trump 2016


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Even Dr. Frankenstein (wait for it) did not like the monster he created.

Conservatives Against Trump

If one is looking for smaller gov't, something I admire and agree albeit my idea goes to the quantum level, no argument that Trump will not achieve those ends. But the other problem within so-called conservatism is the various means of tribalism and individual meddling it often asserts can't achieve those ends either without the means of a Big Gov't State, thus the contradiction of Political Conservatism and it's claimed goal of small gov't.
All day, I been seeing on TV, in the newspapers and online about how Trump is losing the conservatives at the last moment before the election.

This has all come from liberal media and a few establishment conservative groups.

They don't get it.

We don't listen to liberals and the conservative groups have mostly sold us out year after year, so we have given up on them.

Trump is winning Iowa.

He might run the board.

The liberals and establishment conservative groups are in a total panic.

Trump is even polling well with Democrats.

How do you beat that, in the General Election?


Well-Known Member
All day, I been seeing on TV, in the newspapers and online about how Trump is losing the conservatives at the last moment before the election.

This has all come from liberal media and a few establishment conservative groups.

They don't get it.

We don't listen to liberals and the conservative groups have mostly sold us out year after year, so we have given up on them.

Trump is winning Iowa.

He might run the board.

The liberals and establishment conservative groups are in a total panic.

Trump is even polling well with Democrats.

How do you beat that, in the General Election?

That all may be true but the link I posted came from National Review itself, a bastion of Conservative thought. Are you willing to now contend that the conservative cause and the liberal cause are joined at the hip on Trump? If so, what else are they joined at the hip on? And thus joined, if the GOP is conservative and the Democratic Party is liberal, thus the joined alliance owns both sides of the political outcome, how does voting for one not ultimately benefit the other?


Staff member
Palin Blames Obama for Her Defeat in 2008 Election
By Andy Borowitz

DES MOINES, Iowa (The Borowitz Report)—Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin continued to air her grievances against President Obama on Friday, telling an audience at a Trump rally in Iowa that Obama was “single-handedly to blame” for her defeat in the 2008 general election.

“Like a lot of American families, we Palins had big plans and dreams—in this case, regarding me becoming Vice-President,” she said. “But you know who had to go and ruin those plans and dreams? President Obama.”

Palin said that Obama insured her defeat in 2008 “just like he has defeated so many other great Americans,” and that her family had paid the price.

“I can’t help thinking that, if I had been elected Vice-President, Bristol and Willow wouldn’t have gotten into that drunken brawl and Track wouldn’t have threatened his girlfriend and whatnot,” she said. “Thanks, Obama.”

Trump, who appeared with Palin at the rally, stepped offstage after a few minutes, explaining to reporters that he could “only take that voice for so long.”


Well-Known Member
Didn't see this last night. Our veterans are treated poorly, always have been. Not Obama's fault. I guess he runs every VA Hospital as well? How about Republicans blocking and hijacking veterans bills. Nothing Obama would do would be good enough for you because you seem to be full of hate.

an alibi for the abuse of those who served this country?


Well-Known Member
That all may be true but the link I posted came from National Review itself, a bastion of Conservative thought. Are you willing to now contend that the conservative cause and the liberal cause are joined at the hip on Trump? If so, what else are they joined at the hip on? And thus joined, if the GOP is conservative and the Democratic Party is liberal, thus the joined alliance owns both sides of the political outcome, how does voting for one not ultimately benefit the other?

I understand your point but I'm not seeing any true conservative think tanks that are carrying any influence against Trump. trump seems to be rewriting the rules of the game as he goes.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
That all may be true but the link I posted came from National Review itself, a bastion of Conservative thought. Are you willing to now contend that the conservative cause and the liberal cause are joined at the hip on Trump? If so, what else are they joined at the hip on? And thus joined, if the GOP is conservative and the Democratic Party is liberal, thus the joined alliance owns both sides of the political outcome, how does voting for one not ultimately benefit the other?
They just don't get it.

It's not about the conservative insiders anymore.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Palin Blames Obama for Her Defeat in 2008 Election
By Andy Borowitz

DES MOINES, Iowa (The Borowitz Report)—Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin continued to air her grievances against President Obama on Friday, telling an audience at a Trump rally in Iowa that Obama was “single-handedly to blame” for her defeat in the 2008 general election.

