What did he actually accomplish? A tax cut where 84% of the tax savings went to the wealthiest 1% with the revenue loss made up courtesy of the largest federal borrowing ever? An effort to overturn the ACA which made affordable health insurance available for 20 million low income Americans and providing hospitals with a way to survive. Oh, and don't forget "repeal and replace with something better" So where's the replacement? We've waited 4 years for that. THERE NEVER WAS ONE ! He wanted to eliminate FICA If successful the Social Security Fund would have been permanently depleted in 3 years. He backed the effort to replace Medicare with $7700 replacement voucher. There isn't an insurance company in the world that would write a 70 year old person a health insurance policy for $650 a month nada! And North Korea. Kim played him like a fiddle. He wanted to become a well known global political figure and he used Trump to get it for him . So tell me more about all the great things he's done. Oh and China. Phase one of a new trade deal might have been signed but never enforced. Bails out of the Parris Accord Quits the multi nation Iran nuclear deal. Abandons the WHO yet COVID is out of control . A disease that he plainly stated would be gone in a week. Please tell me more, tell me more while I finish my Clorox enema.