trump 2016


Engorged Member
What does one expect to accomplish at a trump protest at this point? A rioter should be prosecuted as a hater, thus a hate crime.

Free speech, which you apparently want to suppress. Jail those who damage property, but we shouldn't be impinging on the right to dissent.


Retired 23 years
The fracking is unrelated to the "proof". Kind of like climate change.

I don't have an opinion on if fracking causes earthquakes but I do believe it is the cause of some households not being able to use their water faucets.



Well-Known Member
What does one expect to accomplish at a trump protest at this point? A rioter should be prosecuted as a hater, thus a hate crime.
why not just call them terrorists, send em to gitmo to be tortured, and get rid of the first amendment while your at it?


Well-Known Member
Voting and contributing to society, isn't that how it's supposed to work?
no democracy is not voting every 4 years and then sitting idly by.

democracy comes alive when people organize and put fear in the hearts of so called leaders, like they did with womens rights, civil rights, worker rights, etc.


Well-Known Member
Why were you at a Trump protest????? You live in Canada?? Do you forget that? Are the fumes from the radon gas in your basement clouding your brain??
why do you think?

how does america influence canada?

there were 100+ people there last night. and frankly they should have been protesting while obama was in office, and even if hillary got elected too.


Well-Known Member
no democracy is not voting every 4 years and then sitting idly by.

democracy comes alive when people organize and put fear in the hearts of so called leaders, like they did with womens rights, civil rights, worker rights, etc.
I'm pretty sure trump is not afraid of your Canadian protest, but keep up the good work. I, for one, am too busy to protest over all I disagree with. I am making a living for 12 hours a day. Making family time. And spending time maintaining assets.


Well-Known Member
The fracking is unrelated to the "proof". Kind of like climate change.

climate change is a broad expression. what climate change are you speaking to? The kind that was supposed to cause this world to end last January or the kind that may be very very slowly changing our climate.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure trump is not afraid of your Canadian protest, but keep up the good work. I, for one, am too busy to protest over all I disagree with. I am making a living for 12 hours a day. Making family time. And spending time maintaining assets.
working 12 hours a day? that sucks. 8 is enough for me. how can you engage with democracy when your working so much?

i wouldnt want to deliver packages 12 hours a day anyways, its too meaningless.

i guarantee you trump is paying close attention along with the rest of the government.