Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Well super genious, if you missed my other posts about "our" election in 396, let me say that in our local, we always have a constant running average of 941 dissension votes no matter who is in office.

So, that being said, the 810 votes that did not go for Hoffa went towards both Gegare and Pope. That 810 votes represents LESS THAN the 941 running average for dissension votes and shows that neither POPE nor GEGARE could obtain the constant running average.

As to our vote totals, like I said before, our vote totals continue to show trending of declines in the west because its clear our VOTES dont really matter. Before they even counted the west and Canada, HOFFA had blown out both POPE and Gegare.

Our western members see this trend and lose interest in voting. IF our votes dont matter, why vote? This is the sentiment being discussed in our yards. In reality, the only thing that counting the west and Canada amounted to was to increase HOFFAs blowout or in other terms, POUND IN THE FINAL NAIL IN TDU's COFFIN.

I hope this answers your questions and you are no longer confused.


The only reason I asked is because you talk like every one in California hates TDU but I did some homework in 2006 this is how your local voted 2006 L 396 588 1,105 17% of your members voted 2011 L 396 Hoffa 1514 Pope 379 Gegare 431 26% of your members voted "" like I said before, our vote totals continue to show trending of declines in the west because its clear our VOTES dont really matter. I'm sorry you were saying?????.Western Voting 2006 15% 2011 15.9%
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Well-Known Member
Your Local took a very nice step up from 17% to 26% our Local went from 29% to 33%. Our members voted based on how they felt about the last contract. Hoffa got 826 votes in 2006 down to 241 votes in 2011.


Well-Known Member
We should have been in trusteeship years ago. What happened to Jack and the ba new spot.

The local was audited as soon as Row B took over. Hoffa had his auditer in the hall once or twice a month to look over "the books" for the past couple of years. Tim and Jim had to change a bunch of things because the old guys were not operating by the International rules or even the Local by laws. You are right the old regime should have been under trusteeship but what can you do now besides make sure the old guys do not get back in.

TOS, remember what I just wrote here: Hoffa's man was in this local to look over the books already. Tim and Jim and the current board are in the process of fixing what the old board did. They were in power a very long time and nobody really knew how bad it was until the new guys came in. Changes have been implemented and it seems we are finally headed in the right direction. The problem here in Lo 804 is some of the old board looking to get back into office by inventing lies to smear the new board . They are following the Republican playbook when they blame obama for everything under the sun. The new board has been in office less than 2 years. Im not sure if you are aware but when the old board left, they cared so much for the membership that they destroyed files and computer harddrives and did not assist in the transition at all. Things were chaotic at first especially with our H/W fund in arbitration but they stopped the bleeding and are getting better everyday.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
The local was audited as soon as Row B took over. Hoffa had his auditer in the hall once or twice a month to look over "the books" for the past couple of years. Tim and Jim had to change a bunch of things because the old guys were not operating by the International rules or even the Local by laws. You are right the old regime should have been under trusteeship but what can you do now besides make sure the old guys do not get back in.

TOS, remember what I just wrote here: Hoffa's man was in this local to look over the books already. Tim and Jim and the current board are in the process of fixing what the old board did. They were in power a very long time and nobody really knew how bad it was until the new guys came in. Changes have been implemented and it seems we are finally headed in the right direction. The problem here in Lo 804 is some of the old board looking to get back into office by inventing lies to smear the new board . They are following the Republican playbook when they blame obama for everything under the sun. The new board has been in office less than 2 years. Im not sure if you are aware but when the old board left, they cared so much for the membership that they destroyed files and computer harddrives and did not assist in the transition at all. Things were chaotic at first especially with our H/W fund in arbitration but they stopped the bleeding and are getting better everyday.
Should of, Could of, Would of, but didn't Why? ........So STOP right there, and show us the proof!!!!! Beside Jim and Tim were there the past couple of years. So brown nose get your face out of their @ss!!!


Well-Known Member
What happened to Jack and the ba new spot.

He sent a text message to some shop stewards when he was appointed and was very excited to be the next BA, He is the biggest laziest brown nose up the Boards butt......

and his buddy BA Anthony C is too busying making deals with management, part timers making book as full timers and still working as part timers, till management says they need them as full timers.

