trump 2016

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
democrats are right of centre, trump is far right in terms of his previous rhetoric towards mexicans and muslims and his talk of violence

"Democrats are right of center". That's some funny $#|% right there.

Today's Democrat party is socialist with the only thing holding them back from fully implementing pure socialism is the Republican party, in which the current establishment is center.

While up to about 20% of the country would go along with hard left socialism, the fact is the rest of the country isn't there. And while Obama won twice, every election cycle during the last 8 years has been going further right. Democrats are in bad shape because of how radical they have become.

The Republicans have 31 governers. They have the House and Senate, and now Presidency. Republicans now control 68 out of the 98 state legislative chambers, the most in party history. Democrats only control FOUR governorships/state legislative combinations out of 50 states.


Engorged Member
Not a Pence fan...hoping Trump makes it through his term.

Pence days he is a Christian first, which is a problem in a country that isn't a theocracy. I don't want him reading The Bible when the crap hits the fan..

He needs to be VP first and get off the religious zealot BS.


Well-Known Member
Pence days he is a Christian first, which is a problem in a country that isn't a theocracy. I don't want him reading The Bible when the crap hits the fan..

He needs to be VP first and get off the religious zealot BS.

His rabid homophobia turns me off.

And the HIV outbreak in Indiana under his watch isn't reassuring.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
I remember Obama saying the same thing.

I do get a kick out of people calling out Trumps lack of experience going into the Presidency whole being OK with Obama's readiness. Obama was a young 2 year Senator who hadn't done anything. He didn't even make many voting decisions while there. Trump on the other hand has decades of executive experience. The Presidency is an executive job. You have a big staff to deal with the micro details that you're not up to speed on.


Well-Known Member
How is he homophobic?

Mike Pence’s top seven most homophobic moments (out of many) / LGBTQ Nation

My thing is, everyone's equal.

Pence disagrees. You might disagree as well, it's a free country.

But with all the challenges we face as a nation, to take such a hard stance on what, to me, boils down to equal rights, seems antithetical to our nations' principles.

Again, you may disagree, in which case you and I disagree; that's fine, and I will always respect your opinion.

If Pence believes what he believes because of his faith, more power to him, but I don't want Pence to legislate based on his faith.

And make no mistake, Pence will largely set the logistics of this Presidency.


Well-Known Member
I don't remember Obama and Hillary being called homophobic when they were against gay marriage just 5 years ago.

Two different things.

My guess is Clinton and Obama favored gay marriage all along, but waited for the correct political climate to make their moves.

But before they were 'for' gay marriage, they definitely didn't disparage gays in any way, shape, or form, which is why no one labeled them homophobic.

Trump? He's spent his life in Manhattan, worked in the television industry, etc...

Trump doesn't care one way or another about gay people, I guarantee you.

But Pence?

He's labeled as a homophobe because he is one.

Now, either he is actually a homophobe or he simply played as one in order to rise in the Christian/Republican/political hierarchy...

But that's irrelevant.