Trump VP pick


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You think someone practicing Christianity in a country that's overwhelmingly another religion is a hypocrite? Do you have any idea how many people have been killed for their Christian faith in a lot of these countries? How many missionaries have died in them? Did you know there are about 1 million members of the Church of Christ in India?
My hypo crits comment was in jest.
Cow crits just didn't sound right.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Ummm sir he is we all know this. We gloss it over with the other stuff passed off as eccentrics. But we all have implicit bias it is human. The biggest difference is the power to project and enforce. (HS debate flasback) Note: the class those gentlemen are labeled with is “get in our line and we will allow you to have a pulse”.
Did you go to the same school as rickyb? Your eloquence is on par.