trump 2016


Strength through joy
You want to know why the wall went up in Berlin.
Because the USSR found out that JFK was a weakling.
They wanted to test him and they won.

What many don't understand about the border jumpers is that a majority of them are also smugglers.
That's why they are considered illegals, they have no respect for any laws .
Their life back home sux and they lack the strength to fix it. So they come here and bring their problems with them.
Illnesses that our population has not seen in decades are rising at alarming rates. That is about the only thing they have to offer .

So put up a wall to slow and stop them from coming here.
The established border jumpers here now also don't like the new comers because they see their own wages being brought down.


Strength through joy
Mexico has a law that border jumpers who are caught coming over their southern border get prison time. And in their jails they don't feed you.


Well-Known Member
chris hedges called guiliani a fascist.

i remember noam chomsky saying newt gingrich is one of teh biggest corporate welfare queens in the country in terms of what he gave away to the military industrial complex.

chris hedges covered chris christie in one of the 5 chapters in his book days of destruction days of revolt.

its not looking good for the economy. although ralph nader and stacy herbert were excited about trump and nafta and TPP so thats good.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
both michael moore and chris hedges are saying you are going to get conned by donald trump.

not that hillary wasnt a con lady too, probably worse


Well-Known Member
next election, after little change under trump and everyone realizes they got fooled again, you will either elect a real fascist or someone left wing by american standards.