Letting management use drivers as helpers for 8 hrs only.
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Well-Known Member
Yes your right it is a strong statement, too many under the table things were going on in the hall when Howie and company were there, as for proof well thats easier said then done.
But lets see,,,,,,,

How many loans from the credit union that defaulted , people dead , people never in the union , we all know who ran that credit union.

Their salaries $165,000 most locals were around $120,000 but most will say there getting paid, raising the stewards from 1 to 2 dollars another waste of dues money , more like hush money if you ask me.

All the kick backs from Magna Care for years they were 30% higher then other plans. And we never changed WHY? 70% of the Locals in our Joint Council 16 left Magna Care years ago. Howie and Tony D were going to fix our plan by getting rid of 25 and out , 200 and 400 deductibles , giving up major medical, raising co-pay and retirees. Why? Magna Care was charging 140 a claim while others like Blue Cross is charging 88? You mean that Tim S was the only one to find this out?? BS they knew

All the kick backs from our pension for years before 2009 our investments were falling faster then other pensions but no changes to the investment company's were made WHY?

Our annuity what a joke that is all these years and nothing to show but we still keep it , that money could of been used else were but wasn't WHY?

December 2009 after they lost the election $245,000 taking out for so called back vacations not used.

December 2009 after they lost the election Christmas party at 'Russo's on the Bay' that no one knew about who was invited? Magna Care people , investors , friends of theirs

Stu G (please don't even let me go there )

For years and years our co-pay was 3 dollars and we paid less union dues then most of the teamsters in our area WHY? just to keep people from complaining and looking in to things.

BUT YOUR RIGHT DO I HAVE PROOF , NO , MAYBE I'M CRAZY but I do think I have common sense..... and over 25 years as a Teamster , I was at that hall more them most....


People like mistakevoting , had enough and anyone else that is pro members voice , how come you guys never get Tony D or Angelo to respond to what Acesup804 post here , all you guys do is duck anything he posts. Tony D knows how to stand outside buildings and hand out pens but he never answers for his past or even tell members what he would do different.

Please tell Tony D that he was part of our old E board. He keeps trying to forget.


Well-Known Member
People like mistakevoting , had enough and anyone else that is pro members voice , how come you guys never get Tony D or Angelo to respond to what Acesup804 post here , all you guys do is duck anything he posts. Tony D knows how to stand outside buildings and hand out pens but he never answers for his past or even tell members what he would do different.

Please tell Tony D that he was part of our old E board. He keeps trying to forget.

I do not acknowledge Acesup804 posts as he or she has never backed up or proven anything it posts. You and the board can still point fingers and blame others for your incompetence for the last 2 yrs, our board even blames the members and tells stewards it the members fault because they dont file grievances, so we cant do anything. Our board will have to be accountable for what they have achieved as of yet, and I have not seen anything yet.

What you guys are ducking is, why are part timers who made book as full timers not full timers and our Board makes deals with management. Why are they allowing members to work as helpers and work only 8 hrs. Why are they telling stewards to write down the names of drivers who go home when our BA should be standing outside the front door and telling members not to go home.

Your Board has only destroyed our local.


Well-Known Member
Local 804 Members didn't hear the Members Voice……..

Our E Board backed and pushed Sandy Pope to the members of Local 804 while Tony D and Members Voice backed and pushed for Fred Gegare….

Final vote count for Local 804 for IBT President

Sandy --- 1,462
Fred ------- 433
Hoffa ------ 241

Looks like Members Voice is losing supporters,
Below are the results from the delegate convention election

Tim & Company -- 1,068
Members Voice ----- 884

Looks like Members Voice lost over 400 votes. Tony D asked his supporters to back Fred G and over 400 of them went with Tim S and voted for Sandy Pope.



Well-Known Member
Wrong, Look at the trend, 90% to Carey, 70% to Leedham, now Pope will be lucky to get 50% of the Vote. Remember Carey was a UPS teamster, the others are not.
So your saying the fund was below 50% at one point, and Pete said at the meeting it was 57% in Jan of 2010 - so that prove's it was improving and heading up with or without the clowns in office now.

