Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
You make no sense, so all he got fired for was a not in ,you really believe what you hear. Why didn't FAT EDDIE get his job back 4 months ago months ago if it was that easy. Keep trying to sell your garbage Tony D no one is buying it.

Thats because anything he posts is to just undermined the hall and get him or them back in. Never any details or facts.

Yes I also feel that the hall needs to do a much better job with the web-site. 10X's better then in the past but thats no excuse it should be handled better.

I don't like every thing this board is doing but I feel that most of the boards haters here are never honest so I windup over backing them because I feel they are better then what is going to running against them right now.

Its hard for me to comment on other BA's because I don't know many of them but I will say that Liam is a very smart guy and was a good steward. I don't like that on the web site he's listed as a Business Agent we was not elected so he should be an appointed BA maybe I'm wrong but thats how I see it.

And what is going on with the safety committee's we don't hear anything and both sides act like its no big deal. We had many good people doing good things for our members. I think that on the web-site we should have had updates as to what is going on.

Also now that Jack D is back at Foster (flipping burgers.... that was funny) who is going in to the hall? I mean everyone knew that Jack got his button and nothing was on the website , not even to say what happen?



Well-Known Member
Thats because anything he posts is to just undermined the hall and get him or them back in. Never any details or facts.

Yes I also feel that the hall needs to do a much better job with the web-site. 10X's better then in the past but thats no excuse it should be handled better.

I don't like every thing this board is doing but I feel that most of the boards haters here are never honest so I windup over backing them because I feel they are better then what is going to running against them right now.

Its hard for me to comment on other BA's because I don't know many of them but I will say that Liam is a very smart guy and was a good steward. I don't like that on the web site he's listed as a Business Agent we was not elected so he should be an appointed BA maybe I'm wrong but thats how I see it.

And what is going on with the safety committee's we don't hear anything and both sides act like its no big deal. We had many good people doing good things for our members. I think that on the web-site we should have had updates as to what is going on.

Also now that Jack D is back at Foster (flipping burgers.... that was funny) who is going in to the hall? I mean everyone knew that Jack got his button and nothing was on the website , not even to say what happen?

I agree the website is not updated timely.

As for the guy from Maspeth getting his job back: maybe they made a deal for time served (4 months??) and made it with the steward to undermine the BA. I wouldnt put it past conforti.

I still do not know the details about Jack D.

Anyway maybe they will bring in the guy from Maspeth whose name was thrown around a few months ago.


Well-Known Member
Thats because anything he posts is to just undermined the hall and get him or them back in. Never any details or facts.

Yes I also feel that the hall needs to do a much better job with the web-site. 10X's better then in the past but thats no excuse it should be handled better.

I don't like every thing this board is doing but I feel that most of the boards haters here are never honest so I windup over backing them because I feel they are better then what is going to running against them right now.

Its hard for me to comment on other BA's because I don't know many of them but I will say that Liam is a very smart guy and was a good steward. I don't like that on the web site he's listed as a Business Agent we was not elected so he should be an appointed BA maybe I'm wrong but thats how I see it.

And what is going on with the safety committee's we don't hear anything and both sides act like its no big deal. We had many good people doing good things for our members. I think that on the web-site we should have had updates as to what is going on.

Also now that Jack D is back at Foster (flipping burgers.... that was funny) who is going in to the hall? I mean everyone knew that Jack got his button and nothing was on the website , not even to say what happen?

Part timers making book as full timers for over 6 months and as of yet there still working part time with part time pay, your Boy Anthony C allows this and makes deals with management and screws the members.

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Well-Known Member
JACK D. BACK IN fOSTER AVE. Flipping bergers and giving out safety awards for the company. For does of you who don't know this guy he is the biggest deal maker in Foster ave. HE IS THE CAR WASH STEWARD WHO WORKS HIS VACATION EVERY YEAR. ALSO GIVES UP PART TIMERS SO HE CAN WALK ALL AROUND THE BUILDING ALL NITE DOING NOTHING. Now he is Tim S. DRIVER AND LOBBY BOY A.K.A. Big ***** kisser. for the 804 e-board circus. :group-hug:


And by the way Liam you did not save the driver job in Queen north John B. It was the shop steward Vinny P. You didn't even know he was back to work you fool. Then you come the next day in your Sunday best and try to take the credit. The whole center know you are the fool on the hill. You couldn't even save your job. LORD HELP US.

