Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
You agree with every thing he is saying???? Ron Carey built 804 what we have we have because of him u jackass 25 and out , we were the first local in the nation to have that , Ron got us that, Ron had balls not like Hoffa , This guys wants to talk about Ron Carey and your an 804 guy , your a jerk@ff , then you want to call our board clowns?? after the way Howie and the girls were stealing from the members for years. STEALING your money open your eyes ,, unless your just another old bitter board member........
Strong statement, where's the proof?

Brother 804 brown,

Now that the election is over, i believe its time for us to pull together to share ideas and concepts. There is nothing happening at your hub that isnt happening at every hub across this country. UPS is deliberately making it tough on part timers and package drivers. TRUE

I believe you guys who support sandy pope believed that she was the answer to your prayers, but the reality was and is, she was not qualified for the job. The rank and file have spoken, 137K believe differently than you do. What do you think they know that you dont?

Your local didnt convince 100% of its membership to vote for pope or to vote at all, leaving 1241 of you holding the bag, and like a flaming paper bag on the doorstep, you know what your holding.

What is it about Ron Carey that you guys just cant let go of? The man is gone. He accomplished many things and pissed off alot of people, he left the teamsters in disgrace and we have ALL MOVED ON, except 1241 of you guys.

Get over it brother. Our future isnt Ron Carey, Sandy Pope or Tom L. IN fact, I hope TDU finally dismantles itself or they end up beating the crap out of each other. I AGREE

Either way, we move forward. The way you guys in 804 talk, its like we dont work at the same company. You all disrespect each other to a point where NONE OF YOU can be respected. THE TRUTH HURTS, DOESNT IT?
You say Ron Carey made you feel proud? Really? How about when he got caught funneling money? Was that a proud moment?

Ron Carey embarrassed himself and the Teamsters. While he settled our strike with improvements, there were still some things that never came to see the light of day and were adjusted in 2002.

If you want to feel proud as a teamster, stand up for a brother, make a difference and not become a hinderance.

Who else in this country cares about Ron Carey or where he came from, where he worked, what he thought or what he said, this is 2011 brother and dead men dont share thoughts from the grave.

You guys want to make Carey out as some kind of messiah on the east coast, and as you do, you keep backing the same group of knuckleheads that TDU can find.

We on the west, central and south and moved on from Ron Carey, and so should you guys.

As for TDU, well, I dont believe the group has the best interests of the members at heart. It searches for the most vulnerable members out there and preaches to them until they are willing to be just as divisive as every other TDU member. ONCE AGAIN AGREED!

They claim they want to inform, but not really, they exaggerate all claims and try to inflame its prospects into believing the garbage they are selling. If you ask for an "A" typical TDU member, its usually someone who has been in trouble with the company before or consistently, or someone who consistently tries to start trouble in the yards and needs a BA to babysit them 24 hours a day.

Out here, some guys never need to call the local for anything. Most issues are resolved at the local level. While we may not always agree with our eboard on every decision, we respect them enough to move on to the next issue.

My only question to you guys at 804 is simple "how many ash whuppings in elections must you experience, before you start to question if your on the right team?"

I wish you all well, and hope that you guys can pull it together and learn to respect each other in order to gain respect from the company. If you continue to be the joke of the nation, the company will walk all over you guys like doormats. WELL SAID!

Remember this, Its easy to be outnumbered, when youre a zero.


No moving on until these clowns are gone forever and that includes all of the want to be,s at the individual buildings also
yes that's you dave o, Chris s, George z, pistol Pete, and no clue Carl r......

.The truth is we the members of Local 804 need to step up, do our jobs (BY THE BOOK) and grieve the wrong doings of management, yet we must also be held accountable for our actions! slamming of the E-BOARDS , BOTH OLD & NEW MUST STOP! If we dont work together to rebuild this local we will continue to decline! the election is over MOVE ON, the time will come for all to campaign for local elections before you know it, STOP THE DAMN HATE!



