreme Court justice picks as president and certain details of his economic, defense and regulatory reform plans.

The Trump campaign did not respond to multiple emails seeking comment on the website changes

Donald Trump's Muslim ban was removed from his website, but it's back

Donald Trump's pledge to deny entry to the country for all Muslims temporarily disappeared from his campaign website after lingering there since December, following the attacks in San Bernardino.

The removal prompted new questions about one of Trump's most controversial promises.

But it was restored Thursday afternoon after what Trump's staff characterized as a technical glitch.

“The website was temporarily redirecting all specific press release pages to the homepage. It is currently being addressed and will be fixed shortly,” the campaign told the Washington Post.


Well-Known Member
Funny... The experts and the polls said he wouldn't win, yet you're still listening to them. TTKU. :laugh:
yea my guys were and are right about alot of things including the fact that you elected a semi fascist which they have been warning about for some time.

richard wolff predicted the financial crisis of 2008


Well-Known Member
That was useless. The Canadian immigration site has been down.

I have been in negotiations with friends from the GWN. The deal killer is the whole country freezes in the Winter. I never want to see snow anywhere around my feet, after decades driving a truck in a cold climate that had minimal heat.

Unlike @Monkey Butt , there was no baking hot workspaces in my UPS world.


swollen member
not one blue county in OK
