Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Members at Foster are outraged at Tony D because they found out that he keep no records that the members gave him on a grievance waiting to go to an arbitration from 2009 on Full Time Helpers getting paid correctly. "A lady heard yelling saying "this is bullsh/t , we all gave him records , some dont work here anymore , so now how can they get paid" Tony D for the members LOL

Also I heard that Tony D was giving a letter for attendance and refused to go in the office with his shop steward , some union man , and said "you cant give me a letter" LOL TONY PBG Paper Bag Gangster

Nothing new Anthony C always talks about how there are no notes in the hall on any members from Foster. All that were fired under Tony D went to arbitration with nothing to help them , no documents from hearings at all. He was a great BA......... They all lost there case , its a shame that members have to go down like that.......
Vinny did you take your prozac today?


Well-Known Member
Well he must be some threat to you it seems like he is keeping you up at night! " IT'S BUFFOON" But before you start the name calling on a more important note lets hope that these two guys get their job back! You see this situation is what really matters to the members. But as usual you skip the important stuff!!!

BTW - Don't be patting yourselves on the back god willing this case works out for the stewards. -- It should have never reached this point!!!!!! That was a real dumb move!!!!


[h=2]Definition of bafoon :.[/h](bă-fün')
  • 1. (n.) One who is foolish and distinctly resembles a baboon.
    Origins: From buffoon, a clown or jester, and baboon, a relative of the ape family.

    The last person trying to correct spelling should be you!!!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Do you ever say anthing else????
Even if he did take it, is it really a joking matter? do you call special needs children Retards????????
Come on MAN!!!! grow the heck up!!!!
If you knew Vinny the way Foster knows Vinny you would keep your opinion to yourself. He has to be the meanest cut throat, envious person around!!!

But you on the other hand are the most clueless!!!

Man you should grow up!!! You have a lot to say yourself that is not very nice! So "SHUT UP" YOUR FAMOUS WORDS!


Had enough

Well-Known Member
[h=2]definition of bafoon :.[/h](bă-fün')
  • 1. (n.) one who is foolish and distinctly resembles a baboon.
    origins: from buffoon, a clown or jester, and baboon, a relative of the ape family.

    The last person trying to correct spelling should be you!!!!
you know you should worry about the men today!!! Another dumb @$$ KEEP ON SKIPPING AROUND THE IMPORTANT THINGS THAT THIS UNION IS NOT DOING!!!!


Well-Known Member
Correction, Great man

So you "IBT804HAMMER" consider William R a great man for degrading members in our local. I know you are just protecting him, for your own selfish reasons, as you may not know, William was involved with the safety committee himself before he took office, working real close to management, he has also been known as the biggest brown noise of all. He was in management’s pocket, with no morals and thought only of himself. You can twist this around all you want but that is the truth, as I am always 99% correct when I post information.

The fact now, that he is in office, he may think he is better than other members, perhaps he thinks he's a changed man who can judge others, a man who can determine who has morals in our local and who has none, a man who can call certain members RATS, and degrade others with foul words at a membership meeting. You can look up to this man all you want because you are no better.

The other Board members allowed this to happen standing right next to him, and they are to be considered no better. Singling out certain members and putting them in a classified field with a label is dead wrong, no matter what. And to top it off, it’s done at our union meeting. They talked and campaigned on getting every member Respect and Dignity from UPS, which we deserve, meanwhile they disrespect and undignified Local 804 teamster members that elected them to there positions.

This new structure of safety committee has a few objectives and only benefits the board and UPS not the members,

1. Saving UPS money by eliminating overtime pay to local 804 Teamsters, UPS can now max out these drivers stops, which would reduce the Teamster jobs and save UPS even more money.

2. would allow the board to hand pick their supporters as a reward by using their judgment system to pick committee members, resulting in favoritism to certain members, certain members in there group, perhaps those loyal only to them

3. Saving UPS more money on Safety training which is being paid by our local, when by law UPS is required to provide OSHA training and safety training to all employees, The Board acts like they are tough and strong, by pulling the current safety committee as a sign great leadership which would benefit the members and weaken UPS, but turn around and provide their own safety courses and OSHA training, giving UPS no reason to change their ways, UPS is getting the best deal here.

Since the committee has been pulled we have been bombarded with safety reviews of the 5 points, 10 keys and so on. At the meeting William R says **** UPS, you are not required to sign anything, Its easy for a short man to talk tough into a mic, but not once has any board member stepped in during our PCM's and Told us in front of management we don’t have to sign anything, Not once has our BA told management anything to give us hope. Why because they are afraid, perhaps afraid management will embarrassed them in front of the members, afraid management will throw them out of the PCM, afraid to stand up for the members.

I would like to see William R grow a pair; he says you can’t measure courage in inches at the meeting and acted like a tough guy. Not once have they been there to back us, they only show up at parking lots and union meeting, form bogus marches and hide behind the members. Even after they protest, they just leave, don’t even walk into the building to thank everyone for their support. They drive away with their blow up doll, while UPS takes it out on the members. I wonder sometimes if our Board and UPS are working together on this.

