Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

Had enough

Well-Known Member
had enough ,, just don't hit spell check ,, read it out loud before you post it. breaking new??? flyers ,, are a hockey team ...... but words was said???? got me ,,, I think , you are Tony D........

Thank you AcesUp ! Its always nice to see someone help a member, I will try not to have any typos or misspelled words. I am not the best typist. Sorry Buddy!:wink2:

Had enough

Well-Known Member
dig a little buddy , I actuallly just had this converstaion with some inside guys myself no more than a week ago , IT ABSOLUTELY HAPPENED

Thanks Crash I was starting to think maybe I was drunk! I do enjoy a few drinks once in a while LOL! :happy-very: Have a good weekend!


Well-Known Member
rumor that we will be asked to turn the Feb and Aug 2011 raises over to the health and welfare....what a mistake I made, voted for the wrong guys! I hope they straighten this out or elections cant come fast enough

Here in Upstate NY we had the most recent split raise and the next three diverted to the pension fund. This had nothing to do with the union management but with the poor performance of the stock market in 2008/09 and the fact that we have 5,000 more retirees than actives. Our pension is among the highest in the country so I don't mind foregoing small pay raises now for a secure pension in 9 years.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Crash I was starting to think maybe I was drunk! I do enjoy a few drinks once in a while LOL! :happy-very: Have a good weekend!

Crash wasnt even with the company when this took place. Hearsay is always very accurate. I am not doubting there was a settlement, I am doubting the numbers.


Well-Known Member
Here in Upstate NY we had the most recent split raise and the next three diverted to the pension fund. This had nothing to do with the union management but with the poor performance of the stock market in 2008/09 and the fact that we have 5,000 more retirees than actives. Our pension is among the highest in the country so I don't mind foregoing small pay raises now for a secure pension in 9 years.

Do you realize why the pension is the highest?


Well-Known Member
Hey 804 for a guy that thinks he knows everything YOU dont know jack. I am a clerk and received a check for $42,000.00. Row a won the largest ever arbitration in local 804 history and maybe the international it was for 4,000,000.00. Close to 90 local 804 return clerks received close to the same amount. The case was started by Jerry R. and Pat D. The arbitration took close to 3 years. NOW because of their hard work local 177 in NJ is close to settling also. The case had to do with the PAS system Part timers were doing full time return clerk work. So stop knocking the HAD ENOUGH. Before you open youe mouth know what your talking about. I also testified at the arbitration.


Well-Known Member
Yes you are right!!!!! The co-payments are going to double along with the Retiree Medical, thanks to this New E-Board....... What ever the company says, they do.....They do not have the Strength to fight back or protect the members!!!!!!:angry:

nothing new from lonewolfl ,, co pays have already gone up and the retiree medical did almost double ,, but not because of the new board that was thanks to Howie ( i love hoffa he paid me an extra 25,000 thats why I made 198,000 last year ) who waited untill they lost to tell us our medical was in trouble ....... BS FROM U NOTHING NEW


Well-Known Member
The whole E-Board was at 43rd Street the other day......Supervisors where still working as usual......The E-Board just walked around the building hanging out fliers!!!! WHAT A CIRCUS THIS BOARD IS!!!!:madashell::madashell:

Again you know nothing ,, the fliers were handed out as preloaders went into the building at 3:30 , then the E Board covered the whole building not 1 sup worked plus they had over 200 late airs..this I was told by my LP guy ,, its a fact..... GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT


Well-Known Member
Pandemonium at local 804 last nite as the big guy T.S. and Liam try to have a meetig with the drivers at island city. the big guy eat all the food. while pople yell at liam that he didn't know what he was talking about and nothing was getting done. the company is walking all over us:clubbing:

just to be fair , don't know anything about that i'll take your word..... LOL


Well-Known Member
Hey 804 for a guy that thinks he knows everything YOU dont know jack. I am a clerk and received a check for $42,000.00. Row a won the largest ever arbitration in local 804 history and maybe the international it was for 4,000,000.00. Close to 90 local 804 return clerks received close to the same amount. The case was started by Jerry R. and Pat D. The arbitration took close to 3 years. NOW because of their hard work local 177 in NJ is close to settling also. The case had to do with the PAS system Part timers were doing full time return clerk work. So stop knocking the HAD ENOUGH. Before you open youe mouth know what your talking about. I also testified at the arbitration.

First off, I never said I know everything so lets get that straight. Outlaw, are you in feeder or a clerk, please make up your mind.......
speaking about clerks, what ever happened to the one that filed the complaint against you? wow....... I seem to know a little more than you think huh?


Well-Known Member
lonewolf the actions of this company are a direct result of the new e board taking on supervisors working .... come on be fair!!! dont tell lies on our board just because we lost !!!!!!! In every war there will be wounded and dead ..... its a war going on pick your side .....lets talk about this company that has no problem with laying off 15 year employees ..... while alternate work is available ..... Like i said before i was strong row a supporter!!!!!! but i know when there is a war going on ...and who i stand with !!!my union local 804 .. and our fairly elected e board .. if you really care for the members and not your own ambitions you would stand with the members and our e board ..... not stand on the side and point and laugh ......in two years it will be your time to declare your differences with the e board to the members...... and to the other gentlemen commenting on the clerk settlement it had 86 clerks involved and it was 4 million ....


Well-Known Member
The meeting Friday night was a big flop......Only 39 people showed up from Island City......Nothing was accomplished as usual!!!! They ran out of food!!!! It was the same old song about the language in the contract, how the big guy said it was no good!!! Guess What???? This was the language Ron Carey wrote and it was in the contract for years....... The problem is the big guy and his circus do not inforce the contract......Because none of them have the backbone or brains to......All they have is the backbone to raise co-payments and do what UPS says......


Well-Known Member
The Shop Steward meeting Saturday was another flop!!!! Only 60 people showed up....The Bid Guy T.S. talked about the same crap......:sleeping2: Before the meeting was over half the people left!!!!!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Over the week-end I was at a Stewards meeting! It was very frustrating, none of the Officers gave reports of anything going on in their areas. Alot of the Stewards were getting up and leaving before the meeting was over. I stayed till the end hoping something good would happen. The midget rat from Foster was there. No one even bothers with him anymore either except for Aces his only buddy I guess they are getting Hungry. :happy-very:


I heard when the pres. ask how many people were on the 9.5 list three people rose there hand. Thats less than 1 %, imagine the whole bldg. An on that clerk award I heard there were an extra 9 people who got there hands on part of that award how nice.


Well-Known Member
Breaking news !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reports are old e board members maybe under federal investigation and maybe indicted in early fall of this year!!!!!!!!!wow...... Folks i hope these reports are false .... But these are some strong sources that i trust ... I know bill and steve and tony are having major money problems but this ....... Wow !!!!

any news?