Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Nothing new for LP Ralph he was at Foster for years playing one member against another, Ralph's MO his get members to give him info.........Just ask Tony D ...... Tony D, LP Ralph, DM Joe R all worked together to stick it to the drivers Tony didn't like and in return they got info....


Well-Known Member
Enough of the b/s that continues to go on.

Another communication channel to assist us is the UPS Help Line. We can contact the UPS Help Line when we have a concern want to report a potential violation of our legal or ethical responsibilities. We may use whatever method of communication with which we feel most comfortable. The important thing is to get the needed guidance,]to report what is known,and to get questions answered.

The UPS Help Line, which is answered by an outside vendor, is available to all employees, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Interpreters are available for language assistance. The UPS Help Line can be reached toll-free at 1-800-220-4126. Individual country codes can be found on the Corporate Compliance and Ethics Web site and should be used for UPS Help Line calls made outside of North America.

Callers may use the UPS Help Line as a confidential way to report questionable accounting, financial or audit matters, suspected bribery of public officials, or facts that may affect the vital interest of UPS or the moral or physical integrity of its employees. The UPS Help Line is not equipped with caller ID, recorders, or other devices that can identify or trace the caller's number.

When*the UPS Help Line is called, the person can*expect that:

A report will be forwarded to appropriate UPS management for follow-up.*
The concern will be addressed by members of management that may include representatives from Corporate Compliance and Ethics, Human Resources, Corporate Legal, Security, or Internal Audit. If the inquiry is one that can be properly handled by someone in the region or district, it will be referred there for resolution. Each concern will be carefully evaluated before it is referred for investigation or resolution.
The concern*will be handled promptly, discreetly, and professionally. Discussions and inquiries will be kept in confidence to the extent appropriate or permitted by law.
Certain follow-up information about how the concern was*addressed may be obtained upon request.

Investigations into allegations of unethical or illegal conduct must be conducted confidentially and professionally. The UPS Guidelines for Investigation of Workplace Issues is available from Corporate Compliance and Ethics or management who may conduct such an investigation.

Additional information can be found in the section titled "Retaliation" and on the Corporate Compliance and Ethics Web site.


Well-Known Member
I really want to thank the E Board for trying to fix 2 of the many huge mistakes in our contract that our last board made.

First our old board Tony D and Angelo did not make sure our clerks and car washers were protected from lay-offs. Allowing the company to have them only do 4 1/2 hours if there is no work in there classification. Makes no sense that they would not make sure that our senior members are protected. Full time drivers and 22.3 workers have good lay-off language but not our clerks or car washers. ARE U KIDDING ME?????

WHY? were they that stupid? that clueless? I mean our last contract was done 6 months early , UPS was so desperate to get that contract done before Jan 1 how could our old board not have that on the table to be fixed.....

Our board went to arbitration to see if they could get an arbitrator to guarantee our clerks 8 hours by saying that a lot of our part timers always work more then 4 1/2 hours on a regular bases plus that in the past any clerks that didn't have 8 hours of work did other jobs a form of past practice.

The arbitrator ruled then since the part timers were not schedule to do that work plus because it was only a couple of times past practices does not apply to this case. He said that he understands that members are guarantee 8 hours BUT this is how the contract was negotiate and there is nothing he sees that he can do to change it.


Second our great and wonderful old E board Tony D and Angelo allowed UPS to put the word ATTAIN in the new contract

Meaning of ATTAIN 1. Succeed in achieving (something that one desires and has worked for) "he attained the rank of admiral"

The word ATTAIN is NOT in the Aug 1, 2002 through July 31, 2008 contract , UPS settled our contract Jan 1, 2008 so they s*ckered or old board by putting that in AND right before Aug 1, 2008 put 40 new drivers on centers knowing they would make book after Aug 1, 2008 and UPS did not have to give them coffee saving thousands of dollars. Laughing at our old board , played them for chumps , what a joke , you mean to tell me they didn't see that UPS changed the wording? "O maybe UPS just wants to use a fancy word" says Tony D , NO you idiot they were playing you for a s*cker not hard for them to do.......

I'm sure they will be members here and in different buildings that will say "WOW our board lost 2 arb's whats going on"


On the clerks arbitration, it was UPS' plan all along to make the clerks job a part time operation. Granted some clerks undermine themselves by blowing through their work so quickly just to race home early, but you are right: How did the old board allow this language in our contract?? And now some of them want to "lead" our local again?? Well, I think now that Tony and co have "attained" the status of package car driver, that is where they will retire!!


