I went through this when my husband was shot when someone broke into home. It was very frustrating dealing with UPS and all they different ins and outs. I am still trying to get our medical coverage reinstated and it’s been a year. I have contacted Central States, Human Resources, Union hall and etc.... My attorney had to help me get life insurance, accidental death insurance. I had to provide death certificate, marriage certificate, drivers license. Our medical coverage was cut off cause of out- of -network claims which UPS sent him up for and he went on their advisement or he wouldn’t have gone to that facility. Central States says its out of network and persons from UPS says it wasn’t. Filed 1 apparel and nothing. Anyone know how to help get my families coverage back. He worked there over 20 yrs. Back to your situation I’m not sure. Try contacting Central States Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. CST1-800-323-5000 and this number 1-404- 828-1001 and