Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


red looks like its been a while since your last post here, you may want to chime in and let these guys know how its done in chicago. :happy2:


But what I hear out in the Suffolk Bldg is that the female sup got her @ss reamed for that. And when 804 showed up, she was like a little field mouse. And when they saw sups working, they made them stop. But the real sad part about this is that stewards were standing there and said nothing about sups working. I guess its another form of row A mind set. If you go along you get along. Wasn't that Tony do nothing, Angelo I got slaugthered G. mottos


Well-Known Member
Mark is here at foster alot and doing a great job. Management is crying because he appointed a couple of new stewards to cover for when the company-union steward isn't there ( not saying he isn't a good steward, he is ) but does he ever work??? I know why he's crying too UPS ,, He just lost 2 dollars a month for ever member Holmes took away ,, I'm sure when he retires he can move to Florida and UPS will get him a supervisor job ,, they do that alot for the ones they like LOL ..


Well-Known Member
The female suit (thinks she is next dm) did get her ass reamed for that stunt she pulled. There was a meeting in that building re: the game she played and Tim did not have the ok to pull the building. Hoffa was called 3 minutes after OB was bounced out of the building. In all respect for the row A stewards in that building, I do know they are very good stewards and do stops suits from working daily. The only thing against them, is they have to realize row A isnt there and its time to move on. Let all the past bs go away and work with ob and make it a better building for all of the workers.


Well-Known Member
I find it hard to believe that Tim called Hoffa over this ( besides he hates the guy LOL ), the story I heard from a BA was that 5 minutes after N O was out of the building Tim called Matt ( labor mang ) he called the DM of the building and told him he had no right to do that , N O didn't want to go back. but thats what I was told by a BA.


Well-Known Member
But what I hear out in the Suffolk Bldg is that the female sup got her @ss reamed for that. And when 804 showed up, she was like a little field mouse. And when they saw sups working, they made them stop. But the real sad part about this is that stewards were standing there and said nothing about sups working. I guess its another form of row A mind set. If you go along you get along. Wasn't that Tony do nothing, Angelo I got slaugthered G. mottos
your intel is weak. the nasty little witch is never a field mouse unfortunately, in 45 minutes i only saw c. sab approaching supes about working, i have 31 supe working grievances submitted, n. ob has support even though he stood silently while the wicked witch attacked a steward 2 months ago, and there have been at least 5 of us members that have asked the board for one of the building raids we were promised. support is a 2 way street and it is time to stop campaigning and start governing. no more talk, 6 months of training wheels is enough, 17% of your term has passed and patience is wearing thin.


Well-Known Member
your intel is weak. the nasty little witch is never a field mouse unfortunately, in 45 minutes i only saw c. sab approaching supes about working, i have 31 supe working grievances submitted, n. ob has support even though he stood silently while the wicked witch attacked a steward 2 months ago, and there have been at least 5 of us members that have asked the board for one of the building raids we were promised. support is a 2 way street and it is time to stop campaigning and start governing. no more talk, 6 months of training wheels is enough, 17% of your term has passed and patience is wearing thin.

Scooby Doo Where are You !!!!!!!!!! NICE POST.

Agitator 2


Well-Known Member
ScoobyPanda I see you have 31 supe working grievances submitted" just a Q , what do u mean by submitted?? A- you wrote the grievance and gave it to the BA and are waiting for an answer?? ( i hope not ) or B-Followed the contract and sat down with the member and manager verbally said the grievance and in 24 hours the response was not to pay SO then you gave the grievance to the BA and then the member yourself and the BA went up to the DM office sat down and told the DM about the Grievance he or she answer it in writing and if they didn't pay the member , its going to be filed by the BA. And I hope that happen ever time with ALL 31 grievances. if you did choice B then what I type next isn't for you. What I love is when stewards make it so easy for management and don't follow the contract ,, If all the stewards in your local would follow the grievance procedure and waste the time of management they would get allot more paid faster but they don't.They let them all pile up and make the union weaker. Hope U did B and now have all the grievances with answers. From what I read hear sounds like your local has some weak BA's hopefully they get stronger. but what is really sad to see is that people here like agitator2 , lonewolf and a couple of others don't want to help just complain, there choice. But your last E board put your local in harms way and ran it to the ground ,, they mite have been nice people and people that cared but as far as running a local were a disgrace to the 804 name , Ron Carey came out of your local and became TEAMSTER PRESIDENT and they didn't even have his name in the local ,acted like he never came from 804, I mean the man was president for god's sake , All the strong language in your contract you have was because of him , 25 and out HIM 20,000 jobs HIM ,2 cardinal sins HIM, what a joke ,, they mismanaged your pension and medical fund ,backed a weak contract , a supplement that had give backs and that it was the BEST offer LOL, told the members vote yes or lose everything LOL, kissed Hoffa's behind ,, even H R was getting paid from the international to sit on a board,, LOL I'm not saying that you can't be upset with the new E board you can ,, run against them if you cwant. But to sing the praises of the old board is really crazy.
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Well-Known Member
ScoobyPanda I see you have 31 supe working grievances submitted" just a Q , what do u mean by submitted?? A- you wrote the grievance and gave it to the BA and are waiting for an answer?? ( i hope not ) or B-Followed the contract and sat down with the member and manager verbally said the grievance and in 24 hours the response was not to pay SO then you gave the grievance to the BA and then the member yourself and the BA went up to the DM office sat down and told the DM about the Grievance he or she answer it in writing and if they didn't pay the member , its going to be filed by the BA. And I hope that happen ever time with ALL 31 grievances. if you did choice B then what I type next isn't for you. What I love is when stewards make it so easy for management and don't follow the contract ,, If all the stewards in your local would follow the grievance procedure and waste the time of management they would get allot more paid faster but they don't.They let them all pile up and make the union weaker. Hope U did B and now have all the grievances with answers. From what I read hear sounds like your local has some weak BA's hopefully they get stronger. but what is really sad to see is that people here like agitator2 , lonewolf and a couple of others don't want to help just complain, there choice. But your last E board put your local in harms way and ran it to the ground ,, they mite have been nice people and people that cared but as far as running a local were a disgrace to the 804 name , Ron Carey came out of your local and became TEAMSTER PRESIDENT and they didn't even have his name in the local ,acted like he never came from 804, I mean the man was president for god's sake , All the strong language in your contract you have was because of him , 25 and out HIM 20,000 jobs HIM ,2 cardinal sins HIM, what a joke ,, they mismanaged your pension and medical fund ,backed a weak contract , a supplement that had give backs and that it was the BEST offer LOL, told the members vote yes or lose everything LOL, kissed Hoffa's behind ,, even H R was getting paid from the international to sit on a board,, LOL I'm not saying that you can't be upset with the new E board you can ,, run against them if you cwant. But to sing the praises of the old board is really crazy.

