We had a group of unloaders go to Seattle at the end of Jan (27-29). Turns out, there was a super cluster event that day. They brought it back to our building. People who normally never called out were suddenly gone for 4-8+ weeks. One driver got sick and started burning vacation... 10 weeks ago. He's still not well. I don't think he's coming back. Not in any type of driving capacity, he said.
I had it (antibody test confirmed) around the same time. Never been so sick in my life. I would get better and it would come in waves; be gone, then 18 hours later fluid filled lungs and fever. It ravaged my body like this a few times, spread out a few weeks apart. We stayed in quarantine for the duration +2 weeks.
My legs still hurt, and other weird places still hurt. I feel like my skin had some hot-dog in a microwave effect but turns out it's the muscles. So now the back of my legs on the sides hurts all the time for no reason. My renal system is shot. My blood pressure has been up and down since I got sick and I've been experiencing tachycardia for the first time in 25 years. My muscles will ache like I worked out but when I exercise I feel so out of shape, and fatigued, despite being incredibly athletic. I ran out of steam biking 2 miles the other day and I bike up and down the west coast. Well, used to, I guess.
And it's other weird

too. Like the way things smell, and smell memory. I've eaten oatmeal the past 20 years but this is the first time it tasted like that one morning before school in 4th grade. Or someone lights a Bic and I get a sensation of when I first smelled butane camping when I was 6 - complete with the smell of hot metal, charcoal, the wood, the pines and humidity that day. But I can't hold it under my nose and *actually* smell it? What the

? Oh right sometimes I can smell it, but I'll never know if it's "real" or the smell or a memory I forgot 30 years ago. This makes zero

ing sense! And none of it coincides with anything or has anything to do with one another and it doesn't happen more or less frequently at certain times. It just casually washes over me in waves. I don't even know if I am smelling things that truly exist, sometimes.
Or say, a type of perfume will waft by and I'll catch the scent of an ingredient and get flashbacks to that smell, but fail to grasp the smell as a whole group. You might smell the pretty lady's perfume but I smell a sandbox and some frisbees.
And it's all other sorts of weird stuff this virus does to you that makes it so terrifying. I will get so hungry and will make good food and sit down to eat it, and just wanna cry because my stomach hurts from hunger and I wanna eat but my body just won't let food stay in me. My bones hurt. I'm tired of the fatigue cycles and interrupted sleep and soreness in places that shouldn't be sore, or I'll start feeling kinda

ty for a few days and suddenly my blood boils again and everything hurts.
There's no doubt that super cluster event infected our entire building. There have been deaths in people's immediate families. Covid has been making the rounds here for over 3 months.