Trump Shot!


Well-Known Member
Sometimes low tech works. Sometimes complacency helps it work.
I’m certainly open to that having a possibility here. It’s troubling that no one has been fired or seems to be being held accountable so far. And even the official. story from the authorities has holes in it and has changed a lot.

It’s a lot harder to lie or cover up then to tell the truth because you have to remember what you lied about and everyone has to be on board.

Needs to be independently investigated

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
In politics, you can be sure nothing is an accident. It’s always planned.

The idea that we shouldn’t investigate or consider the complete failure or Worse is laughable for anyone to say.

Doing something like this would’ve taken some sort of planning or knowledge and I’m expected to believe a 20 year old kid could do that on his own and get away with it?
Somehow, this kid knew this building would be unsecured, knew that he could get on top of the roof, knew he would have an open shot to Donald Trump. Knew he would need a ladder. Knew that he could just walk on this property armed and nothing would happen to him and little would be said to him?

I’m sorry these are not normal things for 20 to some sort of information from others.

It seems more far-fetched that this was just a bunch of random events and mistakes all at once.

Yep, it must’ve been that gun club training
Or the whole thing was staged by the trump campaign.

Aren't you supposed to be a military veteran who knows how guns and bullets work?


Well-Known Member
Aren't you supposed to be a military veteran who knows how guns and bullets work?
Not to mention if the Trump campaign set it up, and there was even a hint of something like that the Biden administration would jumping all over investigating that as much as they could. They need all the help they can get.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if maga would be mad if Bidens response to the trump shooting was “It’s just horrible, so surprising to see it here. But have to get over it, we have to move forward,”

Like trump said after a school shooting, or would that be insensitive?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Or the whole thing was staged by the trump campaign.
Aren't you supposed to be a military veteran who knows how guns and bullets work?
Not to mention if the Trump campaign set it up, and there was even a hint of something like that the Biden administration would jumping all over investigating that as much as they could. They need all the help they can get.

@PT Car Washer just seems to be making the same kind of argument that someone who asks why the police couldn't have shot a gun out someone's hand would. Such a person might also think Trump's own campaign purposefully sent a bullet from an AR15 through Trump's ear to place blame on the left while also keeping him alive.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if maga would be mad if Bidens response to the trump shooting was “It’s just horrible, so surprising to see it here. But have to get over it, we have to move forward,”

Like trump said after a school shooting, or would that be insensitive?
Everyone has to get over it. That’s how life works, but doesn’t mean you don’t investigate.


Well-Known Member
Aren't you supposed to be a military veteran who knows how guns and bullets work?
@PT Car Washer



In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Or the whole thing was staged by the trump campaign.

I just loss all respect for you...We both have been through the mill working for UPS for over 45 years. I tried to help you with the Company and the Union knifed you in the back for your lack of pension increases. Now I can see why you remained part time during your soon to end (career) at UPS. Face reality, you can not be that stupid..(IT WAS NOT STAGED) period...

I can't believe not fall for the :bsbullf: