Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Foster Ave more members fired under Tony D in 2009 , then fired under Dave O and Anthony C in 2010...... THATS A FACT......... And not that it matters how many members get fired to judge if someone is a good BA , but NOT 1 drivers has been fired in 2011 under Anthony C , thou its not the BA fault if guys don't do there jobs. I talk to many stewards in Foster and trust me they are very happy that Anthony C is the BA. Reasons being that he knows his stuff and understands 100% what drivers do but what I hear the most is that he backs his stewards 100% even the stewards that back Tony D and they respect him for that. When Anthony C first got here I asked Tony D about him and Tony D told me "he's a smart guy that knows his stuff , he's alright but to bad he will only be doing it for 2 years until I get back in the hall" so stop with your BS know one cares........

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Foster Ave more members fired under Tony D in 2009 , then fired under Dave O and Anthony C in 2010...... THATS A FACT......... And not that it matters how many members get fired to judge if someone is a good BA , but NOT 1 drivers has been fired in 2011 under Anthony C , thou its not the BA fault if guys don't do there jobs. I talk to many stewards in Foster and trust me they are very happy that Anthony C is the BA. Reasons being that he knows his stuff and understands 100% what drivers do but what I hear the most is that he backs his stewards 100% even the stewards that back Tony D and they respect him for that. When Anthony C first got here I asked Tony D about him and Tony D told me "he's a smart guy that knows his stuff , he's alright but to bad he will only be doing it for 2 years until I get back in the hall" so stop with your BS know one cares........
I truly understand how you must feel threatened by Tony D. I would be worried if I were you also!!! Everyone in Foster knows how you feel green jacket man!!!! But guess what? We don't care what you think!!!:happy-very: Go take another pill!!!


Well-Known Member
I heard 2000 members showed up. LOL!! Grow up, how many rallies did Howie and the boys ever have?? When they gave out shirts it was at election time to buy votes. Why do the Fat Cat and the rallies bug you so much. It is the union, rallying the troops for a good cause. It wakes up some of the comatose members and energizes members who have been begging for something like this for years. Get over it!!
Hey brownie they don't even have 2000 people in that building. Your a bunch of liars. Just dont lie. it is what it is. Your whole campaign was a lie


Well-Known Member
If anyone has used the new med. plan you know the level of benefits is no where near what it was. From copays todeductibles the member and retiree are the ones fixing the plan by paying more out of pocket. SOMETHING ROW A REFUSED TO LET HAPPEN. I remember during the election Row B was telling everyone that UPS should pay for the increase cost of the benefits. Remember when row a raised the deductible 5 bucks row b went crazy. Row b was also saying if they raise the retiree cost that would be nothing but a back door pension cut BUT THAT IS WHAT ROW B DID, THEY RAISED THE RETIREE COVERAGE TWICE THE AMOUNT. If anyone needs a reminder click on the link below to see what row b had to say.
Now I will wait for all the kool aid drinkers to start saying row a had a plan and they were going to do the same thing after they were elected. BS ask the big guy to see the min. from the row a e-board meetings, yes there was a proposed plan but it was voted down by the the e-board THEY REFUSED TO LET THE MEMBERS PAY. UPS got from Row b in 6 MONTHS what they never COULD get from row a in 12 years.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I meant to say 2,000,000 people. LOL!! Get it yet??

Tell your E board to go to Plan B. Even the News media isn't following you guys any more.... you guys said they would be at Foster, but did not show up... What a Joke....

Quote from News 12, even they now know you guys are a bunch clowns....

"In response to teamster protests of excessive overtime demands across the nation today, shipping giant UPS has issued a statement, saying that many Americans would welcome a job that pays them well and affords the opportunity for overtime pay. "

"UPS representatives responded to the protests, saying that their drivers are the highest paid in the industry, earning between $75,000 to $80,000 annually, plus full benefits and pension, and that overtime is a component of the job. "

Do the job we elected you for, it is very obvious you dont know how.... protect the members inside not from out.

Keeping singing and dancing outside the buildings, while we all get fired....
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Well-Known Member
Have them contact HR and hire them PT for a few years and they will have the shot to be a driver also. Under the current contract there is a ratio used so that pt-ers have a shot to go ft before people are hired off the street. good luck to them.


