trump 2016


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
As campaign closes, the Obamas pass the torch to Clinton

"Thank you for welcoming us into your communities, for giving us a chance whether you agreed with our politics or not," Mrs. Obama said, in her own send-off to the nation. She said ensuring Clinton wins the election was "perhaps the last and most important thing that I can do for my country as first lady."

Nearly a decade later, the Obamas need Clinton as much as she needs them, to prevent their legacy from being eviscerated by a victorious Trump. After all, the president told supporters earlier in Ann Arbor, Michigan, all his accomplishments "go out the window if we don't win tomorrow."



Staff member
As campaign closes, the Obamas pass the torch to Clinton

"Thank you for welcoming us into your communities, for giving us a chance whether you agreed with our politics or not," Mrs. Obama said, in her own send-off to the nation. She said ensuring Clinton wins the election was "perhaps the last and most important thing that I can do for my country as first lady."

Nearly a decade later, the Obamas need Clinton as much as she needs them, to prevent their legacy from being eviscerated by a victorious Trump. After all, the president told supporters earlier in Ann Arbor, Michigan, all his accomplishments "go out the window if we don't win tomorrow."

So sad, too bad, don't let the door hit ya in the ass on your way out.


Well-Known Member
"President-elect Donald J. Trump, who campaigned against the corrupt power of special interests, is filling his transition team with some of the very sort of people who he has complained have too much clout in Washington: corporate consultants and lobbyists…

Mr. Trump was swept to power in large part by white working-class voters who responded to his vow to restore the voices of forgotten people, ones drowned out by big business and Wall Street. But in his transition to power, some of the most prominent voices will be those of advisers who come from the same industries for which they are being asked to help set the regulatory groundwork."

If you voted for Trump because he’s ‘anti-establishment,’ guess what: You got conned


Well-Known Member
Perhaps he should of hired a homeless man off the streets of NYC?

Give it time...

If this election has taught us anything we should never source anything from CNN, NYTIMES, washingtonpost, etc


Well-Known Member
Perhaps he should of hired a homeless man off the streets of NYC?

Give it time...

If this election has taught us anything we should never source anything from CNN, NYTIMES, washingtonpost, etc
The source does not mean sheet. The FACT Trump named Ebell to lead the EPA is all you need to know.

Let me guess, you also believe global warming is a Chinese hoax? No problems with somebody being paid by the coal industry leading the Environmental Protection Agency?


Well-Known Member
"President-elect Donald J. Trump, who campaigned against the corrupt power of special interests, is filling his transition team with some of the very sort of people who he has complained have too much clout in Washington: corporate consultants and lobbyists…

Mr. Trump was swept to power in large part by white working-class voters who responded to his vow to restore the voices of forgotten people, ones drowned out by big business and Wall Street. But in his transition to power, some of the most prominent voices will be those of advisers who come from the same industries for which they are being asked to help set the regulatory groundwork."

If you voted for Trump because he’s ‘anti-establishment,’ guess what: You got conned
some guys here dont want to hear the music, but its the truth. its gonna be alot of the same!


Retired 23 years
Trump denies global warming. Says it's a Chinese hoax. What does he do next? Names Myron Ebell to lead the EPA. Myron Ebell is financed by the coal industry and is against clean power.

Sign the petition.
Do Not Allow Myron Ebell to Lead the EPA Transition | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

There are an estimated 300 years of coal reserves in the US that are there for the taking. Its a shame to not use it for cheap energy. The piddly little amount of air pollution we will save by shutting down our coal fired power plants (which by the way are the least polluting plants in the world) will be a micro drop in the bucket compared to all the pollution caused by yearly forest fires, volcanos and coal burning going on around the world---especially in China and India.


There are an estimated 300 years of coal reserves in the US that are there for the taking. Its a shame to not use it for cheap energy. The piddly little amount of air pollution we will save by shutting down our coal fired power plants (which by the way are the least polluting plants in the world) will be a micro drop in the bucket compared to all the pollution caused by yearly forest fires, volcanos and coal burning going on around the world---especially in China and India.
Despite promises by Trump, GOP, here’s why a coal jobs revival isn’t coming
But the reason Appalachia’s coal economy isn’t coming back has a lot less to do with regulation than with free-market economics. Eastern Kentucky’s dwindling coal reserves are now more costly to mine than coal from other regions, making it less competitive.

An even bigger factor is cheap and abundant natural gas from hydraulic fracking. That is the main reason the percentage of American electricity generated by burning coal has fallen from one-half to one-third since 2008.

Read more here: Despite promises by Trump, GOP, here’s why a coal jobs revival isn’t coming


Retired 23 years
Despite promises by Trump, GOP, here’s why a coal jobs revival isn’t coming
But the reason Appalachia’s coal economy isn’t coming back has a lot less to do with regulation than with free-market economics. Eastern Kentucky’s dwindling coal reserves are now more costly to mine than coal from other regions, making it less competitive.

An even bigger factor is cheap and abundant natural gas from hydraulic fracking. That is the main reason the percentage of American electricity generated by burning coal has fallen from one-half to one-third since 2008.

Read more here: Despite promises by Trump, GOP, here’s why a coal jobs revival isn’t coming

I would agree that coal mined underground is a dying animal but the Dakotas and Montana have an almost unlimited supply that is no more than 10 or 15 feet below the ground. I belong to a cooperative electrical company who buys its power from a coal fired plant in ND. We took a tour of their mining operations in North Dakota and were amazed at how much coal was available to them. They don't have to transport their coal on trains or ships. It all just come to the plant on a one or two mile long conveyer belt. We do have 4 or 5 mile long coal trains come through town most every day from the same area. They are headed to the port of Duluth to be unloaded onto ships headed for the east coast through the Great Lakes.