Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
"But there is a way to bargin with the company and not rape the members" really why don't you go in to detail and tell us HOW??Please let us all know......... again I go to different things because I'm a teamster that liked Ron Carey. Yes I say hello to the E Board but no one knows my name ,most of the old board knew my name, I use to go to meetings and sit near Tim S but we don't know each other. I know about the convention because I'm a teamster over 25 years.What I say about the convention is 100% correct.(lets say I have first hand info,been there done that ) Don't worry you will learn one day....................


Active Member
you guys have more time than me, do you know how the health & welfare works? I thought there was an administrator and a law firm involved in the handling of the funds. no one person could make any moves without the ok from the eboard,administrator & a ok from the lawyers. Any pension moves also had to pass not only thru the eboard but also the company reps on the pension board. if this is correct, it seems the economy is to mostly to blame for the issues and not any one person or group. If any one has any info on this please share it. thx.


Well-Known Member
"TROUBLE IN PARADISE" Word around town is our new VP does not like being the # 3 man AND we have big time in-fighting between our Pres. and VP. Folks it was only a matter of time. Details to follow.

What happened the the day before Valentine's. Word has it the big guy "Pres. Tim S." cut a deal with the company to allow all drivers to work that Sat. 2/13 for straight time. PLEASE say it ani't so.

What happened with TDU, how come they are not going crazy about our e-board raising co-pays and more than doubling the cost of retiree benfits. DAMM TDU always goes crazy when a local raises the cost or cuts the level of benefits. WHY NOT NOW.

I guess our new e-board does not think our local has members or shop stewards smart enough to work at the local, WHY do they have outsiders on the payroll I wonder what TDU would say if this was another local.

WANTED As Dion sang " Has anybody seen my old friend Mark H." Word has it he has not gone to Foster in over 6 weeks.I guess Big Tim can't control him either, he does what ever he wants.

More to Come
NEXT - our new BA - KR Agitator 1 and his ties to the" Fox Right wing" I guess it's OK when your getting paid. He should practice what he tries to preach.
Hey Agitator 1 why not post the story you wrote when the old e-board raised the co-pay's 5 bucks after 18 years. Don't worry if you don't we will. Hay by the way do you know what the innocent untill provin guilty language means yet. Oh and please tell everyone not forget to forget the sunscreen VEGAS in very hot this time of year. REMEMBER you wrote a story about the old e-boaed members spending dues money on trips. Oh well he you don't want to re-post that story I'm sure we will repost that one to.


Well-Known Member
did you just wake up from a coma? all of that has already been posted... LOL

Breaking News : Anthony C is the real deal ,, everyone is excited that he's our BA in Foster,, There's a good buzz going around the building, the guy is here 3-4 times a week even been seen in the late afternoon.He walks around like he owns the place.You would think he's been the BA for years by the way he handles himself. He talks to everyone P/T , friend/T. He even stops and talks to drivers on there routes, plus he knows how to handle himself in the office very well, he already has great respect from the management team in Foster. Does this mean that members won't get fired? no, UPS will still do stupid sh/t but , it's nice to have a BA that knows and understands what we go though every day and will stand up for the members against UPS.


Active Member
As a driver Anthony C. was a wheel spinning deal maker that went home whenever he could (if he wasn't on comp)! Word spreads quick in UPS and its only a matter of time before the Foster ave drivers see the real "dealmaker"!


Well-Known Member
The buzz is in you head Acesup. Yes when nobody was around. management is laughing at him and the rest of that circus. Most of all cirgar Pete
who keeps saying he is going to pull the building and put everybody in the street.


Well-Known Member
As a driver Anthony C. was a wheel spinning deal maker that went home whenever he could (if he wasn't on comp)! Word spreads quick in UPS and its only a matter of time before the Foster ave drivers see the real "dealmaker"!

