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Those things would perhaps make the job "less skillful" if they were ever executed properly.Larger area, more deliveries, more pickups, more hours. I'm failing to see where you're disproving the point about it becoming less skillful. I've only been a FT driver for 17 years, but with EDD and PAL labels, it's become less skillful.
Want to prove my point, turn off EDD one day and you'll see what drivers started before and after EDD by the looks on their faces.
Instead, the Company instantly expects more in return, bastardizing the whole concept.
All I ever see is them trying to do is stuff 6 lbs of crap into a 5 lb sack, while complaining when they get some on their shoes.
In the wake of these so-called enhancements, that supposedly make the job "less skillful", there have been many new service levels and requirements like OCA, SADAR accounts, inside delivery, smart pickups, My Choice delivery options, etc.....
......ORION, which in many cases completely negates the PAS and EDD advantages....
.....all the while with our loads becoming inundated with irregs and bulk, while the smalls go to the Post Office.
I have been with the Company for 31 years and driving for 24, and in my opinion, it's been a push at best and a downward spiral of late.
Along with driving a large straight truck safely in an ever shrinking world, our biggest "skill sets" required to do this job are still patience, organization, and fortitude, none of which has been significantly removed by these so-called enhancements.
If any of these technologies were introduced while keeping the workload the same, you may have had a valid point, but that isn't how it goes.
I think you need to give us and yourself more credit.
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