Eyes looking in, PUT ON A BLIND FOLD, and worry about your own local.

Agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Scooby, stood silently while the wicked little witch attacked a steward two months ago? Come on man......Not one of those stewards would have stood for that, hell with OB. If you guys are looking for a BA to fight all of your battles one by one, it aint going to happen. It didnt happen with Pat and it aint going to happen now. There is plenty of language to protect a driver from being attacked by a sup, I am positive the stewards know how to handle it.


Well-Known Member
You see Agitator 2 thats what you don't understand we are all teamsters doesn't matter what local we are from if we all stand together we all become stronger....


Well-Known Member
Scooby, stood silently while the wicked little witch attacked a steward two months ago? Come on man......Not one of those stewards would have stood for that, hell with OB. If you guys are looking for a BA to fight all of your battles one by one, it aint going to happen. It didnt happen with Pat and it aint going to happen now. There is plenty of language to protect a driver from being attacked by a sup, I am positive the stewards know how to handle it.
I never said the steward stood there and took it, he took on the witch and the 2 clowns that jumped in to help her. I said N O'B stood silently by and watched and my contention is that that would be fine 7 months ago, not after you've been elected to this position. He is paid by the union, he should take on the fight and protect his steward, who is still an employee of ups. I'm not knocking anyone, and I am not concerned with the politics, I only want to see some of the positive changes I was promised.


Well-Known Member
Heard from a good source that our E board may be adding on a new BA to give our members more representation. And that one of the guys being looked at is a steward from manhattan south , the same guy that spoke at the last general membership meeting. Heard he's a very good steward ,that knows his stuff and isn't afraid to stand up to UPS , But what I like the most about the pick is that he supported row A nice to see the new board not just looking to put there buddies on the slate like row A did. He and Tim S were in my building foster thursday shaking hands.


Well-Known Member
Yes you are right!!! I called a few friends from Foster and Manhattan South, The Big Guy, and this other big guy who is just as big, were both down at Foster Ave one night last week both looking like Garbage pickers.....The word is on this guy from Manhattan South, that he is one of the stewards for the drivers and is famous for comming to work and going home....Which is another violation of Union Rules... The Big Guy T.S. sure knows how to pick them, just like rest of his circus... "How funny they knocked the old board with Salaries, meanwhile they have soooo many more people they are paying" Now where is the members money going????? Down the Drain!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Agitator 2, very good post!!!! You are right about N.Eunuch o'B, He has no Ba**s , your post was right on the money!!! I have the same words for the rest of the circus.....Looking forward from to hearing from you in the future....A man who knows where its at!!! I see your concern for the memebers as well....


Well-Known Member
Lonewolf your funny I'll give you that , but get your facts straight he's the steward of battery center and the steward of the preload , my buddy has been in spring st for 10 years and he says Tony's be doing both since he's been there and works everyday. He runs that building and thank god he does considering the BA they have there K R (hope he's learning). LOL. Row B never complained about salaries only that Row A gave themselves raises every year when we ( and you ) were getting cr@p . I don't have a problem using the money saved from the salaries cut for more BA's. We were lucky to see our BA once a week and as far as the part timers 90% of our membership didn't even know who there BA was. Try finding a BA at nite. And better to use the money for that then a BS stewards conference-meeting-getaway.And what a joke it was my steward would laugh when I asked him what he learned. Thank you stewards for supporting us , so we will send you and your family for a get away weekend paid by the members dues and wait lets also raise the money the stewards get from a $1 to $2 per member.....

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