Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
The E-Board took everything we had in Medical

Stop you clown our membership now knows the truth about our medical and how Tony D and Angelo tried to destroy it.

Members Voice has done nothing but acted and looked like fools every chance they get. They are showing the membership that they are clueless clowns.

Tim and company still have 10 months to get better and they can thank the idiots running members voice for pointing out all of there faults.

Guys from members voice have been going around the local saying "see we lost 25 and out" keep showing how clueless you are.

All of the clerks are upset because they know that Tony D and Angelo didn't protect them like they should of.



Well-Known Member
members voice message , on their website.......
"As the Holiday Season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and on those who have helped us ." Hey Tony D what did you do copy that out of a Christmas card? you idiot LOL You know better then to write whats in your head because you are clueless.....

Tri-County News

December 2011

the Holiday season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and on those who have helped to shape our business in a most significant way.

As the Holiday Season is upon us, we findourselves reflecting on the past year and on
those who have helped

BTInet Holiday Office Schedule

Posted by btinet in Employee Appreciation on December 22, 2011


As the Holiday Season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and on those who have helped



Well-Known Member
Hey mold man! Green jacket man. A.K.A. Aces Vinny M. How was Christmas in the basement, Did the mold get to your brain. You even fu4K that up. You are a real piece of garbage.


Well-Known Member
Hey mold man! Green jacket man. A.K.A. Aces Vinny M. How was Christmas in the basement, Did the mold get to your brain. You even fu4K that up. You are a real piece of garbage.

Tony D is cracking up LOL.......We all know who the real piece of garbage is , Don't we Tony D........



Well-Known Member
YOU ALWAYS WAS A PIECE OF **** ACES VINNY M. That why you are not the shop steward anymore and living in a basement with mold. Did you forget how you sold all you guys out when you were the shop steward. E

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Happy New Year to all
I hope this is the count down to the end of this board
My New Years resolution is to let every member of 804 that I talk to, know that it is time for another change because these guys didn't deliver. I will distribute every piece of literature they handed out and ask the members to decide if they delivered!

We will have to keep making changes until we get it right.



Well-Known Member
These guys that are in their now, all they did was get over five hundred members discharged. That is why the membership is down to about sixty three hundred. And don't forget the two shop steward in melville. WHAT A MISTAKE!!!


Well-Known Member
We must all work together to get these guys out of the union hall. God only know how many more people will get discharged in the next year. Look what they did to are medical plan.


Well-Known Member
These guys that are in their now, all they did was get over five hundred members discharged. That is why the membership is down to about sixty three hundred. And don't forget the two shop steward in melville. WHAT A MISTAKE!!!
What people like you will never understand is that the union doesnt get members fired. It is UPS management that does the firing usually with the help of the member doing something questionable.

The last time I looked there still is about 6800 members in our local. Why do people like you throw around numbers like 500 members discharged?? Where do you get those numbers from?? You are aware I hope that people can be discharged and still be working, right?? You are aware I hope, that members quit everyday in this company. You are aware, I hope, that members retire every year too. Listen, all you bring on here is baseless allegations to knock the board. Where were you 3, 4 , 5 , 10 yrs ago?? Oh thats right you were in the union hall corrupting our union!! Its over. You guys had your time and you blew it. Ron Carey left you guys with a strong local and you guys blew it big time: the overpaid salaries, the matching 401ks, the weak, sell out contracts, the deal-making with management, not showing up, not caring anymore, allowing our health and welfare to practically go bankrupt, allowing our pensions to be cut, ignoring our part timers, etc

These guys might not be perfect but they are a cut above you and your guys!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
The countdown is definatly starting now......

The lord knows how much we need to get these incompetent and inexperience E-Board out! There is a saying...."YOU GOT TO WATCH WHAT YOU WISHED FOR" The membership is suffering for the mistake they made.

They were nothing but a bunch funded from TDU, that made their campaign look professional! They were totally clueless!! Again, I will say it!!!! Now we are paying TDU $17,000 for their campaign!!!

A Happy, Healthy and Properous New Year to all my brothers and sisters!


Well-Known Member
The countdown is definatly starting now......The lord knows how much we need to get these incompetent and inexperience E-Board out! There is a saying...."YOU GOT TO WATCH WHAT YOU WISHED FOR" The membership is suffering for the mistake they made.They were nothing but a bunch funded from TDU, that made their campaign look professional! They were totally clueless!! Again, I will say it!!!! Now we are paying TDU $17,000 for their campaign!!!A Happy, Healthy and Properous New Year to all my brothers and sisters!

Our Exective Board will win easy. Because Tony D is an IDIOT he's slate is clueless and have NO LEADER. Anything Tony touches turns to garbage.

TONY , ANGELO and JOHN cant run from there past....THEY :censored2: US ONCE NOT AGAIN.... Members won't trust them to get a good or even fair contract. This is why members voice has no chance.........


keep handing out pens and stickers , keep having building meetings and say nothing.

Tony D needs to get in the hall because he's is bankrupt he owns alot of people money.....

OOO I can't wait to put all the stuff I have out..........soon my brothers and sisters soon.....

My advise to the rest of members voice cut the cord with Tony D now he is a cancer.......



Well-Known Member
Well ACES. A.K.A. VINNY The lier. If you knew Tony D. like I no Tony D. HE IS FAR FROM BROKE AND JUST BOUGHT A NEW CADDY! So you are lying again. I hear everybody in Foster knows you are a liar and a cheat. JUST LIKE YOU USE TO ROB THE CHRISTMAS MONEY. YOU USE TO COLLECT FROM ALL YOUR FRIENDs THAT WENT TO THE PARTY YOU RAN. And the foot ball trips you ran. You used charge everybody ninety dollar and the trip was only sixty and you would keep all the extra money. What a piece of SH#t. THATS WHY YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS IN Foster and you are not the shop steward.

What about your buddy Joe K. Who you screwed over and over. You took money to do work at his house and never finish the work. WHAT A PIECE OF GARBAGE YOU ARE. SEE WE HAVE A LOT OF STUFF ON YOU BECAUSE YOU SCREWED ALL YOU FREINDs IN FOSTER AVE. See you always play both side of the fence. LET'S NOT FORGET YOU ARE ALSO A RAT. VINNY, YOU USED TO RAT ON ALL THE GUY IN YOUR CENTER AND IN THE BUILDING . That is why you hold court every morning down at the end of the building with about four guy who know you are full of mold.