I understand that the election is over. We all have to live with the results. What you dont get is that Ron Carey came from this local. He made it a great local that other locals dreamed about becoming. He was a rank and file guy that never forgot where he came from. He drove a package car for this company for years and made a name for himself for being a stand up guy. Yes we all admired him (ok, maybe Tony D and his boys didnt ) but the 99% of us did. When Ron walked into a building in the 1990s, management

its pants. He made us feel proud to be a union member . He made us proud to be a Teamster!! You have to be honest here: Hoffa is NO Ron Carey. He is still a labor lawyer with a famous name. Nothing more. He is the president and I hope he grows a pair and fights hard for this next contract. UPS owes us big time for all the crap they have been shoving at us for the past few yrs: cutting loads, ignoring seniority, not hiring and squeezing the membership to do more with less!! Id like to send him a ladder so he climb out of UPS's pocket!!
And you are correct that Sandy was not Ron Carey either. But she was the heir apparent to Ron's legacy. Tom L filled that void for several elections. But it is tough going up against a brand name and that is exactly what Hoffa is.
What is your obsession with TDU?? What are you afraid of?? A group of informed Teamsters who strive to make this a more democratic, open union?? A group who strives to educate members of their rights and how to make things better?? Because they/we are idealists??? Because we want our local officials to properly represent us and respond to our phone calls and show up?? Because we dont want our Intl officers in the pockets of management?? Because we dont think the high salaries of our elected officials is right?? Because we want the rank and file to be involved in the decisionmaking and contract talks?? THIS IS TOO MUCH??? For this TDU has to be dragged through the mud year after year?? Because they run candidates against old guard officials who forgot how to care anymore about the rank and file?? Because they dont think horse trading member for member is in our interest and that EVERY member deserves equal and proper representation??
Get over it. TDU is not going away. Not locally. Not nationally!! Remember:
The Grapes of Wrath (1940) - I'll Be There - YouTube
Brother 804 brown,
Now that the election is over, i believe its time for us to pull together to share ideas and concepts. There is nothing happening at your hub that isnt happening at every hub across this country. UPS is deliberately making it tough on part timers and package drivers.
I believe you guys who support sandy pope believed that she was the answer to your prayers, but the reality was and is, she was not qualified for the job. The rank and file have spoken, 137K believe differently than you do. What do you think they know that you dont?
Your local didnt convince 100% of its membership to vote for pope or to vote at all, leaving 1241 of you holding the bag, and like a flaming paper bag on the doorstep, you know what your holding.
What is it about Ron Carey that you guys just cant let go of? The man is gone. He accomplished many things and pissed off alot of people, he left the teamsters in disgrace and we have ALL MOVED ON, except 1241 of you guys.
Get over it brother. Our future isnt Ron Carey, Sandy Pope or Tom L. IN fact, I hope TDU finally dismantles itself or they end up beating the crap out of each other.
Either way, we move forward. The way you guys in 804 talk, its like we dont work at the same company. You all disrespect each other to a point where NONE OF YOU can be respected.
You say Ron Carey made you feel proud? Really? How about when he got caught funneling money? Was that a proud moment?
Ron Carey embarrassed himself and the Teamsters. While he settled our strike with improvements, there were still some things that never came to see the light of day and were adjusted in 2002.
If you want to feel proud as a teamster, stand up for a brother, make a difference and not become a hinderance.
Who else in this country cares about Ron Carey or where he came from, where he worked, what he thought or what he said, this is 2011 brother and dead men dont share thoughts from the grave.
You guys want to make Carey out as some kind of messiah on the east coast, and as you do, you keep backing the same group of knuckleheads that TDU can find.
We on the west, central and south and moved on from Ron Carey, and so should you guys.
As for TDU, well, I dont believe the group has the best interests of the members at heart. It searches for the most vulnerable members out there and preaches to them until they are willing to be just as divisive as every other TDU member.
They claim they want to inform, but not really, they exaggerate all claims and try to inflame its prospects into believing the garbage they are selling. If you ask for an "A" typical TDU member, its usually someone who has been in trouble with the company before or consistently, or someone who consistently tries to start trouble in the yards and needs a BA to babysit them 24 hours a day.
Out here, some guys never need to call the local for anything. Most issues are resolved at the local level. While we may not always agree with our eboard on every decision, we respect them enough to move on to the next issue.
My only question to you guys at 804 is simple "how many ash whuppings in elections must you experience, before you start to question if your on the right team?"
I wish you all well, and hope that you guys can pull it together and learn to respect each other in order to gain respect from the company. If you continue to be the joke of the nation, the company will walk all over you guys like doormats.
Remember this, Its easy to be outnumbered, when youre a zero.