“Like a lot of American families, we Palins had big plans and dreams—in this case, regarding me becoming Vice-President,” she said. “But you know who had to go and ruin those plans and dreams? President Obama.”

Palin said that Obama insured her defeat in 2008 “just like he has defeated so many other great Americans,” and that her family had paid the price.

“I can’t help thinking that, if I had been elected Vice-President, Bristol and Willow wouldn’t have gotten into that drunken brawl and Track wouldn’t have threatened his girlfriend and whatnot,” she said. “Thanks, Obama.”

Trump, who appeared with Palin at the rally, stepped offstage after a few minutes, explaining to reporters that he could “only take that voice for so long.”
What a liar you are.

Why resort to lying?

No true facts to back up your agenda?

Sucks to be you and on your side.


Well-Known Member
I understand your point but I'm not seeing any true conservative think tanks that are carrying any influence against Trump. trump seems to be rewriting the rules of the game as he goes.

There is a lot of truth in that and is also what makes Trump fascinating to watch among other things.


Well-Known Member
They just don't get it.

It's not about the conservative insiders anymore.

To some extent I don't disagree but your problem will be that those "conservative insiders" hold the positions of power through the GOP and thus they can and will dictate terms. Even the mouthpieces like a Limbaugh, Herman Cain, etc. will on the one hand bash the GOP but then like good gatekeepers, they force the potential revolters back in line to follow GOP commands.

Bernie Sanders is playing the same game for Hillary on the other side of the isle. His job is to gatekeep the far end of their party and herd them in line on election day. Both sides demand a loyalty oath by all candidates to the eventual nominee but lets watch what happens should Trump and/or Bernie win their respective day and thus make it to the election Superbowl.

This is why a Trump verses Sanders general election would be of benefit because the party players on both sides want nothing to do with either. Such an election would be interesting in watching the insiders on both sides of the isle to see what they do and how they react, regardless which one wins the election.


Well-Known Member
Palin Blames Obama for Her Defeat in 2008 Election
By Andy Borowitz

DES MOINES, Iowa (The Borowitz Report)—Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin continued to air her grievances against President Obama on Friday, telling an audience at a Trump rally in Iowa that Obama was “single-handedly to blame” for her defeat in the 2008 general election.

“Like a lot of American families, we Palins had big plans and dreams—in this case, regarding me becoming Vice-President,” she said. “But you know who had to go and ruin those plans and dreams? President Obama.”

Palin said that Obama insured her defeat in 2008 “just like he has defeated so many other great Americans,” and that her family had paid the price.

“I can’t help thinking that, if I had been elected Vice-President, Bristol and Willow wouldn’t have gotten into that drunken brawl and Track wouldn’t have threatened his girlfriend and whatnot,” she said. “Thanks, Obama.”

Trump, who appeared with Palin at the rally, stepped offstage after a few minutes, explaining to reporters that he could “only take that voice for so long.”

What a liar you are.

Why resort to lying?

No true facts to back up your agenda?

Sucks to be you and on your side.

RB1, always check the source. LOL!



Well-Known Member
Trump, who appeared with Palin at the rally, stepped offstage after a few minutes, explaining to reporters that he could “only take that voice for so long.”

Poor thing. What politicians must subject themselves too for the greater cause!

Does she offer the Donald a shot of leg for bigger considerations, with Todd's blessings of course?


Engorged Member
All day, I been seeing on TV, in the newspapers and online about how Trump is losing the conservatives at the last moment before the election.

This has all come from liberal media and a few establishment conservative groups.

They don't get it.

We don't listen to liberals and the conservative groups have mostly sold us out year after year, so we have given up on them.

Trump is winning Iowa.

He might run the board.

The liberals and establishment conservative groups are in a total panic.

Trump is even polling well with Democrats.

How do you beat that, in the General Election?

Trump is a creation of general disgust with our dysfunctional government (not just Obama), crappy jobs from the "job creators", and lots of low IQ Americans. Trump, ever the opportunist and self-promoter, simply runs with whatever resonates with the biggest audience.

Intelligent people find that kind of frightening. He just keeps feeding you morons what you crave, and you eat it up like the fools you are. An endorsement from Sarah Palin is simply the icing on a ridiculous cake that just keeps getting bigger and more vile with each passing day.

When does it explode in his face, or when does a disgusted "normal" Republican take him out "for the good of the country"?