Well-Known Member
Have them contact HR and hire them PT for a few years and they will have the shot to be a driver also. Under the current contract there is a ratio used so that pt-ers have a shot to go ft before people are hired off the street. good luck to them.

What your really saying is, good luck to the part timers I see, if they dont get fired before they get a chance to go full time with our incompetent E board


Well-Known Member
"UPS representatives responded to the protests, saying that their drivers are the highest paid in the industry, earning between $75,000 to $80,000 annually, plus full benefits and pension, and that overtime is a component of the job. "

So because drivers make between $75,000 to $80,000 annually , plus full benefits and pension, and that overtime is a component of the job. Drivers should not worry about their own safety nor the publics , just keep working. Just like a UPS management person , we all know who you are............


Well-Known Member
"UPS representatives responded to the protests, saying that their drivers are the highest paid in the industry, earning between $75,000 to $80,000 annually, plus full benefits and pension, and that overtime is a component of the job. "

So because drivers make between $75,000 to $80,000 annually , plus full benefits and pension, and that overtime is a component of the job. Drivers should not worry about their own safety nor the publics , just keep working. Just like a UPS management person , we all know who you are............

Brown that was smart of you changing your screen name.

If our E board was so worried about the drivers safety, they would be inside our building doing more, instead of outside singing and dancing. You think by acting like a circus outside is going to get the public to be on your side fool, there are over 10 million people out of work right now, that would work 20 hrs a day if they had the chance.

Its obvious that our incompetent E board is very weak and fear management. They give in to every UPS demand, so the only way to avoid them is by hiding outside and pretend they are still in power.


Well-Known Member
So because drivers make between $75,000 to $80,000 annually , plus full benefits and pension, and that overtime is a component of the job. Drivers should not worry about their own safety nor the publics , just keep working??????

You duck every question and spin it your way. JUST ANSWER THE Q............

"there are over 10 million people out of work right now, that would work 20 hrs a day if they had the chance." as the said , so thats makes it OK ??????

Had enough

Well-Known Member
If anyone has used the new med. plan you know the level of benefits is no where near what it was. From copays todeductibles the member and retiree are the ones fixing the plan by paying more out of pocket. SOMETHING ROW A REFUSED TO LET HAPPEN. I remember during the election Row B was telling everyone that UPS should pay for the increase cost of the benefits. Remember when row a raised the deductible 5 bucks row b went crazy. Row b was also saying if they raise the retiree cost that would be nothing but a back door pension cut BUT THAT IS WHAT ROW B DID, THEY RAISED THE RETIREE COVERAGE TWICE THE AMOUNT. If anyone needs a reminder click on the link below to see what row b had to say.
Now I will wait for all the kool aid drinkers to start saying row a had a plan and they were going to do the same thing after they were elected. BS ask the big guy to see the min. from the row a e-board meetings, yes there was a proposed plan but it was voted down by the the e-board THEY REFUSED TO LET THE MEMBERS PAY. UPS got from Row b in 6 MONTHS what they never COULD get from row a in 12 years.
They are a bunch of liars and everyone is paying the price now! :angry: They still will blame Row A for every Dam thing. Like you said they have friend*ed up more in a year and a half then all the years the old board was in!


Well-Known Member
Tell your E board to go to Plan B. Even the News media isn't following you guys any more.... you guys said they would be at Foster, but did not show up... What a Joke....

Quote from News 12, even they now know you guys are a bunch clowns....

"In response to teamster protests of excessive overtime demands across the nation today, shipping giant UPS has issued a statement, saying that many Americans would welcome a job that pays them well and affords the opportunity for overtime pay. "

"UPS representatives responded to the protests, saying that their drivers are the highest paid in the industry, earning between $75,000 to $80,000 annually, plus full benefits and pension, and that overtime is a component of the job. "

Do the job we elected you for, it is very obvious you dont know how.... protect the members inside not from out.

Keeping singing and dancing outside the buildings, while we all get fired....