Our Board says that UPS blames the members , Yet they turn around and do the same at our Union meeting, a management move, a union busting move, then act out some building marches to cover up the deal to show like they are doing something about it, in return, they let UPS put fear in the membership, threating our jobs every day, because of the weak a presence and weak representation of our Board.

You put up a good campaign and fooled me Tim, I may even be the one that handed out your flyers, but no more, no more of you clowns, we have lost many good teamsters at your expense because of your lies, I have seen a lot of good lunch buddies get walked out, walked out because you let UPS take advantage of your weakness and they were able to clean house, even if a few get there job back, it’s an ordeal that they should have not of experienced. WHEN WILL YOU DELIVER - It was a MISTAKEVOTING4THISEBOARD
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Had enough

Well-Known Member
So you "IBT804HAMMER" consider William R a great man for degrading members in our local. I know you are just protecting him, for your own selfish reasons, as you may not know, William was involved with the safety committee himself before he took office, working real close to management, he has also been known as the biggest brown noise of all. He was in management’s pocket, with no morals and thought only of himself. You can twist this around all you want but that is the truth, as I am always 99% correct when I post information.

The fact now, that he is in office, he may think he is better than other members, perhaps he thinks he's a changed man who can judge others, a man who can determine who has morals in our local and who has none, a man who can call certain members RATS, and degrade others with foul words at a membership meeting. You can look up to this man all you want because you are no better.

The other Board members allowed this to happen standing right next to him, and they are to be considered no better. Singling out certain members and putting them in a classified field with a label is dead wrong, no matter what. And to top it off, it’s done at our union meeting. They talked and campaigned on getting every member Respect and Dignity from UPS, which we deserve, meanwhile they disrespect and undignified Local 804 teamster members that elected them to there positions.

This new structure of safety committee has a few objectives and only benefits the board and UPS not the members,

1. Saving UPS money by eliminating overtime pay to local 804 Teamsters, UPS can now max out these drivers stops, which would reduce the Teamster jobs and save UPS even more money.

2. would allow the board to hand pick their supporters as a reward by using their judgment system to pick committee members, resulting in favoritism to certain members, certain members in there group, perhaps those loyal only to them

3. Saving UPS more money on Safety training which is being paid by our local, when by law UPS is required to provide OSHA training and safety training to all employees, The Board acts like they are tough and strong, by pulling the current safety committee as a sign great leadership which would benefit the members and weaken UPS, but turn around and provide their own safety courses and OSHA training, giving UPS no reason to change their ways, UPS is getting the best deal here.

Since the committee has been pulled we have been bombarded with safety reviews of the 5 points, 10 keys and so on. At the meeting William R says **** UPS, you are not required to sign anything, Its easy for a short man to talk tough into a mic, but not once has any board member stepped in during our PCM's and Told us in front of management we don’t have to sign anything, Not once has our BA told management anything to give us hope. Why because they are afraid, perhaps afraid management will embarrassed them in front of the members, afraid management will throw them out of the PCM, afraid to stand up for the members.

I would like to see William R grow a pair; he says you can’t measure courage in inches at the meeting and acted like a tough guy. Not once have they been there to back us, they only show up at parking lots and union meeting, form bogus marches and hide behind the members. Even after they protest, they just leave, don’t even walk into the building to thank everyone for their support. They drive away with their blow up doll, while UPS takes it out on the members. I wonder sometimes if our Board and UPS are working together on this.

Our Board says that UPS blames the members , Yet they turn around and do the same at our Union meeting, a management move, a union busting move, then act out some building marches to cover up the deal to show like they are doing something about it, in return, they let UPS put fear in the membership, threating our jobs every day, because of the weak a presence and weak representation of our Board.

You put up a good campaign and fooled me Tim, I may even be the one that handed out your flyers, but no more, no more of you clowns, we have lost many good teamsters at your expense because of your lies, I have seen a lot of good lunch buddies get walked out, walked out because you let UPS take advantage of your weakness and they were able to clean house, even if a few get there job back, it’s an ordeal that they should have not of experienced. WHEN WILL YOU DELIVER - It was a MISTAKEVOTING4THISEBOARD
You are a very wise man Mistake. "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T VOTE FOR ME" the famous words of Howie. That is a very light statement compared to being cursed out and called a rat. The E-board made it a big part of their campaign!!! Hey Local 804 come on big mouth guy that's ok with you? Who is the punk now? But I guess its ok with you because its one of your buddies! They got in on their lies and the backup of TDU's money we are paying back with our dues!! Alot of members made a mistake voting 4 this E-Board or they just Had Enough!!!:angry:


Well-Known Member
Thats old news, it might even be more then that. Yea so what are you telling us. Add up the ten extra men in the office. When you guys have no job next year let's see who hates TDU . To Dumb to Understand

1. I am a member, just like yourself (LOL) sorry, couldnt help myself....
2. 10 men ? twist the story much?
3. They are staying.
4. Could care less about TDU, 804 is my bread and butter, I just like reading the paper.


