Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
The members of Local 804 let hoffa know how we felt about his last two contracts and that we are not going to vote yes on a bs contract. Tony D is good at hiding the truth from the members he's done people are still laughing at the way he and other members voice clowns acted when they went to the mic at the gmm

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Wow are u full of :censored2:, now you call 804 the home of Ron Carey? Tony Donato told members he wanted to p!ss on Ronnie grave. Maybe you voted for Hoffa or Gegare maybe you liked the last two contracts but most members did not. TONY D asked his supports to vote for Gegare a they did not. 1462 to 442 Another loss for Tony D he's getting really good at missing.

You need to read the post! There are plenty of members that feel they didn't live up to there promises. The members are the ones that are missing and I for one am tired of it!


Well-Known Member
says, they do.....They do not have the Strength to fight back or protect the members!!!!!![/QUOTE]
You need to read the post! There are plenty of members that feel they didn't live up to there promises. The members are the ones that are missing and I for one am tired of it!

Nothing to read... When election time comes then they can vote how they wish.

The problem I have is that Hadenough is a two faced jackass because know he writes Local 804 the home of Ron Carey because Ron's sellout son stands next to Tony D but we all really know what he feels about Ron. Hadenough is just a wanta be running nose kiss up.

See this is a major problem with me and a lot of the members. You keep on saying how the old board messed everything up, Like I said Ron Picked Howie to be in charge, so that goes to show you his decision making is not too good.

Like the scheme Ron tried to divert $735,000 in General Teamsters treasury money to use for His campaign. So the problem is what good choices you have that you can honor this man who was a thief.

Help Local 804, LOL we need the help, we will be just fine when they are out. Oh come on, Ron was banned and thrown out of the International and not even a Union member anymore.

Couple of post that made me laugh,,,

Co-pay up to $40 in Feb!
Yes you are right!!!!! The co-payments are going to double along with the Retiree Medical, thanks to this New E-Board....... What ever the company
rumor that we will be asked to turn the Feb and Aug 2011 raises over to the health and welfare....what a mistake I made, voted for the wrong guys! I hope they straighten this out or elections cant come fast enough
The retirees medical is going up to 1200 HUNDRED DOLLARS after the first of the year and co payments are going up to 40 AND 50 DOLLARS thanks to ROW B ask cigar pete the V.P.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Wow are u full of :censored2:, now you call 804 the home of Ron Carey? Tony Donato told members he wanted to p!ss on Ronnie grave. Maybe you voted for Hoffa or Gegare maybe you liked the last two contracts but most members did not. TONY D asked his supports to vote for Gegare a they did not. 1462 to 442 Another loss for Tony D he's getting really good at missing.
No you are full of $h*t.......You called it the home of Ron Carey. Its from you TDU Scum Site!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Tuesday morning in my building in Queens, someone said to me there is the new business agent! When I asked what his name was they told me it was Jack D from Foster Ave. I called a couple of my frinds from Foster ave and they told me that he is a ham sandwich. He is the biggest deal maker in UPS. He works his vacations, he flippes burgers for management barbaques. He allows supervisors to work, so he can walk around and does nothing. He does not wash any of the drivers trucks


Well-Known Member
Tuesday morning in my building in Queens, someone said to me there is the new business agent! When I asked what his name was they told me it was Jack D from Foster Ave. I called a couple of my frinds from Foster ave and they told me that he is a ham sandwich. He is the biggest deal maker in UPS. He works his vacations, he flippes burgers for management barbaques. He allows supervisors to work, so he can walk around and does nothing. He does not wash any of the drivers trucks
The BA Jack D. that the board choose left the next day. What a circus they are. Their choose of a BA can't even do his own job never mind respresenting us.......

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The BA Jack D. that the board choose left the next day. What a circus they are. Their choose of a BA can't even do his own job never mind respresenting us.......

Why wouldnt he leave seeing the kind of ridiculous support he would have from the membership? You all in 804 are the JOKE of the nation. Live that one down!

Why not get behind the guy, show him that you will stand by his side, so he can stand by your side?

