trump 2016


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Remind me again which party it is that again and again votes against providing funding for the VA? It's the Republicans.......
78.4 billion in 2013.

Maybe it's not how much they have to spend, but how they are spending it.

I favor tearing down the whole VA system and letting our vets see any doctor they choose.

With small co-pays and no deductibles, I bet it would cost less than a over bloated government bureaucracy.

It would also send a message to other government bureaucracies, get better or get eliminated and privatized.


Well-Known Member
That video never used the words that you attributed to Trump.

You slanted the story to fit your idea of how things are.

But you are a liberal, so it is to be expected from you.
i said "something like" lol. but since your such a huge fan, maybe you can find what i was looking for. thats the video i heard it from.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
concession speech needs some work

Saying our president would be content to let veterans kill themselves is beyond idiotic and I'm embarrassed I even dignified with with a response. But hey, you probably also think he's a communist Muslim nazi that wants to kill all cops and force you to gay marry a Syrian refugee. Oh, and Truck Palin is innocent! New Twinkie defense; blame Obama. Have fun in your bizarre paranoid world.

/concession speech over


Well-Known Member
Saying our president would be content to let veterans kill themselves is beyond idiotic and I'm embarrassed I even dignified with with a response. But hey, you probably also think he's a communist Muslim nazi that wants to kill all cops and force you to gay marry a Syrian refugee. Oh, and Truck Palin is innocent! New Twinkie defense; blame Obama. Have fun in your bizarre paranoid world.

/concession speech over

This is the post where you try to dig yourself out of a ditch by digging a parallel tunnel.


Engorged Member
Track had to join the Army to avoid going to prison for crimes he committed. He was screwed up before joining the Army. He's still screwed up.
But it's Obama's fault, so Sarah's spawn needn't worry about his responsibility.Like the rest of the family, he has problems with alcohol, and perhaps drug abuse, and impulse control. That's not PTSD.

Shhh. It's PTSD, not alcoholism and family dysfunction.


Well-Known Member
I got to give it to you newfie. You are the troll of trolls on this forum. You offer absolutely 0 facts, only deflection and insults. Keep up the good work King of trolls.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.

And how are our verterans treated????

How's that VA hospital system doing????

How many years has Obama had to do something........anything?????

Care to take back your attack post?????

Didn't see this last night. Our veterans are treated poorly, always have been. Not Obama's fault. I guess he runs every VA Hospital as well? How about Republicans blocking and hijacking veterans bills. Nothing Obama would do would be good enough for you because you seem to be full of hate.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Didn't see this last night. Our veterans are treated poorly, always have been. Not Obama's fault. I guess he runs every VA Hospital as well? How about Republicans blocking and hijacking veterans bills. Nothing Obama would do would be good enough for you because you seem to be full of hate.
Obama has been in office 7 years.

And what has he done to help our veterans?

Congress may fund the VA, but Obama is directly responsible for having it run correctly.

You can't keep blaming republicans when he had a super majority in congress his first 2 years and a split congress the next 2 years.

Face it, it is just not a priority to Obama.


Well-Known Member
Even Dr. Frankenstein (wait for it) did not like the monster he created.

Conservatives Against Trump

If one is looking for smaller gov't, something I admire and agree albeit my idea goes to the quantum level, no argument that Trump will not achieve those ends. But the other problem within so-called conservatism is the various means of tribalism and individual meddling it often asserts can't achieve those ends either without the means of a Big Gov't State, thus the contradiction of Political Conservatism and it's claimed goal of small gov't.