Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
#one I did not see any proof showing it was not delivered from Federal Express. Did anyone else see any receipt? Just their word? I am sorry I don't trust your word. So far everything has been a lie. # 2 What was the need for 5 cops cars? My god how afraid the E-board must be that they need cops for their meetings. I have never seen that before. LOL. No wonder they can't represent us. They stay outside with the blow up dolls and now cop cars. Very say they are such weak hammerheads.:wink2:
Thats your only beef you didnt see a receipt of delivery lol and the cops was there! then you should have gone to the mic and requested to see the receipt or request its brung to the next meeting lol . And the cops who cares about the cops being there except criminals and then you should have requested that the cops leave lol idiot . LIKE I SAID NOT FIT TO RUN A GARBAGE DUMP . ITS SEEMS TO ME THESE GUYS ARE ACTUALLY TRYING TO DO THE RIGHT THING FOR THE MEMBERS :surprised:. I DIDNT SEE TONY .D BILL.B OR STEVE.M NONE OF THOSE GUYS BOTHERED TO SHOW UP. :dissapointed:


Binge Poster
To all participants of this thread,

Why is there such anger and hatred spewed in this discussion?

I thought you guys were on the same team. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

Some of you are in direct violation of Article 37 of the contract.

Section 1 states that employees ar to treat each other with dignity and respect.

What type of example are you setting by treating each other this way?

Leaders are supposed to lead by example!

This behavior is not good for the union way!


Had enough

Well-Known Member
I truly respect what you say!!!! But do you see your name? That is what our E-Board took from our Union! Not one thing they have done has been for the the benefit of the members. Everything they campaigned has been a lie and they still are!!!! We are suffering!!!!


Well-Known Member
I always take my kid to the membership meeting when I go. This time I'm leaving him home. You will know after this meeting who I am if someone those a tomato at someone because I will be the one punching the cr@p out of who ever acts a fool. No joke

Still wondering why the police were informed??


Well-Known Member
Thats your only beef you didnt see a receipt of delivery lol and the cops was there! then you should have gone to the mic and requested to see the receipt or request its brung to the next meeting lol . And the cops who cares about the cops being there except criminals and then you should have requested that the cops leave lol idiot . LIKE I SAID NOT FIT TO RUN A GARBAGE DUMP . ITS SEEMS TO ME THESE GUYS ARE ACTUALLY TRYING TO DO THE RIGHT THING FOR THE MEMBERS :surprised:. I DIDNT SEE TONY .D BILL.B OR STEVE.M NONE OF THOSE GUYS BOTHERED TO SHOW UP. :dissapointed:
Tony D was there.Integrity, they are not leaders....they were at one time and boy was that a mistake.


Well-Known Member
not a threat just a fact , we are all union brothers and sisters , even if Howie was president or if someone else is president other then Tim next year if someone tries to disrespect our board I will have a problem with it. Yes I'm pro this board but even if Tony D was in the hall again I would never disrespect him or any other union member.
Thats all fine and dandy, but the ole days of fist to cuffs at a union gathering is just that "OLD".
JUST A QUESTION BUT, Who the friend... are you to think you can just swing at someone for disrespecting a board member , whats your qualification's as a bodyguard and or peace offficer.........
Body guards of celes
bs. cant even do that sh..


Well-Known Member
Integrity, the anger comes from the former board members and their friends who cant get over the fact that their slate lost. They have been trying to undermine the new board since day one. A matter of fact one of the old board members who went back to his old center (and ran for steward and lost) asked all his old stewards to resign in protest after the new board took office. But those stewards had the integrity (for the most part) to stay on and work with the new board.

You are right we are all on the same side against UPS management but I guess some come on here and the gloves come off. Most do not think before they type. Im sure if we were all face to face, their would be less anger and more civility.


Well-Known Member
#one I did not see any proof showing it was not delivered from Federal Express. Did anyone else see any receipt? Just their word? I am sorry I don't trust your word. So far everything has been a lie. # 2 What was the need for 5 cops cars? My god how afraid the E-board must be that they need cops for their meetings. I have never seen that before. LOL. No wonder they can't represent us. They stay outside with the blow up dolls and now cop cars. Very say they are such weak hammerheads.:wink2:
FYI, you ask a local police department for added security , GUESS WHO PAY'S THEIR OVERTIME..............,

AND TO HELL WITH SOLIDARITY , AGAIN I AM PROOF THAT TRANSCRIPTS FROM B.C. WILL SHOW UP AT AN ARBITRATION. LETS JUST LEAVE THESE GUYS ALONE , they did as their delegate asked and were fired for B.S., lets not add fuel to the fire for the lawyers to use!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
FYI, you ask a local police department for added security , GUESS WHO PAY'S THEIR OVERTIME..............,

AND TO HELL WITH SOLIDARITY , AGAIN I AM PROOF THAT TRANSCRIPTS FROM B.C. WILL SHOW UP AT AN ARBITRATION. LETS JUST LEAVE THESE GUYS ALONE , they did as their delegate asked and were fired for B.S., lets not add fuel to the fire for the lawyers to use!
I feel for the guys myself!!


Well-Known Member
Awesome Meeting

The board really hit a home run today. It took them a few meetings to finally get it right. They were organized, informative and YOU CAN HEAR EVERYTHING THEY SAID!!

