
Well-Known Member
You're part of the group that brags about it's compliance with law and order. Yet one of the most basic components of law and order is the burden of proof. Yet, after failing to meet the burden of proof 60 times that's right 60 times it took up arms and attempted to overthrow the government and replace the judgement of the American people with their own. .
there was a legal protest taking place outside and a constitutional process taking place inside. Nothing got burned, no buildings or streets taken over. whine away


Strength through joy
Chanting death to Mike Pence while beating police officers and killing one is your idea of a peaceful protest?
Until a full autopsy is released, one can not make the claim that an officer was killed.
The story of him returning to an office and then collapsing suggests that he had an underlining medical condition.


Well-Known Member
So now you care about the violence, after being complicit in the BLM riots all summer....
I am not a member of BLM and by asserting that I am a member without evidence to support it is entirely in keeping with you're constant use of the issue of race to back your positions.


Well-Known Member
Until a full autopsy is released, one can not make the claim that an officer was killed.
The story of him returning to an office and then collapsing suggests that he had an underlining medical condition.
His body was released yesterday by the medical examiner to the funeral home. HIs final report will determine if the officer's cause of death was due to blunt force trauma.


Strength through joy
One last thing Trump could do before leaving would be to declassify everything.

Release the files so the American public is educated on how our government was used as a political weapon in a Presidential campaign.

Let's hear about all the Congressional members who were harassing their staff, the Durham Report, all of Hunter Biden's files, all of the Clinton files, and don't forget the FBI.
I want to know where they are getting the information about planned attacks this weekend.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
So now you care about the violence, after being complicit in the BLM riots all summer....
BLM Riots vs Capital Assault.jpg

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Until a full autopsy is released, one can not make the claim that an officer was killed.
The story of him returning to an office and then collapsing suggests that he had an underlining medical condition.
The doctor's told his father he had a blood clot on the brain and even if he lived, he would be a vegetable.


Inordinately Right
I am not a member of BLM and by asserting that I am a member without evidence to support it is entirely in keeping with you're constant use of the issue of race to back your positions.
I never said you were a member.
You knew that though, and your response is entirely in keeping with your constant shuckin' and jivin'.

Carry on.


Strength through joy
And how did that blood clot form. Was it due to blunt force trauma?
There are many ways for a blood clot to form, trauma is but one.
Being overweight, smoking, sitting for long periods of time, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), having CoVID-19, having to much iron in your blood, having bad bone marrow, and/or having inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Family history can also be a factor.


Well-Known Member
There are many ways for a blood clot to form, trauma is but one.
Being overweight, smoking, sitting for long periods of time, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), having CoVID-19, having to much iron in your blood, having bad bone marrow, and/or having inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Family history can also be a factor.
And if his skull is fractured what are you going to try to tell me? Everybody in the family has soft skulls that can be easily fractured? If he had the health issues you claim he might have had how could he have passed the department physical?


Well-Known Member
You're part of the group that brags about it's compliance with law and order. Yet one of the most basic components of law and order is the burden of proof. Yet, after failing to meet the burden of proof 60 times that's right 60 times it took up arms and attempted to overthrow the government and replace the judgement of the American people with their own. .
If you comply with law and order you don't need the burden of proof on anything. Why do you continue to defend the lawlessness of last summer?


Well-Known Member
If you comply with law and order you don't need the burden of proof on anything. Why do you continue to defend the lawlessness of last summer?
And why do you keep try to equate last summer's riots with an armed attempt to overthrow the US government? It's undeniable what they tried to do and they're boarding up state capital buildings and ramping up security at state capitals even literally boarding up the sate capital building in Lansing . And in a news conference a moment ago FBI said that the bombs placed at DNC and RNC headquarters were in fact live devices and to be prepared for more arrests and more bad news as the investigation unfolds.

So my question to you is if they had succeeded what type of government did you want to see installed and what guarantees would you offer that civil liberties would continue to be maintained in their current form and level? Don't need burden of proof huh? Ok let's say that tools in my mini barn went among the missing perhaps I simply lost them yet I accuse you of stealing them take you in front of a judge accuse you of stealing purely on the basis of my claim that you stole them nothing more. What you're saying is that the judge should convict you purely on the basis of my claims. That's exactly what you're saying. This is exactly what Guiliani is doing. Seeking to overturn a national presidential election purely on the basis of his claims. You can only cry wolf for so long and in front only so many judges and in Rudy's case he ran out of them until nobody is going to pay attention to you anymore.


Well-Known Member
And why do you keep try to equate last summer's riots with an armed attempt to overthrow the US government? It's undeniable what they tried to do and they're boarding up state capital buildings and ramping up security at state capitals even literally boarding up the sate capital building in Lansing . And in a news conference a moment ago FBI said that the bombs placed at DNC and RNC headquarters were in fact live devices and to be prepared for more arrests and more bad news as the investigation unfolds.

So my question to you is if they had succeeded what type of government did you want to see installed and what guarantees would you offer that civil liberties would continue to be maintained in their current form and level? Don't need burden of proof huh? Ok let's say that tools in my mini barn went among the missing perhaps I simply lost them yet I accuse you of stealing them take you in front of a judge accuse you of stealing purely on the basis of my claim that you stole them nothing more. What you're saying is that the judge should convict you purely on the basis of my claims. That's exactly what you're saying. This is exactly what Guiliani is doing. Seeking to overturn a national presidential election purely on the basis of his claims. You can only cry wolf for so long and in front only so many judges and in Rudy's case he ran out of them until nobody is going to pay attention to you anymore.
You seem to be under the assumption that a country of 330 million people can just be taken over by a few hundred idiots. "We're in charge now! You must kowtow to us!" That's just silly. In spite of the tragic loss of life what happened last Wednesday wasn't nearly as bad as last summer's riots. And since you're concerned about an overthrow of government why do you think those riots were allowed to continue last summer? Because Dems thought it would hurt Trump's chances. Think about that. People were getting hurt, killed. People's livelihoods were going up in smoke. Yet they looked the other way. You're always talking about nursing homes. Cuomo put Covid patients into nursing homes resulting in thousands of deaths. Yet he had two hospitals the Feds provided he refused to use. Why? Can't give Trump a win. Trump Derangement Syndrome manifests itself in many ways. The only thing that I'm glad about with Trump leaving is now the Dems have to govern. Good for them if they can pull it off but I doubt they'll be able to resist trying the social engineering they've been touting. If it works, great. Have my doubts and they may get spanked in the midterms. And expect Republican controlled state legislatures to tighten up election rules to prevent even a suggestion of fraud by anyone no matter the party. Worked in Florida.


Inordinately Right
So my question to you is if they had succeeded what type of government did you want to see installed and what guarantees would you offer that civil liberties would continue to be maintained in their current form and level?
In your mind, what would them "succeeding" look like? The rioters did in fact get in. They didn't do anything other than make a mess, take selfies, and then leave on their own.

I mean really, if you think breaking into a building means you've overthrown the government, then you have a really childish worldview.