Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
any news?

Re: 804 members coming soon agitator 2
Originally Posted by ROW A
Breaking news !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reports are old e board members maybe under federal investigation and maybe indicted in early fall of this year!!!!!!!!!wow...... Folks i hope these reports are false .... But these are some strong sources that i trust ... I know bill and steve and tony are having major money problems but this ....... Wow !!!!

Breaking news!!!!!! Some of the old Board members are going away this fall....In fact "They are leaving on a Jet Plane don't know when they will be back again" I am sorry I have to goooooooooo!!!!! :winks:



Well-Known Member
Over the week-end I was at a Stewards meeting! It was very frustrating, none of the Officers gave reports of anything going on in their areas. Alot of the Stewards were getting up and leaving before the meeting was over. I stayed till the end hoping something good would happen. The midget rat from Foster was there. No one even bothers with him anymore either except for Aces his only buddy I guess they are getting Hungry. :happy-very:

just for the record I don't like Frankie , never had words with him , just never liked him.but I'm friends with you :)


Well-Known Member
The Shop Steward meeting Saturday was another flop!!!! Only 60 people showed up....The Bid Guy T.S. talked about the same crap......:sleeping2: Before the meeting was over half the people left!!!!!!

WOW you call that a flop?? thats double the stewards that Row A use to get.. keep trying ,, keep trying


Well-Known Member
Re: 804 members coming soon agitator 2

Breaking news!!!!!! Some of the old Board members are going away this fall....In fact "They are leaving on a Jet Plane don't know when they will be back again" I am sorry I have to goooooooooo!!!!! :winks:

Keep dreaming lonewolfl none of the old board have any chance of going to the Delgate Convention. I heard that at the stewards meeting the board is already educating people on what it means to go to this convention. Not like Howie and the old board , they never told us anything. Tim S said its not about if you like him or your BA its about the international election. So if I'm Bill or Tony , what do I say I'm backing Hoffa? when they know 80% of us never voted for Hoffa.... or Don't back Hoffa?? wow you never said that the whole time you were in office now your going to say it..Hey guys vote for me I'll help get a better contract LOL been there friend'ed that up already.... there better off waiting 2 years from now,, but this is nothing new from them all they do is show how dumb they really are , every move they make... hey , I know lets run for shop steward... smart move.... THEY HAVE NO SHOT.........



Well-Known Member
Crash wasnt even with the company when this took place. Hearsay is always very accurate. I am not doubting there was a settlement, I am doubting the numbers.
WHY does me not working have any relevance to what i said ?

........after 8 years with a company , you have the tendancy to make friends and pay attention to whats going on !


Well-Known Member
WHY does me not working have any relevance to what i said ?

........after 8 years with a company , you have the tendancy to make friends and pay attention to whats going on !

Its not the point I was trying to make, the point was it was sooo long ago I didnt even remember it. Even though 3 people confirmed the fact, I still dont remember it. I guess thats what happens when you get older, I guess.


Well-Known Member
Its not the point I was trying to make, the point was it was sooo long ago I didnt even remember it. Even though 3 people confirmed the fact, I still dont remember it. I guess thats what happens when you get older, I guess.

FUNNY PART IS....... Im pretty sure I was still working at the time

Had enough

Well-Known Member

Lonewolf you are one funny guy!

As far as Acesup from Foster, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS NO MATCH FOR NATURUAL STUPIDITY You are so lucky you are both YOU WIN! My buddy! You talk about me and what I put up. I will let you figure this one out on your own if you can. You better go look into what you wrote. You are soooooo off. Just keep on listening to the New Board !

By the way go fix your spelling and typos also from various typing. No really gives a shi* about typing errors or misspelled words but it seems to bother you so much, To me its ok we are all human and make mistakes. But just to let you know you make tons and you need a dose of your own medicine.