Well-Known Member
You have been running your mouth here for over a month about part timers making book but are still part timers. Saying Anthony C is making deals with management. Nothing new from you , your full of it and don't know the facts.

Took a while but here is what is really going on: you could have come up with a better story than this....

1st guy is a part timer that made 40 in 70 though preload and safety hours , UPS is not allowing him to go full time because they wont honor the safety hours. Anthony C told them he worked 40 and 70 he's a full timer and the case has been filed for arbitration.

2nd guy preloader made 40 in 70 , 2 weeks before Oct 15 he went in to the office with Anthony C and Steward , They told the company that the preloader made book and wants to be a driver he was told that he will work as a drivers helper until he passed the road test. On Oct 15 they stopped him from going out and he went back to the preload and doesn't say anything to anyone. He finally passes the road test and tells Anthony C , I passed the road test now can I go driving? Then tells Anthony he hasn't been working 8 hours? But the preloader never told anyone or put in a grievance. Anthony walks him in to the managers office tells him this guy is full time and passed the road test NOW he's working 8 hours and Anthony told him that UPS owes him all the back money.

As far as drivers getting suspension's for accidents , you should know since your from that center...... Try posting the TRUTH.....


Hey Jack Ace,

Nice cover up story for your boy Anthony C, now the real truth - preloader's made book as helper the first time while as a driver helper do to a managers not counting his days, Anthony C made a deal with management since they didn't want any more Full time helper positions and had the preloaders do another 40 of 70 days as a helper to be a driver. Again preloader made book and another deal was made with management to work him as a preloader and come in at 3:30 am them send him out as a helper, this went on for about 2-3 months and pre-loader told Anthony C each day that he could not work 17hrs a day anymore. Anthony C telling pre-loader were going to get this worked out for you, now Oct 15th comes along, and the company wants to pay the pre-loader $8.00 an hour when he goes out with a driver to be a helper. Pre-loader tells them screw you I'm not working for $8.00 dollars and hour. Then Anthony C then makes another deal with management and agrees with them to take a road test and ok's that a TAW should give him driving lessons. Anthony C was aware of every thing, as he was informed by pre-loader each day to get this resolved. How many more favors is our Board going to do for the UPS at the members expense.

I'll post even more info as soon as i am updated with more real facts from Foster drivers and preloaders pissed off about this.....


Well-Known Member
Nice cover up story for your boy Anthony C, now the real truth - preloader's made book as helper the first time while as a driver helper do to a managers not counting his days, Anthony C made a deal with management since they didn't want any more Full time helper positions and had the preloaders do another 40 of 70 days as a helper to be a driver. Again preloader made book and another deal was made with management to work him as a preloader and come in at 3:30 am them send him out as a helper, this went on for about 2-3 months and pre-loader told Anthony C each day that he could not work 17hrs a day anymore. Anthony C telling pre-loader were going to get this worked out for you, now Oct 15th comes along, and the company wants to pay the pre-loader $8.00 an hour when he goes out with a driver to be a helper. Pre-loader tells them screw you I'm not working for $8.00 dollars and hour. Then Anthony C then makes another deal with management and agrees with them to take a road test and ok's that a TAW should give him driving lessons. Anthony C was aware of every thing, as he was informed by pre-loader each day to get this resolved. How many more favors is our Board going to do for the UPS at the members expense.

Again your full of it because the preloader did not want to be a helper. He talker to a couple of stewards and since Foster is the only building that has full time helpers A friend'UP DEAL THAT TONY D MADE WITH UPS" The preloader would have better lay-off protection being a driver.

Why don't you post a comment about Tony's deal to make full time helpers?

Why don't you post your comment about how Tony D and the old board :censored2: the CLERKS AND CAR WASHERS....




Well-Known Member
Soon well talk about the seasonal helpers doing pre-load work........ what a joke of a Union
So Acesup think of a good one for that story, i'll give you time to prepare.

I take time because I'm not a steward so it takes me time to get THE FACTS something you never do.

As far as preloaders they have been working them on Saturday but only the part timers. UPS would not offer the work to the full timers on the preload that grievance was handed in by the stewards.

The next week UPS could not get all the part timers they needed to work on Saturday because the week before UPS paid the part timers time and a half for Saturday NOW they wanted to only pay them straight time so many of them said NO.

