trump 2016


Engorged Member
is Islam your savior?

Oh, like Obama. I know you're all about the Second Amendment, but how about the First Amendment? Other religions have other saviors, so yours doesn't get to override them.

Read it Nosferatu...or get someone who can spell it out in crayon for you.

Praise Buddha, Vishnu, Jesus, Allah and all the rest.


Staff member

I was having some beers with @MrFedEx at his house the other night, and noticed THIS over his couch! :-)


Well-Known Member
id like to know where were all the trump supporters principles? where do they draw the line? was there anything he could have said for you to not vote for him? he bragged about sexual assault, total muslim ban, and calling mexicans rapists.

in a functioning democracy, neither trump nor hillary would have got the nomination.


Well-Known Member
She looks like a zombie.

Sort of.

They both look confused.

Maybe he didn't think he'd actually win.

I agree with you, I don't think Trump wanted to be he's trying to figure it out.

He won, but he's a loser.

Poor guy, he still thinks he can weekend at Trump Tower.

Sorry fool, gotta stay at the WH.