Listen pal, this E board IS plan B!! Row A destroyed this union and its finances. They made deals and sold out the membership long ago. They failed us and we went to plan B. That was voting for Row B!!
You say they should go inside instead of singing and dancing outside. Well this board does stand with the membership inside and out. They rally the troops, they hand out information. Then they go inside and represent the members. Row A just stayed inside, talking behind closed doors, making deals. They became too comfortable with management, some even hung out with some of them.
The membership wants its leaders that dont sell them out and hits back at UPS, by any means necessary. If that means the Fat Cat and a rally or a business agent that delays the workforce until he thinks his members are safe , then so be it!! That is "plan B" and the members have been waiting for a very long time to see this happen!!
Of course people like yourself hate this from happening. An energized membership has always been a threat to you guys. And this membership is getting energized. Just in time because by next year we will be mobilizing for a new contract. This board we have now will not sell us out like Howie and the boys did. Like Tim says: Save your money!!


Well-Known Member

They are a bunch of liars and everyone is paying the price now! :angry: They still will blame Row A for every Dam thing. Like you said they have friend*ed up more in a year and a half then all the years the old board was in!

Howie and the girls got us nothing in the last 2 contracts absolutely nothing , our members voted for this E Board because of our contract. We will get a great supplemental language under this board. Tony D , Angelo and John FAILED our members twice no one wants them in to do it a third time.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Brown that was smart of you changing your screen name.

If our E board was so worried about the drivers safety, they would be inside our building doing more, instead of outside singing and dancing. You think by acting like a circus outside is going to get the public to be on your side fool, there are over 10 million people out of work right now, that would work 20 hrs a day if they had the chance.

Its obvious that our incompetent E board is very weak and fear management. They give in to every UPS demand, so the only way to avoid them is by hiding outside and pretend they are still in power.
Yea! With the handful behind them!!! Meanwhile while your busting your @$$ they are playing with Blow up dolls! AND BROWNIE!!! IT BOTHERS THE $H*T OUT OF ME THAT THEY ARE OUTSIDE WHILE MEN ARE BEING FIRED INSIDE!!!:sick:


Well-Known Member
So because drivers make between $75,000 to $80,000 annually , plus full benefits and pension, and that overtime is a component of the job. Drivers should not worry about their own safety nor the publics , just keep working??????

You duck every question and spin it your way. JUST ANSWER THE Q............

"there are over 10 million people out of work right now, that would work 20 hrs a day if they had the chance." as the said , so thats makes it OK ??????

Fool, its your E board that is ducking the membership...

Every driver worries about there safety and the public, its the E board job to protect the members, why else do we need them for. But there to busy outside singing and dancing.

You keep saying Drivers, drivers this, drivers that, its about our E Board. I never before heard of anyone getting fired or threatened to be fired because of a safety issue, only under Tim and Co. has this been an issue and a problem. They dont know how to protect us, so I will say it again, Its obvious that our incompetent E board is very weak and fear management. They give in to every UPS demand, so the only way to avoid them is by hiding outside and pretend they are still in power.


Well-Known Member
Howie and the girls got us nothing in the last 2 contracts absolutely nothing , our members voted for this E Board because of our contract. We will get a great supplemental language under this board. Tony D , Angelo and John FAILED our members twice no one wants them in to do it a third time.

Your 100% right EYES , our members voted for Row B because we were all getting scr&wed the last couple of contracts. And now we finally have an E Board thats not going to kiss Hoffa @ss. We will get a better contract under this board. No one believes that Tony D , Angelo or John can get us anything better , their record speaks for it selfs they are losers and always will be.


Well-Known Member
Brown that was smart of you changing your screen name.

If our E board was so worried about the drivers safety, they would be inside our building doing more, instead of outside singing and dancing. You think by acting like a circus outside is going to get the public to be on your side fool, there are over 10 million people out of work right now, that would work 20 hrs a day if they had the chance.

Its obvious that our incompetent E board is very weak and fear management. They give in to every UPS demand, so the only way to avoid them is by hiding outside and pretend they are still in power.

Hey genius, did you notice that both "eyes" and myself are both on at the same time??? Hmmm??? But how can that be?? Oops!! LOL And now Aces!! LOL