Well-Known Member
Strong statement, where's the proof?

Yes your right it is a strong statement, too many under the table things were going on in the hall when Howie and company were there, as for proof well thats easier said then done.
But lets see,,,,,,,

How many loans from the credit union that defaulted , people dead , people never in the union , we all know who ran that credit union.

Their salaries $165,000 most locals were around $120,000 but most will say there getting paid, raising the stewards from 1 to 2 dollars another waste of dues money , more like hush money if you ask me.

All the kick backs from Magna Care for years they were 30% higher then other plans. And we never changed WHY? 70% of the Locals in our Joint Council 16 left Magna Care years ago. Howie and Tony D were going to fix our plan by getting rid of 25 and out , 200 and 400 deductibles , giving up major medical, raising co-pay and retirees. Why? Magna Care was charging 140 a claim while others like Blue Cross is charging 88? You mean that Tim S was the only one to find this out?? BS they knew

All the kick backs from our pension for years before 2009 our investments were falling faster then other pensions but no changes to the investment company's were made WHY?

Our annuity what a joke that is all these years and nothing to show but we still keep it , that money could of been used else were but wasn't WHY?

December 2009 after they lost the election $245,000 taking out for so called back vacations not used.

December 2009 after they lost the election Christmas party at 'Russo's on the Bay' that no one knew about who was invited? Magna Care people , investors , friends of theirs

Stu G (please don't even let me go there )

For years and years our co-pay was 3 dollars and we paid less union dues then most of the teamsters in our area WHY? just to keep people from complaining and looking in to things.

BUT YOUR RIGHT DO I HAVE PROOF , NO , MAYBE I'M CRAZY but I do think I have common sense..... and over 25 years as a Teamster , I was at that hall more them most....



not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Yes your right it is a strong statement, too many under the table things were going on in the hall when Howie and company were there, as for proof well thats easier said then done.
But lets see,,,,,,,

How many loans from the credit union that defaulted , people dead , people never in the union , we all know who ran that credit union.

Their salaries $165,000 most locals were around $120,000 but most will say there getting paid, raising the stewards from 1 to 2 dollars another waste of dues money , more like hush money if you ask me.

All the kick backs from Magna Care for years they were 30% higher then other plans. And we never changed WHY? 70% of the Locals in our Joint Council 16 left Magna Care years ago. Howie and Tony D were going to fix our plan by getting rid of 25 and out , 200 and 400 deductibles , giving up major medical, raising co-pay and retirees. Why? Magna Care was charging 140 a claim while others like Blue Cross is charging 88? You mean that Tim S was the only one to find this out?? BS they knew

All the kick backs from our pension for years before 2009 our investments were falling faster then other pensions but no changes to the investment company's were made WHY?

Our annuity what a joke that is all these years and nothing to show but we still keep it , that money could of been used else were but wasn't WHY?

December 2009 after they lost the election $245,000 taking out for so called back vacations not used.

December 2009 after they lost the election Christmas party at 'Russo's on the Bay' that no one knew about who was invited? Magna Care people , investors , friends of theirs

Stu G (please don't even let me go there )

For years and years our co-pay was 3 dollars and we paid less union dues then most of the teamsters in our area WHY? just to keep people from complaining and looking in to things.

BUT YOUR RIGHT DO I HAVE PROOF , NO , MAYBE I'M CRAZY but I do think I have common sense..... and over 25 years as a Teamster , I was at that hall more them most....


You are making some strong accusations and if there is any truth to them you and Tim are as guilty for not doing anything about it. I am also sure that there is a legal term or some violation of your oblgation as a Teamster to present your accusations to the authorities.

So thats what I've decided and I am sure other Members will feel the same.



Well-Known Member
You are making some strong accusations and if there is any truth to them you and Tim are as guilty for not doing anything about it. I am also sure that there is a legal term or some violation of your oblgation as a Teamster to present your accusations to the authorities.