Like i'v said before I have a couple of good friends out of Spring Street. The members in Spring Street are happy that hes there. Anthony been the steward of battery center and the preload for over 13 years. A lot of drivers have been fired out of that building over the years but not on battery,like my buddy from the knick center told me "they had the greek as a steward and guys would get fired but Anthony would save his guys unless it was stealing ,when sups work he puts in grievances and gets members paid and every year he gets the most grievances paid in that building hands down. plus all the air drivers are working every day not layed off. so if thats a wheel spinning deal maker ,, were glad to have him......but like you said we will see in a matter of time.....Its funny how I stick up for him and he doesnt even know who I am..... LOL

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Another building is fed up and had many complaints. The East Side Building says Pete M. rarely comes to the Building. They say the little that he comes they can't stand him. He thinks who he is and fights with the members and gets along with Management. He has a big mouth until someone confronts him and runs with his tail between his legs. This is great! Another one with no backbone. We have no protection!!! :angry:
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Had enough

Well-Known Member
Like i'v said before I have a couple of good friends out of Spring Street. The members in Spring Street are happy that hes there. Anthony been the steward of battery center and the preload for over 13 years. A lot of drivers have been fired out of that building over the years but not on battery,like my buddy from the knick center told me "they had the greek as a steward and guys would get fired but Anthony would save his guys unless it was stealing ,when sups work he puts in grievances and gets members paid and every year he gets the most grievances paid in that building hands down. plus all the air drivers are working every day not layed off. so if thats a wheel spinning deal maker ,, were glad to have him......but like you said we will see in a matter of time.....Its funny how I stick up for him and he doesnt even know who I am..... LOL

What planet are you with they are happy with Anthony C. ? You must be in your own world. He is a two hour worker If even that! lol.... You support that? LMFAO Pretty pathetic! Again my buddy, I hope you never need help!!!!


Active Member
Anthony C. was a "are you over?", go home 3 times a week deal making driver @ Spring Street. That is a fact. you should ask him to his face, if he has nothing to hide, he will admit to it!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Again and Again I say what a mistake! When you are ready to go to the Dentist, be prepared to hear the plan is lower then what we had. I was just informed by one of the guys that his Dentist said the plan was lower. Funny how they raised the medical and the plan went lower. The Dentist said he received a letter and they only cover a few things now! Just when you think things are bad, they are worse. I hear that at Ft Hamilton the BA's hang with management. They ask permission to do things, they show no Authority.:angry:


Well-Known Member
"I hear that at Ft Hamilton the BA's hang with management. They ask permission to do things, they show no Authority" I mean really doesn't matter if you had ADD FDD AAF as a kid , can't you just read what you type ,slowly and out loud......what does this mean???... what BA's?? ask permission for what?? show no authority how???? I was just informed by one of the guys that his Dentist said the plan was lower. here's a tip call the union and ask for yourself...


Well-Known Member
The 804 E Board was at Island City (maspeth) thursday nite from 9pm to 2 am , none of the workers were sent home , normally they wrap up at 10:30 but this nite they wrapped up at 11:30 , The preload manager called for extra LP people to come down because board members were all in the face of sups for working. LP showed up and did nothing but say HI.....nice to see they went in that bad rain....Moving in the right direction.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
"I hear that at Ft Hamilton the BA's hang with management. They ask permission to do things, they show no Authority" I mean really doesn't matter if you had ADD FDD AAF as a kid , can't you just read what you type ,slowly and out loud......what does this mean???... what BA's?? ask permission for what?? show no authority how???? I was just informed by one of the guys that his Dentist said the plan was lower. here's a tip call the union and ask for yourself...
:laughing:You know what Aces I can admit my faults. You must be that demented! My little buddy. If you cant understand what I am saying you are worse then I thought. ANTHONY C. THE NEW MARSHMALLOW ! MANAGEMENT TOLD ONE OF THE STEWARDS WE LIKE THIS NEW BA. YOU GUYS ARE SCREWED! Oh I would never ask the Union for any advise. They do not know anything! Have a good week-end.


Well-Known Member
you know what....the board being there all night making sure sups dont work is great and all.......but why dont all the stiffs that show up at 745am to check their load and bs with mgmt ---why dont they punch in and work....we all need to work together on this ....as for me---id rather walk in at 9---change and punch in.....but i cant believe all the bozos that stand there for over an hr and listen to nonsense ...


Well-Known Member
Again Acesdown804 you are clueless. It was only two of them. THEY WERE THEIR BECAUSE THE COMPANY DISCHARGE A FEEDER DRIVER. Just like when the day come and they discharge you, they will be their to help you clean out your locker my friend. "guess who"


Active Member
It is disgraceful that a bldg with 400+ pkg drivers (Foster) would have only 27 show up for a 8am union mtg. Drivers are upset and had enough with this row B bull****. who is crying more? mgmnt or 804. Tired of hearing excuses about why the drivers/preloaders are always wrong, and we have t "write it down". I am surprised Anthony C. showed up. row B is a puppet for the management.