Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
first... the commen sense thing to do was to hold off and in contract time MAKE! ups pay for the money needed. or have no balls at all and do the easy thing and shove it on the people who made this union. the retirees... grow up and be a man and fight. like it was in 1997

But its not 1997........UPS already pays....... its the union that mismanaged the funds...... some people really need to wake up and stop living in the past....... oh thats me... lol


Well-Known Member
The thing is ups does not give enough money. And ups steals money from the fund everyday by supervisor working. So we need to grow some balls and demand ups pays in neg. Or go on street


Well-Known Member
Now that I think about it . All of row b needs to go they wanna talk everything out with ups. Ups are professional liars .. the only think ups knows is what they will lose if they go too far. Rite now, ups does whatever they want. Not good


Well-Known Member
The thing is ups does not give enough money. And ups steals money from the fund everyday by supervisor working. So we need to grow some balls and demand ups pays in neg. Or go on street

You sound like a bitter unhappy person, u can always sell pencils on the street corner 2 for a nickel, or work hard and make a good living. And by your posts it is obvious you have no clue.


Well-Known Member
back when.. The members should have voted carefully. Instead we let the only two row a guys who needed to stay go.. We then let the agitator in. Why? He never was anything. He was never a stewart and he never filed one grievance. He was not close to ready to be anything! Now, hes lost. Sad.. But we can make up for it soon. Lets get people that are willing to put themself on the line. Also, people who know what they are doing, along with some of the people who are there now.:smart:
who are the two row a guys you speak of and who should stay from the new board ... I can say six i know 4 sure that should stay in office ...lets compare notes lol


Well-Known Member
2 units, everybody at ups "works for a living" and your rite im not happy rite now, everybody has to see their family less and work harded then ever to get abused by management.I say enough! we have lost too much and gave too much back to ups to stand anymore. but..let me guess your just happy to be at ups, and you dont care what happends as long as u work? well, members need more thats why we are part of a union. go work somewhere that u get whipped and say nothing..maybe target or walmart u can go work and make a living.
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Well-Known Member
804 i would like to compare notes.. buhlet is the man i speak of that always was hanging out with management. it is a conflict of interest and nobody should have allowed it. plus, as a steward i wouldnt expect fellow stewards to go on the managers boat and drink with them. in my book it really is something that in anti union . he should join management and be happy with himself.I will be honest you have 6 guys that should of stayed? wow,thats is alot. maybe angelo and pat. but thats it. Tony m was caught in howies mess he didnt deserve that. he belonged there forever. after that was a train wreck really
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Active Member
804 i would like to compare notes.. buhlet is the man i speak of that always was hanging out with management. it is a conflict of interest and nobody should have allowed it. plus, as a steward i wouldnt expect fellow stewards to go on the managers boat and drink with them. in my book it really is something that in anti union . he should join management and be happy with himself.I will be honest you have 6 guys that should of stayed? wow,thats is alot. maybe angelo and pat. but thats it. Tony m was caught in howies mess he didnt deserve that. he belonged there forever. after that was a train wreck really

Couldnt have said it better. Maybe we should be trying to get those guys back in the hall.


Well-Known Member
804 i would like to compare notes.. buhlet is the man i speak of that always was hanging out with management. it is a conflict of interest and nobody should have allowed it. plus, as a steward i wouldnt expect fellow stewards to go on the managers boat and drink with them. in my book it really is something that in anti union . he should join management and be happy with himself.I will be honest you have 6 guys that should of stayed? wow,thats is alot. maybe angelo and pat. but thats it. Tony m was caught in howies mess he didnt deserve that. he belonged there forever. after that was a train wreck really

agree totally
100% accurate, if you dont believe it, ask him


Well-Known Member
Angelo G is now a Alt-steward because he promised the steward Danny MonSELL-OUT a spot on he's slate. Half the center can't believe that Danny would go for that, the funny thing about it is that Danny MonSELL-OUT beat the so called Mr 43rd Angelo G 59-12 destroyed him hands down.So now he goes on his slate??? Danny MonSELL-OUT just gave the power back to Angelo, Good job Angelo you played him like a flute. I talk to guys on Danny's center ,most can't believe it , not that Angelo wouldn't be a good alt-steward because he would but Angelo went around telling guys that he needed to be steward because Danny was over his head dealing with this new board plus Danny went around telling people Angelo has some nerve thinking that just because he's back he should be steward. Angelo is a has-been , he's damage goods. Danny should have put together his own slate with good stewards from other building , now he's walking around the 4th fl looking dazed and confused telling people why he did what he did. There is a reason why UPS management people all over, like Al friend want Angelo and the old board back they miss the deal making point blank. A porter with over 25 years told me that "Angelo always told the DM before he was going to make a screen and yell and scream also one time there were guest from United Way in the building and the DM told me to keep them away from the 4th fl because Angelo was going to yell at one of the managers to make him look good."


Well-Known Member
Rumor has it that Rocky D'MONEY out of the east side building is been added to the Angelo slate. Rocky D'MONEY because thats all he cares about , Crying like a baby because he felt he should get the 2 dollars for all the 22.3 guys. Pete M told him "whats the different just split them with the preload steward" Rocky D'MONEY said "No , they all come to me so I want to take credit for them" it was like 8 guys so i understand the 48 dollars means a lot to him. Rocky D'MONEY walks around the building telling people Pete M cant shine his shoes he should be the BA in the building.Heard he was voted the last person the stewards wanted to hear speak at the stewards meetings.


Well-Known Member
rocky likes to hear himself talk in that little building. back when he never had a chance cause of the strong stewards out east for row a spots


Well-Known Member
rocky likes to hear himself talk in that little building. back when he never had a chance cause of the strong stewards out east for row a spots

Very true , Row A promised him the world and he ate it up,someone said, at the union hall if you said Rocky's name ,any BA would say ,, "O god Rocky, is he here ,close the door" LOL


Well-Known Member
Yeah he's not a bad guy but just over his head. He had no chance compared to other guys ..row a should have taken that guy fox and hagenburg years ago.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I don't agree with that, you had Pat D out there and both Tim and Mike were very pro row A , so only if Pat left. If a BA leaves you pick the best person from that area. Thats how you keep the whole E broad strong.