So thats what I've decided and I am sure other Members will feel the same.

So now we finally know what you've decided. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for you to finally come clean.
If this present board told you Hitler was a bad guy, you'd say there's not enough proof! TOS is right, move on. Work together.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If I was Hoffa, and things in 804 are as ACES states, my first action as GP would be to place 804 under trusteeship, install qualified personel in there to clean house, make decisions for that local that end all the name calling and accusations, and then BAN everyone of the people who have taken 804 down the road to a dysfunctional chitt house.

If 804 cant pull together and put differences aside and work together, then that local needs to be placed under trusteeship.

ACES makes useless accusations that he cant prove, kickbacks, hushmoney, money taken for vacations, christmas parties etc etc etc.... are these the things that are affecting the members in the yards on a daily basis?

The answer is NO.

These are the things that TDU wants people to focus on. In my opinion, there needs to be a fresh start in 804, begining with the removal of all past and current leadershp and new never involved people to step up and run 804 without any connections to TDU.

Every local at one time or another gets into a period of mis management, and its only the membership who can toss them out and replace them and make change. But that takes committment and not name calling or fist waving.

ACES, your a 25 year teamster, your focus should be on preparing yourself for retirement and leave the name calling and accusation making at the curb. Retirement investments all over the country are losing money on wall street. Thats the nature of investments.

During the BUSH administration, as the stock market destroyed itself, all teamster pensions were hit hard, some harder than others. Investments lost tons of money and that was no fault of any one teamster. Decisions are made to make investments based on market trends and not every investment is a guaranteed winner. Today, the market is volatile and investments are up and down. Pension investments can be destroyed if this economy and the people managing congress cant place the poliicies in place to spawn growth.

Right now, your concern should rest with the republican controlled congress who seems determined to run this country into the ground and use YOU as a pawn to protect the richest americans in the country. Your pension plan hangs in the balance as the stock market teeters on a free fall.

There are bigger issues to concern yourself with other than christmas parties. That sounds extememly childish. I would laugh in your face if you approached me in a yard with that claim.

Our next contract should be your focus in the yards. Make a contribution to the effort, make a suggestion for something useful that we can listen too that can be used to formulate a plan for a certain issue in the contract.

But if you mention christmas parties or vacations and the like, then I know you are not serious.



Well-Known Member
if i was hoffa, and things in 804 are as aces states, my first action as gp would be to place 804 under trusteeship, install qualified personel in there to clean house, make decisions for that local that end all the name calling and accusations, and then ban everyone of the people who have taken 804 down the road to a dysfunctional chitt house.

If 804 cant pull together and put differences aside and work together, then that local needs to be placed under trusteeship.

Aces makes useless accusations that he cant prove, kickbacks, hushmoney, money taken for vacations, christmas parties etc etc etc.... Are these the things that are affecting the members in the yards on a daily basis?

The answer is no.

These are the things that tdu wants people to focus on. In my opinion, there needs to be a fresh start in 804, begining with the removal of all past and current leadershp and new never involved people to step up and run 804 without any connections to tdu.

Every local at one time or another gets into a period of mis management, and its only the membership who can toss them out and replace them and make change. But that takes committment and not name calling or fist waving.

Aces, your a 25 year teamster, your focus should be on preparing yourself for retirement and leave the name calling and accusation making at the curb. Retirement investments all over the country are losing money on wall street. Thats the nature of investments.

During the bush administration, as the stock market destroyed itself, all teamster pensions were hit hard, some harder than others. Investments lost tons of money and that was no fault of any one teamster. Decisions are made to make investments based on market trends and not every investment is a guaranteed winner. Today, the market is volatile and investments are up and down. Pension investments can be destroyed if this economy and the people managing congress cant place the poliicies in place to spawn growth.