You all act like the job of the BA is similiar to a public defender, and thats not the job. The BA has to be a problem solver, he has to find a way to create a solution to problems, not make them worse. The BA cant pick winners and losers, he can only do what is in both parties best interest.

If he allows a couple of part time sups load one day, and the next , the company gives him a fired employee back with no hassles, then I say its a good trade off. Should sups be working? NO, but sometimes it has to be that way for one reason or the other and not all actions are as deliberate as you would think.

We as employees play a big part of sups working, injuries, sick calls, no shows are the biggest contributors to a sup working, YET, 804 believes these scenarios are "fighting words"...

Indeed, from my perspective across the country, after reading all the nonsense on this thread, it is clear that TDU has ruined not only the representation of 804, but the membership included in it.

You all need a fresh start to being union members and get out of the personality and name calling game. You guys are only hurting each other.

The solution?

BOUNCE TDU from your yards, your thoughts, your actions and your future.



Well-Known Member
Why wouldnt he leave seeing the kind of ridiculous support he would have from the membership? You all in 804 are the JOKE of the nation. Live that one down!

Maybe the JOKE is the rest of the nation , We here at 804 have never voted for Hoffa and never will. Maybe were you live in your trailer park its OK what you make. Maybe you don't need to buy clothes since you guys keep knocking up family members and re using old clothes.

To us the last 2 contracts sucked point blank our contract and supplemental agreements sucked. Ron Carey came from local 804 and was backed by TDU and he won.

What local are you from? How much does your executive board make? do you have UPS members? What did your home cost you? what does schooling cost you? what are your taxes every year? what does gas cost you? how much are your tolls for bridges and tunnels by you? Its not as cut and dry as you think.

Hey I understand stand if you live in a **** kicking in breed state own a trailer in a trailer park then you don't have a problem with Hoffa. but here in NYC he sucks. His contracts Sucks.


Well-Known Member
The unconscionable choice of leadership that our E Board has made is destroying our local. They choose BA's with no experience, no proven leadership and no desire to better the future of our local.

Our E board has chosen 2 BA's since they are in office. Anthony C and Jack D , Jack didn't take the spot for family reason. So know what your talking about but nothing new from you and Anthony C 24 yr driver was a steward in Man South for 14 years represented drivers and the preload over 200 members. Remember Anthony was the guy that Tony D heard he may be going into the union said he was a great choice until he got Foster.

If Anthony didn't get picked by Tim he would be running with Tony D right now and you guys would have been saying what a great choice he is. So stop crying..............

I'd be upset to if I was you , Tony D the guy your backing needed to make our board look bad by getting more votes for Fred then Sandy , Tony failed. Tony D was telling people in Foster that Fred was good for a 1,000 votes EASY since he knew with his name behind Fred his supporters would back Fred. WOW TONY D WAS WRONG AGAIN.

SANDY - 1,462
FRED ----- 442
HOFFA --- 241

Anthony C is telling members in Foster that Tony D is full of sh/t because all of the drivers that got fired in 2009 and went to their arbitration after he was voted out. Tony D did not go to the arbitration to help get the guys job back he didn't give a sh/t. BUT when the clerks asked him to go to their arbitration last week he said YES. WHY? because now he's running and wants to look like he cares.......

Heard that a driver in Times Plaza said "sure he would go anything to help his pisano's"




Well-Known Member
No you are full of $h*t.......You called it the home of Ron Carey. Its from you TDU Scum Site!

Yes we do call it the home of RON CAREY.....I know its not easy for you to understand what Eyeslookingin was saying so I will help you....

Tony D trashed Ron Carey and the old board took his photo of the wall in our union hall. So when Tony D was bad mouthing Ron then you bad mouth Ron because you are a ball washer nothing more but now that Tony D is trying to use the Carey name to get back in office. NOW you call us the Home of Ron Carey. LOL

Had Enough AKA Mr Dorfman
Classic Movie Line #4 - YouTube


Well-Known Member
When Tony was important he couldnt get us to vote for his man Hoffa. Now he is a NOBODY with NO POWER and he thought he can pull votes for a candidate?? LOL He is delusional.


