Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
They infomed us on the health fund: Tim said it is running surpluses again and that he proposed to management to change the current emergency room policy.

If the fund is running a surplus you can thank the members and retirees because they are paying the price!
UPS is not putting in more money!

Incredible, you question the surpluses, etc but not one of you got up to question any of it!! The surpluses are there because they changed over to Blue Cross/Blue Shield. We should be celebrating this news. The emergency room abuses have probably stopped. The members are finally acting responsible and not going to the emergency room for flu shots and cases of diarrhea. Are the retirees paying more?? Yes. Are we paying more for copays and drugs, etc?? Yes. But if those needed changes were not make, our plan would be in deficit as of this June!!! Ok, we had to suck it up a bit but the plan is good for a few years until they negotiate with UPS again in 2013. Your boys in 2007 did not negotiate enough $$ for the health fund.This problem Row B had to deal with was handed to them by Howie and co!! You could blame the sad boys sitting in the back of the membership meeting for all this!!


Well-Known Member
That meeting was very quite yesturday because they had about 150 people at their meeting and 125 were their last supportors. No one is going anymore because the don't give a $h*t about them. Let them finish thier run and its over for them. I said from the very beginning they did not know how to negotate the medical. They only
screwed the members. UPS should of put more money into the medical. You are right on Target!!!

"They had about 150 people at their meeting" LOL!! First off, about 300 members showed up Sunday. Second, where were all the loud, Ill-say-my-piece-and-walk-out crew that showed up at the last union meeting in the city?? Maybe they have given up on Tony D and co too. They know that was their last and final chance. Maybe they were there clapping and cheering for the new board!! Maybe they "had enough" of Row A (aka Row C) nonsense.

So you think UPS can just "put more money into the medical" . LOL!! Now who is naive!!


Well-Known Member
Your boys in 2007 did not negotiate enough $$ for the health fund.

You keep pointing fingers, why didnt you blame them at the meeting, if you were even there. Didnt I hear the E Board say it was the Market that caused our funds to take a hit, along with everyone else's fund at the time. Why didn't you tell Pete at the mic he was lying and you are not.


Well-Known Member
Just Shut Up, we have Had Enough of all your lies!!!![/QUOTE]No I will not shut up especially today I opened up a Medical Bill for $325.00 So who is the ******* lier!!!! I will have it scanned and posted to shove it up your @$$!!! Nice way to start my vacation!!!

I think Local 804's point was you had your opportunity to speak up and be heard but you said nothing!! And now you come back on here where it is safe and no one knows who you are, and accuse people on the board of lying!! Incredible!!


Well-Known Member
First off, about 300 members showed up Sunday. Second, where were all the loud

You must be seeing double, have your eyes checked. There were way less that 300 at the meeting. More like 150 The whole back section was empty and no one was standing. 85 % were guys Tim promised a job at the hall if they get fired if they attended the meeting. Tim had to show he was in control at this meeting and needed support desperatly.


Well-Known Member
Here you go lying again, You own E Board, told all the members at the meeting straight from ash tray mouth Pete, that because of the stock market crash our fund took a heavy hit, the loses in the stock market put our fund about 57% funded at that time. Pete also said almost everyone and every pension plan took a hit. It's only getting better because of some of the government relief programs for the pension plan.

Now you were the quite little boy who didnt go to the mic and say the fund took the hit because of the old board members. You guys are a bunch of clowns. You shouldnt have been afraid to get up to the mic and talk because you had about 6 cop cars and about 10 cops about 50 feet away.... you had your chance but you kept quiet because you lie....

Now that I think about, when Tim campaigned he said our fund was funded under 50% . Another campaign lie exposed.

What lies, at one point the pension fund was below 50% !! And now it is about 70%. What you annoyed that the pension is improving under the new boards direction?? A little jealous??

On why some of us didnt get up to the mic, well think about it. It wasnt us coming on to this forum and mouthing off nonsense and accusations!! It was you Row A guys who needed to walk the walk. I guess Tim outsmarted you all!!


Well-Known Member
You guys lie one after the other, I was there the whole meeting and another proven lie by you.... You are the guys on brown crying all the time and pointing fingers, and blaming everyone, but not one of you clowns got up to the mic and told the E board what you have been crying about and who you think should be at blame. Like I said, you had half the police force there to protect you and you still didn't say anything on the mic. Perhaps its because they are only lies you can post on brown for your own selfishness.

We didnt get up because we know who is the blame for the health and welfare mess!! Everyone at the meeting (minus about 12 people) know that the old board knew they didnt negotiate enough $$ and they refused to tell us that they diverted $$ into the pension from health and welfare. They knew it was going broke and again did nothing. They planned on waiting until after the election like they did with the pension fund in 2006!! What a disgrace!! Never again!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
We didnt get up because we know who is the blame for the health and welfare mess!! Everyone at the meeting (minus about 12 people) know that the old board knew they didnt negotiate enough $$ and they refused to tell us that they diverted $$ into the pension from health and welfare. They knew it was going broke and again did nothing. They planned on waiting until after the election like they did with the pension fund in 2006!! What a disgrace!! Never again!!
Good maybe then you will retire! Opps maybe not because the E-board may it impossible!:wink2:


Well-Known Member
You keep pointing fingers, why didnt you blame them at the meeting, if you were even there. Didnt I hear the E Board say it was the Market that caused our funds to take a hit, along with everyone else's fund at the time. Why didn't you tell Pete at the mic he was lying and you are not.

You are getting confused. Pete spoke about the pension fund. He was right, most pension funds took a hit.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Why then do you mention him in almost every post... I think you may need some therapy, try this place at http://www.therapy-nyc.com/rxgallery2.html
348 WEST 52nd STREET
PHONE 212.397.1700

I'm sure you can find someone else to think about there...
You see Mistake everyone know how Vinny Feels about Tony d. that is why I think Brown is the same. I have never seen such an obsession with a person before.


Well-Known Member
You are getting confused. Pete spoke about the pension fund. He was right, most pension funds took a hit.

Health funds sitting in reserves could not get invested or could not make more money in there accounts which also caused them to take a hit.. Didn't you hear Tim say at the meeting that some of the health funds that are in reserve now are making money because the economy is better but doesnt know what the future will do to the fund. So that means both funds were affected by the downfall, not just the Pension fund...
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Well-Known Member
What lies, at one point the pension fund was below 50% !! And now it is about 70%. What you annoyed that the pension is improving under the new boards direction?? A little jealous??

So your saying the fund was below 50% at one point, and Pete said at the meeting it was 57% in Jan of 2010 - so that prove's it was improving and heading up with or without the clowns in office now.

Cant wait to see this next deal they make with the company... I bet our co-pays go up again
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