They informed us on the pension: Pete said it is "doing much better" and is at 70% funded. They infomed us on the health fund: Tim said it is running surpluses again and that he proposed to management to change the current emergency room policy. They informed us on the safety committees: Riley said the blame the worker mentality has to stop before the committees come back. They all mentioned the upcoming Teamster Convention and things they would be proposing. We got to hear from the 2 fired stewards from Melville as they thanked the board for all they have done. Some ridiculous rumors were put to rest by Tim: no one on the board was given any raises (it would have to come before the members first for a vote), the Fat Cat was deliverd by UPS not Fedex and it was only $6K, and about the clerks being allowed to go back driving (from top seniority only but UPS disagreed). We got an update on the 43st drivers fired (it was over them being owed hours and being put in for jury duty) and about "ghost boards" and drivers going directly to their routes, etc. We learned that 1 of the 2 new arbitrators seems reasonable in ruling in our favor by allowing Glen H back to work after being fired WITH 9 MONTHS BACK PAY!!

And then when it was time for New Business, there was silence! The big talkers on this forum had nothing to say. The talk about "taking $$ from TDU"-not a question!! The talk about "400" firings in the past year and a half- not a question!! The OSHA seminar the board was giving- not a question!! All the baseless accusations on our Health funds- not a question!!

Tony D, Angelo G, the rest of the Row C stewards were all there and no one said a thing!! Im sure "had enough" , "mistake" and the rest of the lolly pop guild were all there too and said nothing!! LOL!! Funny how so many have balls on this forum to attack and lie , but when it comes time to confront the board face to face with those accusations, no one had the balls to say a word!! Im sure they all left the meeting very dejected and defeated!!


Well-Known Member
Just another LIE, BIG LIES

Didnt Tim say, about Clerks, that the company came to Tim and said they wanted to offer some of the clerks to go back to driving because of the layoffs. Tim said he told them the only guys who can go back where the highest guys on the list, then he says that the company wanted only the guys who were laid off. Tim then said, he told the company NO and DIDNT agree with the company at the meeting. Now I know for a fact there was a clerk that went back to driving with about 20yrs. Tim oked this with the company and made this deal happen. So when other clerks got wind of it, Tim pull the clerk off the truck.

Now who's lying....
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Well-Known Member
Thats all fine and dandy, but the ole days of fist to cuffs at a union gathering is just that "OLD".
JUST A QUESTION BUT, Who the friend... are you to think you can just swing at someone for disrespecting a board member , whats your qualification's as a bodyguard and or peace offficer.........

First off I'm a lover not a fighter , guess we will never know what I would have done , talk is talk , but remember you were the one who told the world about your case.


Well-Known Member
Didnt Tim say, about Clerks, that the company came to Tim and said they wanted to offer some of the clerks to go back to driving because of the layoffs. Tim said he told them the only guys who can go back where the highest guys on the list, then he says that the company wanted only the guys who were laid off. Tim then said, he told the company NO and DIDNT agree with the company at the meeting. Now I know for a fact there was a clerk that went back to driving with about 20yrs. Tim oked this with the company and made this deal happen. So when other clerks got wind of it, Tim pull the clerk off the truck.
Now who's lying....

Your the one lying because you don't even know the truth AGAIN your buddy's lied to you. The clerk made a deal with Divison Manager Bill B of Foster to go back driving. No one at the hall knew about it because the clerks were hoping he would do 30 days and open the door for them also. BUT the steward Frankie was upset because the clerk didn't even tell him so he called the hall and told Tim S about the clerk , he finished the week and went back on Monday.


Well-Known Member
The police were at our GMM because Local 282 ask them to be there because 282 heard there mite be problems. This was told to me by one of the troopers that were out front.


Well-Known Member
Your the one lying because you don't even know the truth AGAIN your buddy's lied to you. The clerk made a deal with Divison Manager Bill B of Foster to go back driving. No one at the hall knew about it because the clerks were hoping he would do 30 days and open the door for them also. BUT the steward Frankie was upset because the clerk didn't even tell him so he called the hall and told Tim S about the clerk , he finished the week and went back on Monday.

That is another lie from you to cover up for Tim, That clerk made it real clear to the hall what was going on and Tim made the agreement with Bill B. Stop the lies....


Well-Known Member
Had enough , mistake , just the facts , I don't blame you guys for being upset. Your guys did nothing but sat on their hands the whole meeting, NOT ONE GOT UP AND SAID ANYTHING..... BEFORE , DURING OR AFTER THE MEETING , but then again not even you guys got up either???? LOL You guys do a lot of talking here but you didn't WALK THE WALK ,, JUST KEEP TYPING.....


Well-Known Member
That is another lie from you to cover up for Tim, That clerk made it real clear to the hall what was going on and Tim made the agreement with Bill B. Stop the lies....

First off he made the deal with Bill B on a friday to start monday Bill B was on Vacation the week he went back driving also it wasnt even the union that stopped him it was labor manager Dan D who found out from Frankie that told the clerk he had to go back..after he told Daly on Tuesday he called the hall and told Tim..The clerks got mad at Frankie because they didn't want any one to know , just let him slip in.