Right now, your concern should rest with the republican controlled congress who seems determined to run this country into the ground and use you as a pawn to protect the richest americans in the country. Your pension plan hangs in the balance as the stock market teeters on a free fall.

There are bigger issues to concern yourself with other than christmas parties. That sounds extememly childish. I would laugh in your face if you approached me in a yard with that claim.

Our next contract should be your focus in the yards. Make a contribution to the effort, make a suggestion for something useful that we can listen too that can be used to formulate a plan for a certain issue in the contract.

But if you mention christmas parties or vacations and the like, then i know you are not serious.

Very very well said!


Well-Known Member
Hey TOS what are you talking about here is how your local voted , only 26% of your local voted , doesnt look like your members are all that happy with Hoffa. Sandy did better in your local then hoffa did in ours.

Hoffa 1514 Pope 379 Gegare 431

Hey TOS, since you like coming here , what happen in your Local why did Sandy and Fred get so many votes?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hey TOS, since you like coming here , what happen in your Local why did Sandy and Fred get so many votes?

Well super genious, if you missed my other posts about "our" election in 396, let me say that in our local, we always have a constant running average of 941 dissension votes no matter who is in office.

So, that being said, the 810 votes that did not go for Hoffa went towards both Gegare and Pope. That 810 votes represents LESS THAN the 941 running average for dissension votes and shows that neither POPE nor GEGARE could obtain the constant running average.

As to our vote totals, like I said before, our vote totals continue to show trending of declines in the west because its clear our VOTES dont really matter. Before they even counted the west and Canada, HOFFA had blown out both POPE and Gegare.

Our western members see this trend and lose interest in voting. IF our votes dont matter, why vote? This is the sentiment being discussed in our yards. In reality, the only thing that counting the west and Canada amounted to was to increase HOFFAs blowout or in other terms, POUND IN THE FINAL NAIL IN TDU's COFFIN.

I hope this answers your questions and you are no longer confused.



Well-Known Member
Well super genious, if you missed my other posts about "our" election in 396, let me say that in our local, we always have a constant running average of 941 dissension votes no matter who is in office.

So, that being said, the 810 votes that did not go for Hoffa went towards both Gegare and Pope. That 810 votes represents LESS THAN the 941 running average for dissension votes and shows that neither POPE nor GEGARE could obtain the constant running average.

As to our vote totals, like I said before, our vote totals continue to show trending of declines in the west because its clear our VOTES dont really matter. Before they even counted the west and Canada, HOFFA had blown out both POPE and Gegare.

Our western members see this trend and lose interest in voting. IF our votes dont matter, why vote? This is the sentiment being discussed in our yards. In reality, the only thing that counting the west and Canada amounted to was to increase HOFFAs blowout or in other terms, POUND IN THE FINAL NAIL IN TDU's COFFIN.

I hope this answers your questions and you are no longer confused.

I'm with you most of the way TOS but you lose me with the "votes don't count". This isn't a Presidential election where polls close later in the west and tracking numbers come out early in the day, thereby affecting turnout. Your votes have absolutely the same weight as any other region, and had the race been closer could have altered the outcome. Aside from your confidence not many were calling this as this big a blowout. I believe few thought Gegare would show as well as he did. I'd hope your membership would understand this.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I'm with you most of the way TOS but you lose me with the "votes don't count". This isn't a Presidential election where polls close later in the west and tracking numbers come out early in the day, thereby affecting turnout. Your votes have absolutely the same weight as any other region, and had the race been closer could have altered the outcome. Aside from your confidence not many were calling this as this big a blowout. I believe few thought Gegare would show as well as he did. I'd hope your membership would understand this.

Its all perspective brother INGAME,

Im just communicating the "sentiments" of our brothers who say they didnt vote. Heck, in my center of 90 drivers, less than half of our drivers returned a ballot. Once the outcome was inevitable, our guys were saying "see, whats the point in voting"....

Its a dumb approach to the voting process, but it becomes more the case once elections go the way this one did.