Funny little Wolf, or should I say WolfL! you can't even spell your name right and you think it was up to Liam, not his B.A. Tony Badabing to save his job? We all know badabing wanted him out and sacrificed a steward and gave the company a production case to use against the members in the entire country!! There are UPS managers in every state creaming at arbitration for the case Mr. Eh YO! gave them! That was the members voice wasn't it! Please Tony, help the company kill us with production!

And what did the Steward do to get the member back? I believe it was up to the DM. Who deals with the DM? Ask Badabing!


Do you believe this clown Liam R. HANGING AROUND the Elmhurst center last week after the steward Eddie got back a driver who was out of work for five months because he put ( NI1 ) on a package that he new the woman wasn't home. So the company discharge him for dishonesty, All Liam said was we will go to arbitration. After two week of being out of work. The driver was calling the union hall but no one would get back to him. This went on for four and a half months until the steward said. Is this what you call 24/7 repensentation nobody gets back to you. So the steward went to work and got the driver back his job and the division manager told the steward that the union never ever call me to talk about putting the driver back to work. The clown Liam is so scare of the company he is even afraid to talk to them. Is this what we voted for pusillanimous not men. THEN TO BOOT HE GO INTO ISLAND CITY and starts telling driver in the Elmhurst center he save Alcide job. Every one in the building was laughing at this clown in his Sunday best even the company, trying to take the credit. what a ***** HOLE. THANK God for all the good stewards.

Oh Wlfie! Don't you know that the company can fire you for dishonesty! And you wanna be in office? Who deals with the DM? We are suppossed to believe that the two stewards on the baddabing website are the ones who got the members jobs back? How if the company didn't have to? I guess the DM just decided poof, we have a good case on dishonesty here and the old board had lost dozens of them in arbitration but lets bring those guys back for the hell of it? LOL!! Oh wolfie!! I guess you aren't ready for the B.A. position yet, because that's who talks to the DM.

you also said Liam accepted a 30 day suspension? Guess what, that was for dishonesty too and you credit Liam. So he saved a guys job with 30 days out? Why don't we ask the members themselves what happened? Oh yeah because that would put an end to your little school girl cry fest on bashing the board and promoting yourself!!


Well-Known Member
Oh Wlfie! Don't you know that the company can fire you for dishonesty! And you wanna be in office? Who deals with the DM? We are suppossed to believe that the two stewards on the baddabing website are the ones who got the members jobs back? How if the company didn't have to? I guess the DM just decided poof, we have a good case on dishonesty here and the old board had lost dozens of them in arbitration but lets bring those guys back for the hell of it? LOL!! Oh wolfie!! I guess you aren't ready for the B.A. position yet, because that's who talks to the DM.

you also said Liam accepted a 30 day suspension? Guess what, that was for dishonesty too and you credit Liam. So he saved a guys job with 30 days out? Why don't we ask the members themselves what happened? Oh yeah because that would put an end to your little school girl cry fest on bashing the board and promoting yourself!!

Real, the old board members and their little puppets love to try and undermine the new E/B and the BAs. Im sure the collude with management on a daily basis. If Liam saved a guy from being fired and waiting 6 months til arbitration by ok-ing a 30 day suspension, then more power to him.

Its funny when Liam was added as a union rep many people I know questioned whether he should be on the board at all due to the fact that he was fired, etc and that he wasnt "elected" by the members. Well, he has proven himself to be not only well versed in the contract but a helluva fighter for the members when going up against management!!


Well-Known Member
Real, the old board members and their little puppets love to try and undermine the new E/B and the BAs. !

There's nothing to undermine, they have not accomplished a thing, but raise our medical copays and out of pocket expenses, get 2 stewards fired and countless members along with taking suspensions on everything, part timers make book and there still part -timers untill UPS say they will need them, drivers getting suspension's for accidents. What a disaster and disappointment.