Cant wait to see this next deal they make with the company... I bet our co-pays go up again



Well-Known Member
Local 804 Members didn't hear the Members Voice……..

Our E Board backed and pushed Sandy Pope to the members of Local 804 while Tony D and Members Voice backed and pushed for Fred Gegare….

Final vote count for Local 804 for IBT President

Sandy --- 1,462
Fred ------- 433
Hoffa ------ 241

Looks like Members Voice is losing supporters,
Below are the results from the delegate convention election

Tim & Company -- 1,068
Members Voice ----- 884

Looks like Members Voice lost over 400 votes. Tony D asked his supporters to back Fred G and over 400 of them went with Tim S and voted for Sandy Pope.


Those delegate results look good to me, they only lost by a small margin, This shows members are seeing what a bunch of incompetent fools are in charge and made a mistake voting for this eboard. MORE PROOF THAT LOCAL 804 MEMBERS WILL NOT RE-ELECT THE THIS EBOARD AGAIN FOR ANY SAY IN OUR NEXT CONTRACT.

Our Board backed Sandy pope for 2 years, spending the last yr on handing out flyers on what she could do if she was elected, when our Board should have been protecting the members and doing what they were elected to do (there job). Having a TDU member as president this of course would explain there support for her.
Other members introduced Fred to the members just a few weeks before the election. The board never introduced other candidates and to keep an open mind. They said just fill in the circle by sandy's name and mail in the ballot. All they cared about was Sandy, why, if Sandy wins Tim get a spot in the international and doesnt have to mop the bathroom floors next year. The Board never mentioned other positions under Hoffa that could have at least been changed in the IBT and could have made a difference to the IBT and could have benefited the members. No one knew much about Fred so there Vote went to Sandy, I'm glad I was given a chance to see the other candidate and to was able to see what they had to say and get informed.
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Well-Known Member
"I'm glad I was given a chance to see the other candidate and to was able to see what they had to say and get informed." LOL get informed Fred helped Hoffa pass our last 2 contracts, Fred backed every Hoffa move the whole time he was there. Fred watched his pension fund loss 6 billion dollars and stood by while Hoffa and Hall made a deal with UPS and he said nothing , Fred could of disagreed with what Hoffa was doing but he keep quiet. Waited till he got re-elected then started running his mouth. WHY? because Hoffa and Hall were saying they had to make the deal with UPS because the fund was being run into the ground. Fred knew that Hoffa was not going to have him on the slate. Now since the Central States are under control of UPS they lost 25 and out.

Members voted for Sandy because she understands what New Yorkers go though every day and what we need in our next contract.

Do I know if Sandy was right for all Teamsters? looking at the vote NO but she was great for us here in Local 804 I'd rather take a chance with her because you already know what we will be getting with Hoffa.


Well-Known Member
The point of posting this was that Tony D told his supporters that Fred G was the best choice. Tony though that his supporters would listen to him because he thinks they believe what he says, They did not, Fred only got 433 out of 884 of Tony's supporters.

Talk all you want , spin it as you wish , as long as Tony D is running as President he can't win ........ Couldn't even win as steward in his own building. The members don't believe that Tony D will have there best interest in mind , only to get back in the hall wearing $2,000 suits and making $167,000 a year.

Tony D had a chance to be a leader when he got back to Foster but he only cared about himself , asked all the stewards in that building to step down (none did) didn't go to any arbitrations to help win back the members jobs that got fired when he was the BA. (are you kidding me) But he did bump a guy that was doing a morning shuttle for over 15 years that he was doing to help his family by getting home earlier.

He has done nothing to show that he is a leader , he gets up at meetings and says "please don't upset UPS" Tells Tim S that he's stealing the members money by making fund cuts, and Tony was a trustee on the fund , he saids"no bullsh/t there was no money in the fund when I left" So why was it in arbitration? Tony why did the funds lawyer say you were wrong? Why did Bill B sit there and not say a word? He knows she was telling the truth. Tony D was laughed at after that meeting.

Local 804 Members didn't hear the Members Voice……..

Our E Board backed and pushed Sandy Pope to the members of Local 804 while Tony D and Members Voice backed and pushed for Fred Gegare….

