trump 2016


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
The last paragraph is from the same source as the rest of the post.

It's still a lie.

There is a camera on Trump every second he is in public.

Wouldn't be too hard to find a clip of Trump saying those words about Palin, if it were true.

But it's not, so it is a lie, and Jones is a liar for posting false stories.


Well-Known Member

It's still a lie.

There is a camera on Trump every second he is in public.

Wouldn't be too hard to find a clip of Trump saying those words about Palin, if it were true.

But it's not, so it is a lie, and Jones is a liar for posting false stories.

Guy, it's SATIRE.

Do you understand what that is?

You'll never find Trump saying those words because he never really did, it's SATIRE.

You are on a very rigid portion of the spectrum!


Well-Known Member
Guy, it's SATIRE.

Do you understand what that is?

You'll never find Trump saying those words because he never really did, it's SATIRE.

You are on a very rigid portion of the spectrum!

Sporty all but laid it out on a silver platter for him and he still missed it.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Guy, it's SATIRE.

Do you understand what that is?

You'll never find Trump saying those words because he never really did, it's SATIRE.

You are on a very rigid portion of the spectrum!
I understood it to be satire until the very last paragraph.

That paragraph hit below the belt and turned it from satire, to a hit piece on Palin and Trump.

Satire is suppose to be funny because it true, this was disgusting because it was a lying hit piece.

And and top of all that, Jones edits my original response.

Nothing like hitting below the belt and playing with other peoples posts.

Jones just can win unless he lies and cheats.

And even then, he just not that good àt it.


Well-Known Member

(Thanks Jones)...

I wonder if RB thinks More is a liar...all those liar-y cartoons with those things that Obama never actually said.

Maybe satire is in the eye of the beholder...



Well-Known Member