Well-Known Member
Why wouldnt he leave seeing the kind of ridiculous support he would have from the membership? You all in 804 are the JOKE of the nation. Live that one down!

Why not get behind the guy, show him that you will stand by his side, so he can stand by your side?

You all act like the job of the BA is similiar to a public defender, and thats not the job. The BA has to be a problem solver, he has to find a way to create a solution to problems, not make them worse. The BA cant pick winners and losers, he can only do what is in both parties best interest.

If he allows a couple of part time sups load one day, and the next , the company gives him a fired employee back with no hassles, then I say its a good trade off. Should sups be working? NO, but sometimes it has to be that way for one reason or the other and not all actions are as deliberate as you would think.

We as employees play a big part of sups working, injuries, sick calls, no shows are the biggest contributors to a sup working, YET, 804 believes these scenarios are "fighting words"...

Indeed, from my perspective across the country, after reading all the nonsense on this thread, it is clear that TDU has ruined not only the representation of 804, but the membership included in it.

You all need a fresh start to being union members and get out of the personality and name calling game. You guys are only hurting each other.

The solution?

BOUNCE TDU from your yards, your thoughts, your actions and your future.


I understand that the election is over. We all have to live with the results. What you dont get is that Ron Carey came from this local. He made it a great local that other locals dreamed about becoming. He was a rank and file guy that never forgot where he came from. He drove a package car for this company for years and made a name for himself for being a stand up guy. Yes we all admired him (ok, maybe Tony D and his boys didnt ) but the 99% of us did. When Ron walked into a building in the 1990s, management :censored2: its pants. He made us feel proud to be a union member . He made us proud to be a Teamster!! You have to be honest here: Hoffa is NO Ron Carey. He is still a labor lawyer with a famous name. Nothing more. He is the president and I hope he grows a pair and fights hard for this next contract. UPS owes us big time for all the crap they have been shoving at us for the past few yrs: cutting loads, ignoring seniority, not hiring and squeezing the membership to do more with less!! Id like to send him a ladder so he climb out of UPS's pocket!!

And you are correct that Sandy was not Ron Carey either. But she was the heir apparent to Ron's legacy. Tom L filled that void for several elections. But it is tough going up against a brand name and that is exactly what Hoffa is.

What is your obsession with TDU?? What are you afraid of?? A group of informed Teamsters who strive to make this a more democratic, open union?? A group who strives to educate members of their rights and how to make things better?? Because they/we are idealists??? Because we want our local officials to properly represent us and respond to our phone calls and show up?? Because we dont want our Intl officers in the pockets of management?? Because we dont think the high salaries of our elected officials is right?? Because we want the rank and file to be involved in the decisionmaking and contract talks?? THIS IS TOO MUCH??? For this TDU has to be dragged through the mud year after year?? Because they run candidates against old guard officials who forgot how to care anymore about the rank and file?? Because they dont think horse trading member for member is in our interest and that EVERY member deserves equal and proper representation??

Get over it. TDU is not going away. Not locally. Not nationally!! Remember: The Grapes of Wrath (1940) - I'll Be There - YouTube


Well-Known Member
804 members,

You did your part. You voted for Sandy, congrats. You may not like Hoffa or his team, but your stuck with it for 5 more years. Time to shed the TDU ideology and get with the program. Time to put your local in order and get with the program. Time to get in line with the thinking of the rest of the country and the rank and file.

The days of Ron Carey are over. Let it go. Sandy Pope was no Ron Carey.

Rather than focus on the mere 241 members in your local who voted for HOFFA, why not accept the message from the other "soon to be" 100,000 members who will have voted for HOFFA vs the paultry 1241 members of your local who voted for Pope?

What do they "know" that you guys dont?

What do they "get" that you guys dont?

Clearly, youve been a part of a scam to divide our Union, and maybe its time to re-evaluate your thinking, logic and actions. With the numbers posted by Sandy (28444) that represents roughly 568.88 votes per state in the union, this should tell you that you are part of a losing strategy.