Final vote count for Local 804 for IBT President

Sandy --- 1,462
Fred ------- 433
Hoffa ------ 241

Looks like Members Voice is losing supporters,
Below are the results from the delegate convention election

Tim & Company -- 1,068
Members Voice ----- 884

Looks like Members Voice lost over 400 votes. Tony D asked his supporters to back Fred G and over 400 of them went with Tim S and voted for Sandy Pope.



Well-Known Member
The point of posting this was that Tony D told his supporters that Fred G was the best choice. Tony though that his supporters would listen to him because he thinks they believe what he says, They did not, Fred only got 433 out of 884 of Tony's supporters.

Members weren't mailed flyers, harrassed for email address to vote for Fred, I didnt even see anyone campaigne for Fred - actually the votes that Fred got may have even been for sandy until 433 members were informed before the election.

Again you go on with just same old none sense, I could say so much of the same about Sandy, how she bankrupted her own local and so on, how she membership decreased and so on. None of the candidates may have been right, but our Board should have kept an open mind and introduced what others had to offer, and to not at least, inform members about other positions that could have been changed under Hoffa to me was a wasted vote. Like I said, I got a chance to see the other candidate, and was able to make an inform decision.

Talk all you want , spin it as you wish , as long as Tony D is running as President he can't win ........ Couldn't even win as steward in his own building. The members don't believe that Tony D will have there best interest in mind , only to get back in the hall wearing $2,000 suits and making $167,000 a year.

Talk all you want about, All that matters is that this incompetent E Board wont win the next election just by pointing fingers, it will be by there proformance which they have not done.

Tony D had a chance to be a leader when he got back to Foster but he only cared about himself , asked all the stewards in that building to step down (none did) didn't go to any arbitrations to help win back the members jobs that got fired when he was the BA. (are you kidding me) But he did bump a guy that was doing a morning shuttle for over 15 years that he was doing to help his family by getting home earlier.

I know stewards there and that is not true, no one was asked to step down. As as far bumping goes, Im sure you didnt give up your summer vacation week to a bottom guy who wanted to spend time with his kids during the summer break. It's called senority RANK AND FILE

He has done nothing to show that he is a leader , he gets up at meetings and says "please don't upset UPS" Tells Tim S that he's stealing the members money by making fund cuts, and Tony was a trustee on the fund , he saids"no bullsh/t there was no money in the fund when I left" So why was it in arbitration? Tony why did the funds lawyer say you were wrong? Why did Bill B sit there and not say a word? He knows she was telling the truth. Tony D was laughed at after that meeting.

I missed the last meeting, from what I hear, it didnt go that way. And if there was no money in the fund it must have been spent on the members, the members that needed it for there family. The members who break there ass every day for UPS... My bills always got paid, now they dont - money comes out of my pocket now, when it should be comming from UPS's POCKET -


Well-Known Member
I missed the last meeting, from what I hear, it didnt go that way. And if there was no money in the fund it must have been spent on the members, the members that needed it for there family. The members who break there ass every day for UPS... My bills always got paid, now they dont - money comes out of my pocket now, when it should be comming from UPS's POCKET -

[eyes]Yes your bills got paid because they used money from the reserve that was built up when Ron Carey was here. 2 contracts came and went and Tony D and Angelo failed to get enough money for our fund from UPS to stop the bleeding that was going on for 10 years. Thats whats happens when you kiss Hoffa @ss all those years. The last 2 contracts were nothing more then give backs. Members in 43rd St said Tony sounded like a clown.
[eyes]The point of posting this was that Tony D told his supporters that Fred G was the best choice. Tony though that his supporters would listen to him because he thinks they believe what he says, They did not, Fred only got 433 out of 884 of Tony's supporters.

[mistake]Members weren't mailed flyers, harrassed for email address to vote for Fred, I didnt even see anyone campaigne for Fred - actually the votes that Fred got may have even been for sandy until 433 members were informed before the election.

[eyes]Of course because he came in a couple of days before the ballots went out for a hit and run members didn't know the truth about him some believed Tony. The point is that if Tony D said to vote for Fred his 800 supporters should have voted for Fred. Tim S got his supporters to vote for Sandy plus 400 more. Tony D's 400.