Well-Known Member
1. I am a member, just like yourself (LOL) sorry, couldnt help myself....
2. 10 men ? twist the story much?
3. They are staying.
4. Could care less about TDU, 804 is my bread and butter, I just like reading the paper.

I am glad Local 804 is paying you. You are TDU To dumb to understand. You just let us know you are in the Union Hall. Now I could tell you to your face. you all suck.


Well-Known Member
So you "IBT804HAMMER" consider William R a great man for degrading members in our local. I know you are just protecting him, for your own selfish reasons, as you may not know, William was involved with the safety committee himself before he took office, working real close to management, he has also been known as the biggest brown noise of all. He was in management’s pocket, with no morals and thought only of himself. You can twist this around all you want but that is the truth, as I am always 99% correct when I post information.
The fact now, that he is in office, he may think he is better than other members, perhaps he thinks he's a changed man who can judge others, a man who can determine who has morals in our local and who has none, a man who can call certain members RATS, and degrade others with foul words at a membership meeting. You can look up to this man all you want because you are no better.
The other Board members allowed this to happen standing right next to him, and they are to be considered no better. Singling out certain members and putting them in a classified field with a label is dead wrong, no matter what. And to top it off, it’s done at our union meeting. They talked and campaigned on getting every member Respect and Dignity from UPS, which we deserve, meanwhile they disrespect and undignified Local 804 teamster members that elected them to there positions.
This new structure of safety committee has a few objectives and only benefits the board and UPS not the members,
1. Saving UPS money by eliminating overtime pay to local 804 Teamsters, UPS can now max out these drivers stops, which would reduce the Teamster jobs and save UPS even more money.
2. would allow the board to hand pick their supporters as a reward by using their judgment system to pick committee members, resulting in favoritism to certain members, certain members in there group, perhaps those loyal only to them
3. Saving UPS more money on Safety training which is being paid by our local, when by law UPS is required to provide OSHA training and safety training to all employees, The Board acts like they are tough and strong, by pulling the current safety committee as a sign great leadership which would benefit the members and weaken UPS, but turn around and provide their own safety courses and OSHA training, giving UPS no reason to change their ways, UPS is getting the best deal here.
Since the committee has been pulled we have been bombarded with safety reviews of the 5 points, 10 keys and so on. At the meeting William R says **** UPS, you are not required to sign anything, Its easy for a short man to talk tough into a mic, but not once has any board member stepped in during our PCM's and Told us in front of management we don’t have to sign anything, Not once has our BA told management anything to give us hope. Why because they are afraid, perhaps afraid management will embarrassed them in front of the members, afraid management will throw them out of the PCM, afraid to stand up for the members.
I would like to see William R grow a pair; he says you can’t measure courage in inches at the meeting and acted like a tough guy. Not once have they been there to back us, they only show up at parking lots and union meeting, form bogus marches and hide behind the members. Even after they protest, they just leave, don’t even walk into the building to thank everyone for their support. They drive away with their blow up doll, while UPS takes it out on the members. I wonder sometimes if our Board and UPS are working together on this.
Our Board says that UPS blames the members , Yet they turn around and do the same at our Union meeting, a management move, a union busting move, then act out some building marches to cover up the deal to show like they are doing something about it, in return, they let UPS put fear in the membership, threating our jobs every day, because of the weak a presence and weak representation of our Board.
You put up a good campaign and fooled me Tim, I may even be the one that handed out your flyers, but no more, no more of you clowns, we have lost many good teamsters at your expense because of your lies, I have seen a lot of good lunch buddies get walked out, walked out because you let UPS take advantage of your weakness and they were able to clean house, even if a few get there job back, it’s an ordeal that they should have not of experienced. WHEN WILL YOU DELIVER - It was a MISTAKEVOTING4THISEBOARD

For the people out there that said what the heck is he talking about? I will give you the foot notes to what Mistake is saying.....

We are scared of UPS and Hoffa. Please allow us to keep kissing UPS's @ss because the are to big to fight and we should be lucky that they have safety committee's and we get to make overtime. We are scared of UPS...WE WANT THE DEAL MAKING BACK IN THE HALL.

I LOVE WHAT I'M READING , The union should not be training members that UPS's job LOL Riley called rats a rat LOL The cops were at our meeting LOL Drivers are getting paid while they are home waiting for a hearing LOL Our board is not doing what they promised LOL So now you admit there were problems when Tony D and Angelo were stealing money from our members. You guys will be in chruch today praying the 2 stewards from Melville get fired because thats the only way to get back in the hall. They dont care about our members just themselves. you all told us wait till the GMM you will hear from all the upset members?? Funny I didn't hear from them......