Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
First off he made the deal with Bill B on a friday to start monday Bill B was on Vacation the week he went back driving also it wasnt even the union that stopped him it was labor manager Dan D who found out from Frankie that told the clerk he had to go back..after he told Daly on Tuesday he called the hall and told Tim..The clerks got mad at Frankie because they didn't want any one to know , just let him slip in.

Keep blaming others, just like the E Board...... Tim knew about it, you can keep changing your story with each post, but I will stick to mine, Tim agreed with management to allow a clerk to go back to driving, a direct lie to what he said today at the meeting.


Well-Known Member
To all participants of this thread,
Why is there such anger and hatred spewed in this discussion?
I thought you guys were on the same team. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
Some of you are in direct violation of Article 37 of the contract.
Section 1 states that employees ar to treat each other with dignity and respect.
What type of example are you setting by treating each other this way?
Leaders are supposed to lead by example!
This behavior is not good for the union way!

You are correct the problem here is that since our old E board was voted out fair and square and some have gone back to work for UPS they have done nothing to help our members only try to undermind and do what ever it takes to get back in the hall. As you can see most of the people that surport our old board have signed up with Brown Cafe after they were out of office. We believe that they are either old board member or UPS management people who want the old board back in because they like the contracts they get from Hoffa and our old board backed Hoffa. So sorry if it gets out of line but thats how we feel.....
Had enough , mistake , just the facts , I don't blame you guys for being upset. Your guys did nothing but sat on their hands the whole meeting, NOT ONE GOT UP AND SAID ANYTHING..... BEFORE , DURING OR AFTER THE MEETING , but then again not even you guys got up either???? LOL You guys do a lot of talking here but you didn't WALK THE WALK ,, JUST KEEP TYPING.....

What you are implying is incorrect. Im not upset at how the meeting was conducted or by what was said or not said. Im not the type of "INDIVIDUAL" that relies on the views of others to dictate how my opinion is formed. I dont support any acts of violence whether its physical or verbal. In regards to "just keep typing" I wil continue to report what I find to be true beyond reasonable doubt and I will answer questions.


Well-Known Member
my bad "just the facts" I did copy and paste when u 3 guys agreed with a post , should not have been your name. I meant lonewolfl. I agree with your reply.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
They infomed us on the health fund: Tim said it is running surpluses again and that he proposed to management to change the current emergency room policy.

If the fund is running a surplus you can thank the members and retirees because they are paying the price!
UPS is not putting in more money!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
They infomed us on the health fund: Tim said it is running surpluses again and that he proposed to management to change the current emergency room policy.

If the fund is running a surplus you can thank the members and retirees because they are paying the price!
UPS is not putting in more money!
That meeting was very quite yesturday because they had about 150 people at their meeting and 125 were their last supportors. No one is going anymore because the don't give a $h*t about them. Let them finish thier run and its over for them. I said from the very beginning they did not know how to negotate the medical. They only screwed the members. UPS should of put more money into the medical. You are right on Target!!!


Well-Known Member
That meeting was very quite yesturday because they had about 150 people at their meeting and 125 were their last supportors. No one is going anymore because the don't give a $h*t about them. Let them finish thier run and its over for them. I said from the very beginning they did not know how to negotate the medical. They only screwed the members. UPS should of put more money into the medical. You are right on Target!!!

Just Shut Up, we have Had Enough of all your lies!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just Shut Up, we have Had Enough of all your lies!!!![/QUOTE]No I will not shut up especially today I opened up a Medical Bill for $325.00 So who is the ******* lier!!!! I will have it scanned and posted to shove it up your @$$!!! Nice way to start my vacation!!!
WOW fax it to tony.d and mia bill.b these are the guys who destroyed the fund IN THE FIRST PLACE and ask them what the heck was you guys thinking ! because when they endorsed that new contract in october 2007 they knew the fund was going broke! so why dont you ask them what happen ! to this fair contract had enough. BUT I KNOW YOU WON"T DO THAT BECAUSE YOUR AN IDIOT :biting:


Well-Known Member
Just Shut Up, we have Had Enough of all your lies!!!![/QUOTE]No I will not shut up especially today I opened up a Medical Bill for $325.00 So who is the ******* lier!!!! I will have it scanned and posted to shove it up your @$$!!! Nice way to start my vacation!!!

You had an open floor with the members in attendance and would have had it on the record. You had your shot punk.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
You had an open floor with the members in attendance and would have had it on the record. You had your shot punk.
No your the punk who is totally clueless. You could very well be one of the TDU cronies who is getting a fare share themselves or on the E-Board. There will be a time and place, because all they do is lie to the members. A lot of members are getting medical bills. Don't you understand they are just waiting for the term to be over. There is not a damn thing we can do about it now. Again We were screwed!!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
WOW fax it to tony.d and mia bill.b these are the guys who destroyed the fund IN THE FIRST PLACE and ask them what the heck was you guys thinking ! because when they endorsed that new contract in october 2007 they knew the fund was going broke! so why dont you ask them what happen ! to this fair contract had enough. BUT I KNOW YOU WON"T DO THAT BECAUSE YOUR AN IDIOT :biting:
Hey buddy you said Tony D. was not there. Talking about being an idiot!! LMAO


Well-Known Member
tony.d and mia bill.b these are the guys who destroyed the fund IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Here you go lying again, You own E Board, told all the members at the meeting straight from ash tray mouth Pete, that because of the stock market crash our fund took a heavy hit, the loses in the stock market put our fund about 57% funded at that time. Pete also said almost everyone and every pension plan took a hit. It's only getting better because of some of the government relief programs for the pension plan.

Now you were the quite little boy who didnt go to the mic and say the fund took the hit because of the old board members. You guys are a bunch of clowns. You shouldnt have been afraid to get up to the mic and talk because you had about 6 cop cars and about 10 cops about 50 feet away.... you had your chance but you kept quiet because you lie....

Now that I think about, when Tim campaigned he said our fund was funded under 50% . Another campaign lie exposed.


Well-Known Member
Tony D was in the back almost hiding.

You guys lie one after the other, I was there the whole meeting and another proven lie by you.... You are the guys on brown crying all the time and pointing fingers, and blaming everyone, but not one of you clowns got up to the mic and told the E board what you have been crying about and who you think should be at blame. Like I said, you had half the police force there to protect you and you still didn't say anything on the mic. Perhaps its because they are only lies you can post on brown for your own selfishness.


Well-Known Member
You guys lie fone after the other, I was there the whole meeting and another proven lie by you.... You are the guys on brown crying all the time and pointing fingers, and blaming everyone, but not one of you clowns got up to the mic and told the E board what you have been crying about and who you think should be at blame. Like I said, you had half the police force there to protect you and you still didn't say anything on the mic. Perhaps its because they are only lies you can post on brown for your own selfishness.
Only complaint is you tools, no problems with our board.Great Job they are doing. Keep up the good work.