Time to check up on the nonsense that goes on in 804 and settle down and join the fight together with the rest of the country. We have alot of hard work to do before negotiations start and rather than be the laughing stock of the Teamsters, why not bring 804 into the fold and begin a fresh start?

Good luck in the future, and I hope 804 "got" the message the rank and file sent to you in the form of a blowout and rejection of TDU.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Maybe the JOKE is the rest of the nation , We here at 804 have never voted for Hoffa and never will. Maybe were you live in your trailer park its OK what you make. Maybe you don't need to buy clothes since you guys keep knocking up family members and re using old clothes.

To us the last 2 contracts sucked point blank our contract and supplemental agreements sucked. Ron Carey came from local 804 and was backed by TDU and he won.

What local are you from? How much does your executive board make? do you have UPS members? What did your home cost you? what does schooling cost you? what are your taxes every year? what does gas cost you? how much are your tolls for bridges and tunnels by you? Its not as cut and dry as you think.

Hey I understand stand if you live in a **** kicking in breed state own a trailer in a trailer park then you don't have a problem with Hoffa. but here in NYC he sucks. His contracts Sucks.

Now here you have the "classic" reason that 804 is nothing more than a breeding ground for morons. Where to begin disecting this rambling "fist waving" nonsense?

Lets see, first of all, I am from Local 396 in So. Calif. As a curent package car driver, "I" as well as most of my fellow teamster drivers are making between 95K and 100K each year. I own three homes here, two of which are rental properties. I drive a 2010 Ford Flex, a 2008 Ford F150 lariat crew cab and a 2010 Harley Davidson Street Glide FLHX. We only have a couple toll roads here in so cal, but no big deal, a few bucks to cross them. We have close to 9000 UPSers and our majority voted for HOFFA.

Schooling is expensive, yet my daughter will be attending UCLA with a full scholarship.

My home is a 2800 sq ft home in a gated community located in a suburb outside of los angeles.

Now that we have wasted our time on those subjects, lets deal with you.

You guys in 804 have made a joke out of union membership. This particular thread demonstrates why the 804 is so out of the loop.

You guidos are more concerned with your personal attacks and clenching of fists, rather than the membership at large. If you really to convince us that you have a pair, grow some sack and kick TDU and the Ron Carey legacy to the curb. Move on and join the fight. Otherwise, step aside and let the 137K who voted for HOFFA complete the mission.

You guys all sound like buffoons. With no disrespect intended to the C9 for the comparision.

Now here you have the "classic" reason that 804 is nothing more than a breeding ground for morons. Where to begin disecting this rambling "fist waving" nonsense?

Lets see, first of all, I am from Local 396 in So. Calif. As a curent package car driver, "I" as well as most of my fellow teamster drivers are making between 95K and 100K each year. I own three homes here, two of which are rental properties. I drive a 2010 Ford Flex, a 2008 Ford F150 lariat crew cab and a 2010 Harley Davidson Street Glide FLHX. We only have a couple toll roads here in so cal, but no big deal, a few bucks to cross them. We have close to 9000 UPSers and our majority voted for HOFFA.

Schooling is expensive, yet my daughter will be attending UCLA with a full scholarship.

My home is a 2800 sq ft home in a gated community located in a suburb outside of los angeles.

Now that we have wasted our time on those subjects, lets deal with you.

You guys in 804 have made a joke out of union membership. This particular thread demonstrates why the 804 is so out of the loop.

You guidos are more concerned with your personal attacks and clenching of fists, rather than the membership at large. If you really to convince us that you have a pair, grow some sack and kick TDU and the Ron Carey legacy to the curb. Move on and join the fight. Otherwise, step aside and let the 137K who voted for HOFFA complete the mission.

You guys all sound like buffoons. With no disrespect intended to the C9 for the comparision.



Well-Known Member
Local 396 congrats to that hand picked Hoffa mouth piece Ron H , since 2002 his salary in Local 396 has gone up 400%. Has your salary gone up 400% since 2002? You said drivers make between 95,000 and a 100,000 a year guess they all like working 60 hours a week

silfox9986 been a while since you used that name........

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