Well-Known Member

It is our policy to maintain a drug-free and alcohol-free work environment.* Use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs*creates serious health and safety risks in the workplace.* The use, sale,*or possession of alcohol, illegal drugs, or other illegal substances is strictly prohibited while at work, on company property, or while on company business.* This prohibition also includes illegal or improper use of controlled substances.

Reporting to work under the influence of any such substance is*strictly prohibited.* No one is permitted to go on duty or remain on duty if they possess or have the presence of an illegal or unauthorized controlled substance or alcohol in their system.* Employees are not permitted to go on duty or remain on duty if they are impaired by the presence of an authorized controlled substance.* In addition, we must comply with all laws and regulations regarding the use or possession of alcohol, illegal drugs, and controlled substances.


Well-Known Member

It is our policy to maintain a drug-free and alcohol-free work environment.* Use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs*creates serious health and safety risks in the workplace.* The use, sale,*or possession of alcohol, illegal drugs, or other illegal substances is strictly prohibited while at work, on company property, or while on company business.* This prohibition also includes illegal or improper use of controlled substances.

Reporting to work under the influence of any such substance is*strictly prohibited.* No one is permitted to go on duty or remain on duty if they possess or have the presence of an illegal or unauthorized controlled substance or alcohol in their system.* Employees are not permitted to go on duty or remain on duty if they are impaired by the presence of an authorized controlled substance.* In addition, we must comply with all laws and regulations regarding the use or possession of alcohol, illegal drugs, and controlled substances.
Ahhhhhh the customer counter cover up! yuuuuup heard about that 1! can ya pass me a pepsi( hiccup) im parched.......


Well-Known Member
, part timers make book and there still part -timers untill UPS say they will need them, drivers getting suspension's for accidents.

You have been running your mouth here for over a month about part timers making book but are still part timers. Saying Anthony C is making deals with management. Nothing new from you , your full of it and don't know the facts.

Took a while but here is what is really going on:

1st guy is a part timer that made 40 in 70 though preload and safety hours , UPS is not allowing him to go full time because they wont honor the safety hours. Anthony C told them he worked 40 and 70 he's a full timer and the case has been filed for arbitration.

2nd guy preloader made 40 in 70 , 2 weeks before Oct 15 he went in to the office with Anthony C and Steward , They told the company that the preloader made book and wants to be a driver he was told that he will work as a drivers helper until he passed the road test. On Oct 15 they stopped him from going out and he went back to the preload and doesn't say anything to anyone. He finally passes the road test and tells Anthony C , I passed the road test now can I go driving? Then tells Anthony he hasn't been working 8 hours? But the preloader never told anyone or put in a grievance. Anthony walks him in to the managers office tells him this guy is full time and passed the road test NOW he's working 8 hours and Anthony told him that UPS owes him all the back money.

As far as drivers getting suspension's for accidents , you should know since your from that center...... Try posting the TRUTH.....



Well-Known Member
Local 804 Pension Update

Good news for Local 804 members and your pension and retirement security. The assets of the Local 804 Pension Fund, as of Oct. 31, are up to $769.4 million dollars.

That’s an increase of more than $43.3 million since the end of 2010. Despite the worst economy of our lives, the assets of our Pension Fund have grown by over $75 million since this Executive Board took office.

This good news about your Local 804 pension runs counter to some false rumors that are being circulated. It’s time to set the record straight.

A few members have spread the rumor that a recent letter sent out by the Pension Fund means that 25 & Out has been eliminated and that members have to be 55 years old in order to retire. Rest assured these rumors are completely false.

Here are the facts.

1) Your 25 & Out Benefits are In Effect and Secure. Local 804 members saved 25 & Out for ALL Local 804 members by voting to reject the last contract which was recommended by the former Executive Board. Your 25 & Out benefits are protected.

2) There is No Change in Normal Retirement Age. Age 55 has been and remains the “Normal Retirement Age” in the Local 804 Pension Fund. Under the law, the Pension Fund was required to send out a notice to every participant that details your vested benefits and what you pension would be at “normal retirement age.” This letter does not reflect any change in your pension. You can retire with 25 years of pension credit at any age. Your 25 & Out benefits remain in effect.

3) The Pension Fund’s assets are up by over $75 million since this Executive Board took office. We are digging out of the hole that we inherited from the former trustees. We are on track to move the Fund out of the Red Zone over time.