UPS them asked the part timers on the local sort if they wanted to work and still could not get enough people to work so UPS started to tell season driver helpers they had to work Saturday before asking the drivers. I heard that grievance was handed in.

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Well-Known Member
UPS is trying to force in drivers to work Christmas Eve. The contract clearly states you can not be forced in.

No one should be forced in IF you want to work and make good money thats your choice.



Well-Known Member
UPS is trying to force in drivers to work Christmas Eve. The contract clearly states you can not be forced in.

No one should be forced in IF you want to work and make good money thats your choice.


Why hasn't our E Board addressed this with management, and protect the members as they were elected to do and informed us of such actions. I guess they left it up to you to post it on brown and inform the members.


Well-Known Member
I take time because I'm not a steward so it takes me time to get THE FACTS something you never do.

As far as preloaders they have been working them on Saturday but only the part timers. UPS would not offer the work to the full timers on the preload that grievance was handed in by the stewards.

The next week UPS could not get all the part timers they needed to work on Saturday because the week before UPS paid the part timers time and a half for Saturday NOW they wanted to only pay them straight time so many of them said NO.

UPS them asked the part timers on the local sort if they wanted to work and still could not get enough people to work so UPS started to tell season driver helpers they had to work Saturday before asking the drivers. I heard that grievance was handed in.


Another example of UPS doing what ever they want and our Board showing no authority or control.


Well-Known Member
Again your full of it because the preloader did not want to be a helper. He talker to a couple of stewards and since Foster is the only building that has full time helpers A friend'UP DEAL THAT TONY D MADE WITH UPS" The preloader would have better lay-off protection being a driver.

As I said before, part timers making book as full timers and there still part timers making part time pay.


Well-Known Member
As I said before, part timers making book as full timers and there still part timers making part time pay.

Then I guess he will get a nice check, what you think that because the union is right the company will do it? Thats why we have arbitration because the company tries to make its own rules.

I total understand if you don't like the system we have , I will agree with that but this isn't 1950's and bring a baseball bat to work ( i wish it was )we can't even get our own guys to stop from going home, people want to say its up to the hall, I don't agree its up to the members 25 years ago if someone ran there lunch or went home or made a deal with the company 24 union members were in his face the next day. Thats the problem now a days , it was the problem when Howie was president and its still the problem now that Tims the president.

Its in the 3rd quarter MY GIANTS S#CK.. hoping for the best


Well-Known Member
Then I guess he will get a nice check, what you think that because the union is right the company will do it? Thats why we have arbitration because the company tries to make its own rules. So why is it still not in arbitration after more than 6 months........

I total understand if you don't like the system we have , I will agree with that but this isn't 1950's and bring a baseball bat to work ( i wish it was )
we can't even get our own guys to stop from going home, people want to say its up to the hall, I don't agree its up to the members 25 years ago if someone ran there lunch or went home or made a deal with the company 24 union members were in his face the next day. Thats the problem now a days , it was the problem when Howie was president and its still the problem now that Tims the president.
The problem is Tim S and company do what ever the company wants, you can blame it on the members like the board does, but its the current leadership who is to blame...


Well-Known Member
A contract arbitration takes alot longer than a discharge arb. Last I heard it takes about 3 or 4 yrs to be heard thanks to the backlog your boys left our union with.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Where on the web-site? The only thing thats down is the time a discharge case takes to be heard from waiting over a year to about 8-9 months everything else is 2-3 years.

804 News May/June 2010 page 4. The length of time is one thing but his spin is
bu--s-it like the rest of his posts. His boys are in two years and they can't get any thing done!


Well-Known Member
804 News May/June 2010 page 4. The length of time is one thing but his spin is
bu--s-it like the rest of his posts. His boys are in two years and they can't get any thing done!

Yes I went back and read it , you are correct. I sure it sounded good in May/June 2010 now it doesn't. To me the problem is to many cases waiting to go to arbitration should never go. Guess it hard to catch up when arb's are going 2 and 3 days with all the falsification.


Had enough

Well-Known Member
Hey Tim, you changed you letter after two years!!!! What happened last Christmas we were not worth It ? Oh an Election year, or maybe now your realize how the members feel about the Executive Board. The E-Board took everything we had in Medical, now your boasting on what a fine job you did? Yea Right!!!