[mistake]Again you go on with just same old none sense, I could say so much of the same about Sandy, how she bankrupted her own local and so on, how she membership decreased and so on. None of the candidates may have been right, but our Board should have kept an open mind and introduced what others had to offer, and to not at least, inform members about other positions that could have been changed under Hoffa to me was a wasted vote. Like I said, I got a chance to see the other candidate, and was able to make an inform decision.

[eyes] Open mind? Hoffa and Fred are the same. Tim S stood up and knew that the members of Local 804 would get the best contract with Sandy. He stood with the membership , Hoffa has lost 804 in every election since he is in office.
[eyes] talk all you want , spin it as you wish , as long as Tony D is running as President he can't win ........ Couldn't even win as steward in his own building. The members don't believe that Tony D will have there best interest in mind , only to get back in the hall wearing $2,000 suits and making $167,000 a year.

[mistake]Talk all you want about, All that matters is that this incompetent E Board wont win the next election just by pointing fingers, it will be by there proformance which they have not done.

[eyes] if you keep saying it in your head you will believe it.

[eyes]Tony D had a chance to be a leader when he got back to Foster but he only cared about himself , asked all the stewards in that building to step down (none did) didn't go to any arbitrations to help win back the members jobs that got fired when he was the BA. (are you kidding me) But he did bump a guy that was doing a morning shuttle for over 15 years that he was doing to help his family by getting home earlier.

[mistake]I know stewards there and that is not true, no one was asked to step down. As as far bumping goes, Im sure you didnt give up your summer vacation week to a bottom guy who wanted to spend time with his kids during the summer break. It's called senority RANK AND FILE

[eyes] I know the feeder guys from Foster and they said that Phil C , Jack D , Al C , Dave M , Frank friend were asked to step down. I can only speak for myself but if I was Tony and wanted to help the drivers in Foster I would not take a run that started at 6am when I could not see the drivers. But your right seniority rules
[eyes] He has done nothing to show that he is a leader , he gets up at meetings and says "please don't upset UPS" Tells Tim S that he's stealing the members money by making fund cuts, and Tony was a trustee on the fund , he saids"no bullsh/t there was no money in the fund when I left" So why was it in arbitration? Tony why did the funds lawyer say you were wrong? Why did Bill B sit there and not say a word? He knows she was telling the truth. Tony D was laughed at after that meeting.

[eyes]The different between you and I is that I never said that our whole E board was great , they have lots to learn but half of the guys on Tony's slate are a joke. You are just one sided since day one here one sided. Tony now wants members to think he can do a better job NOW, protect the members NOW , speak up for the members NOW, NOW its to late, but the members will vote next year and we will see.
Peace and god bless,

, ,


Is it time to go home yet
But he did bump a guy that was doing a morning shuttle for over 15 years that he was doing to help his family by getting home earlier.
He wasn't doing the shuttle run for 15 years.more like 2.


Well-Known Member
But he did bump a guy that was doing a morning shuttle for over 15 years that he was doing to help his family by getting home earlier.
He wasn't doing the shuttle run for 15 years.more like 2.

Looper804 your location says Foster so I'd say most likely your right , I'm from 43rd St. I was told that a driver named Long was doing it for a long time. Maybe the run or the early start time has only been 2 years. I do know that the run was from Island City to Foster and one left Foster the other left Island City. Then UPS washed the run from Island City to Foster and Tony D did both. I favor from DM Joe R to Tony D.
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Well-Known Member
local 804 members didn't hear the members voice……..

Our e board backed and pushed sandy pope to the members of local 804 while tony d and members voice backed and pushed for fred gegare….

Final vote count for local 804 for ibt president

sandy --- 1,462
fred ------- 433
hoffa ------ 241

looks like members voice is losing supporters,
below are the results from the delegate convention election

tim & company -- 1,068
members voice ----- 884

looks like members voice lost over 400 votes. Tony d asked his supporters to back fred g and over 400 of them went with tim s and voted for sandy pope.

More proof that local 804 members don't trust tony d or angelo to have any say in our next contract

no no no....it's just proof that you can sell anything now a days to the new 804 members....thank god the rest of the country has a brain.....pope is history get on with with your lives.