We will continue to issue regular Pension Fund updates and reports at every General Membership meeting. It’s your pension and you’re entitled to the facts—not false and divisive rumors.


Local 804 Retirement Seminar
Members Chart Course

for Retirement Security

Members packed Ricardo’s on Nov. 12 for a retirement seminar organized by Local 804. One hundred eighty members registered for the sold out event.

The seminar covered essential information on retirement plans, including income strategies using pension and savings, Social Security Do’s & Don’ts, learning from others’ mistakes, and planning for the unthinkable.

“The retirement seminar was great. It definitely encourages you to think about where you are financially and how to plan for our future,” said Alex Masciana, feeder steward from 43[SUP]rd[/SUP] Street.

Local 804 is scheduling the next retirement seminar. Keep your eye on union bulletin boards and the website so you can register.


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhh the customer counter cover up! yuuuuup heard about that 1! can ya pass me a pepsi( hiccup) im parched.......

hey George Z (steward), Carl R (counter / steward ) Chris W (counter)....please STOP hugging and "kissing" the Security Manager Ralph friend , get out of bed with the person who's only enjoyment in life is putting members out on the street for minor infractions. You guys are a disgrace to Brush Ave and think only about saving your own hides. PS: Have another "coke".


Well-Known Member
hey George Z (steward), Carl R (counter / steward ) Chris W (counter)....please STOP hugging and "kissing" the Security Manager Ralph friend , get out of bed with the person who's only enjoyment in life is putting members out on the street for minor infractions. You guys are a disgrace to Brush Ave and think only about saving your own hides. PS: Have another "coke".

Thats the big scandal???LOL


Well-Known Member
I really want to thank the E Board for trying to fix 2 of the many huge mistakes in our contract that our last board made.

First our old board Tony D and Angelo did not make sure our clerks and car washers were protected from lay-offs. Allowing the company to have them only do 4 1/2 hours if there is no work in there classification. Makes no sense that they would not make sure that our senior members are protected. Full time drivers and 22.3 workers have good lay-off language but not our clerks or car washers. ARE U KIDDING ME?????

WHY? were they that stupid? that clueless? I mean our last contract was done 6 months early , UPS was so desperate to get that contract done before Jan 1 how could our old board not have that on the table to be fixed.....

Our board went to arbitration to see if they could get an arbitrator to guarantee our clerks 8 hours by saying that a lot of our part timers always work more then 4 1/2 hours on a regular bases plus that in the past any clerks that didn't have 8 hours of work did other jobs a form of past practice.

The arbitrator ruled then since the part timers were not schedule to do that work plus because it was only a couple of times past practices does not apply to this case. He said that he understands that members are guarantee 8 hours BUT this is how the contract was negotiate and there is nothing he sees that he can do to change it.


Second our great and wonderful old E board Tony D and Angelo allowed UPS to put the word ATTAIN in the new contract

Meaning of ATTAIN 1. Succeed in achieving (something that one desires and has worked for) "he attained the rank of admiral"

The word ATTAIN is NOT in the Aug 1, 2002 through July 31, 2008 contract , UPS settled our contract Jan 1, 2008 so they s*ckered or old board by putting that in AND right before Aug 1, 2008 put 40 new drivers on centers knowing they would make book after Aug 1, 2008 and UPS did not have to give them coffee saving thousands of dollars. Laughing at our old board , played them for chumps , what a joke , you mean to tell me they didn't see that UPS changed the wording? "O maybe UPS just wants to use a fancy word" says Tony D , NO you idiot they were playing you for a s*cker not hard for them to do.......

I'm sure they will be members here and in different buildings that will say "WOW our board lost 2 arb's whats going on"




Well-Known Member
Thats the big scandal???LOL

No...it's just the tip of the iceberg....it's also called corruption when a member of our security force does not enforce the obvious things that go on at the Brush counter....it's dereliction of duty when you choose to enforce only some of the regulations of the company....As far as the LOL comment, it will not be a laughing matter when someone gets injured or worse because the consuming of "pepsi" on the job was not enforced...and when that happens then maybe someone will do a proper investigation.