Oh, you used the word dumb so often, you must have been called that your whole life. Rat to Rat- If Frankie the midget was not your friend He should be!!!!! :wink2:

Had enough

Well-Known Member
OH EVERYONE I DO NOT SPELL GOOD AT ALL!!! I NEVER DID OR NEVER WILL, But!!! More importantly I have a very good judge of character, and sense. I have been around a long time and was always so proud to say I am a Teamster! But this last year has turned my stomach inside out. I still love being a Teasmter and I always will be a true Teamster. But I am horrified to say that I am a member in Local 804. They destroyed our Local of Integrity ,Strength and Pride. They are unexperienced in all ways. We are in deep trouble. They were dishonest in everything!!!!! Not one thing has been done to help us!!!! All they do is raise copayments!!!! They are just letting the Company take over!!!!! We have no more Union!!!!!!! Again, Again I am NOT STANDING ALONE!!!!!


Nine Lives
OH EVERYONE I DO NOT SPELL GOOD AT ALL!!! I NEVER DID OR NEVER WILL, But!!! More importantly I have a very good judge of character, and sense. I have been around a long time and was always so proud to say I am a Teamster! But this last year has turned my stomach inside out. I still love being a Teasmter and I always will be a true Teamster. But I am horrified to say that I am a member in Local 804. They destroyed our Local of Integrity ,Strength and Pride. They are unexperienced in all ways. We are in deep trouble. They were dishonest in everything!!!!! Not one thing has been done to help us!!!! All they do is raise copayments!!!! They are just letting the Company take over!!!!! We have no more Union!!!!!!! Again, Again I am NOT STANDING ALONE!!!!!

We have a member on this site that specializes in investigating and bringing about change as related to integrity ... you may want to contact him/her to see if he/she can help in your need.

Please send a PM to Integrity


Well-Known Member
No really gives a shi* about typing errors or misspelled words but it seems to bother you so much, To me its ok we are all human and make mistakes.

These errors, if they happen too frequently, make you want to skip past the post. Sometimes it makes you wonder if the poster speaks English as a second language...not so much the spelling but the way the post is structured (or not structured I should say)...oh well no one cares anyway I guess...

Had enough

Well-Known Member
These errors, if they happen too frequently, make you want to skip past the post. Sometimes it makes you wonder if the poster speaks English as a second language...not so much the spelling but the way the post is structured (or not structured I should say)...oh well no one cares anyway I guess...

Your are right Dark Team! I was a ESL child in school. That means English as a Second Language. Went to ESL From lst grade to 5th. Don't want to post what I am here for fear you may hold it against me. What a shame. Teamsters are all for one and one for all. I thought we were United. Very Sad!!!!:dissapointed:


Well-Known Member
"You are soooooo off. Just keep on listening to the New Board !" I don't talk to anyone from the new board nor do a call myself friends with them either. I was friends with ever one from the old board. Its just common sense , you cant hide from the truth , these guys will all go to the convention and they will all get re-elected because there vote comes before the contract is up. There is no way that they will be voted out 7-8 months before our contract is up. Now if they don't have there act together they will lose in 2015. Complain and cry all you want but thats the fact jack. See alot of what you complain about your right , the way most of the BA's act , but UPS was firing members like crazy before they got here , over 300 people on the dockitt , but when you blame the medical on the new board thats not the truth. Look how the old board wasted your union dues by paying out for 1500 invisible members to the stewards. Maybe 6,000 a year isn't alot to you but its our money don't waste it......But you are a teamster (i hope) so i respect that.


Well-Known Member
New Records: In the last 9 months, 31 part timers has been discharged in Island City for attendance. Row B has done nothing!!! This is a all time Record High. All Row B does is agree with United Parcel.

Dude I'm sorry, but the part timers have to start coming to work. If their attendance is that bad that they are getting terminated, then they deserve it.


Active Member
Row b walks around the bldg looking clueless. I asked a question and got a blank stare. Still waiting for a response. Hope they can turn this around for our sake, they (new EB) are bad news!

Had enough

Well-Known Member

Ok Aces the reason why you can not be trusted is because you are way to quick with the mouth! You are now saying you do not talk to anyone on the board. Read your post! Your say your at picnics, Ron Carey's naming, Fridays night meetings, because I see you told Lone wolf the meetings was better with the new board. You know everyting about the Convention, which is sooooo off again. Start paying attention to what you mouth off. I may make mistakes but I do not lie. Understand this, we are in a recession and yes medical has to go up. But there is a way to bargin with the company and not rape the memebers. THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING! Yes, I am a dedicated Teamster! My only concern is for the next 2 years.
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