Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE Vinny M. I mean AcesUp804

Vinny wishes he was half as smart as me , he would have been a BA , that was Tony D fault because the hall laughed at all his picks , but Bill B gets Steve M in LOL now I know why Tony D hates them all LOL


Well-Known Member
smart is not the word to use when u speak of tony d. vinny really got friend years ago. but.. again tony burned another bridge with vinny. if it wasnt for vinny tony wouldnt have been in the hall from day one.btw steve m was always afraid to run for anything until his management friend bill b helped him. he was a terrible steward and a guy who nobody really respected. he didnt belong in the hall. he belonged wearing a tie for ups. He went out like every thursday night drinking with the dist manager and his boyfriend bill b.


Well-Known Member
It was howie who didnt like vinny m. thats why he didnt get in. but i guess howie liked medina,leary and nemith. those guys were a joke! and most people who paid attention knew it.


Well-Known Member
I'll give it to you littlebilly19 you know your stuff. I don't know if Howie liked medina,leary and nemith but he did like the people that picked them. Tony D was always the step child but Howie rather have Tony D then Sam Q because he knew that Tony D would do what ever Howie said , where Sam Q would be loyal to Ron Carey.


Well-Known Member
yeah makes sense.. but what i dont get is... tony now acts like so much is wrong(which hes rite about) but.. the same smile* was wrong when he was there. he went with the flow and didnt do anything.. so why would anybody believe he would change now?


Well-Known Member
I don't blame him , he misses it , he's got a closet full of nice suits , all dressed up and no where to go. He only cares about himself , people like cyrus will find out the hard way , like Vinny M did. I trusted Howie and the boys for so many years and got scr/wed. I'll they cared about was themselves every thing they did was sneaky the pension , medical giving themselves raises. All the pawns in the hall said nothing went along with it. Not one of them deserve to be back in that hall they are a disgrace , Howie taking 25,000 from hoffa to do what OK bad contracts so he can wear the blue hoffa vest. Howie and the boys giving the Hoffa Slate 1,000 to 500 each , telling us its a fair contract what a joke. They knew to take there vacation money before they left , they were at a building once a week another way to scr/w the members. I'm waiting to hear what Angelo,Bill,Tony,Steve,John will say to make us all forget there past. I'm not saying this new board is great it has a lot of holes. I do like 4 or 5 guys , but they are honest and up front with the membership.All that people here cry about is that this board cant make deals to save drivers ,, they don't deserve to be saved, do your job....I know there's more to it but people have to look at the big picture, THE FUTURE OF OUR LOCAL IS IN GOOD HANDS just get rid of a couple of people like Dave O , Ken R , Steve A , Chris S to start LOL


Well-Known Member
I don't blame him , he misses it , he's got a closet full of nice suits , all dressed up and no where to go. He only cares about himself , people like cyrus will find out the hard way , like Vinny M did. I trusted Howie and the boys for so many years and got scr/wed. I'll they cared about was themselves every thing they did was sneaky the pension , medical giving themselves raises. All the pawns in the hall said nothing went along with it. Not one of them deserve to be back in that hall they are a disgrace , Howie taking 25,000 from hoffa to do what OK bad contracts so he can wear the blue hoffa vest. Howie and the boys giving the Hoffa Slate 1,000 to 500 each , telling us its a fair contract what a joke. They knew to take there vacation money before they left , they were at a building once a week another way to scr/w the members. I'm waiting to hear what Angelo,Bill,Tony,Steve,John will say to make us all forget there past. I'm not saying this new board is great it has a lot of holes. I do like 4 or 5 guys , but they are honest and up front with the membership.All that people here cry about is that this board cant make deals to save drivers ,, they don't deserve to be saved, do your job....I know there's more to it but people have to look at the big picture, THE FUTURE OF OUR LOCAL IS IN GOOD HANDS just get rid of a couple of people like Dave O , Ken R , Steve A , Chris S to start LOL


Well-Known Member
That agitatar is only that . A little nat. He was a runner on the truck and he was afraid to run for steward. Really he doesn't belong there. That is a shame. Ok, l wanna see after this upcoming contract what happens. Then there is no excuses for nobody


Well-Known Member
Littlebilly , Acesup804, Everyone else
I don't know If its 100% true,but a friend of mine in the Suffolk building told me the Agitator used to lock his seatbelt behind him on the truck,So he can do more stops. It's my understanding He did this because they have Telematics in that bldg............. WOW...He's our Delegate????????
You know,He should stick to Agitating. He has a skill for applying words on paper (Good or Bad) I hate to say it,But its true.

As for Row A.. I agree with you, I do think we have a few good guys on Row B But a lot have to go and no one from Row A should be allowed back on( well maybe Mr.Magr)

Tony D , Someone told me he still wears his suits the the bagel store every Sunday.If this is true...I would love to know...NOW.....Thats funny.

I would like to add that I know a lot of people are unhappy right now....BUT....All I can say Is that Tim has our best interest at heart and he cares a great deal for this Local. I know it wasn't easy for him to make some changes, but....... HE DID what Is best for our Local..He just needs a few Strong smart Experienced stewards on his side.......I mean in our centers and especially next to him in hall


Well-Known Member
the people should be pissed that a driver who is afraid of ups and never sat in on any labor talks ran for a position in local 804. Ken R is his name, he never would file a grievance or get invovled inside the building. Only outside he would divide the local and hand out flyers. He should be in charge of the wed site for the local. He shouldnt be allowed in the buildings cause it is not him to fight for anybody. He used to drive with packages in the cab of his package car and run his balls off . I really dont think the people knew who they voted for. Cause nobody in their right mind would want someone like that representing members


Well-Known Member
Littlebilly , Acesup804, Everyone else
I don't know If its 100% true,but a friend of mine in the Suffolk building told me the Agitator used to lock his seatbelt behind him on the truck,So he can do more stops. It's my understanding He did this because they have Telematics in that bldg............. WOW...He's our Delegate????????

local 804, is that true about seatbelt? dont lie cause there will people on here to prove it..

Mr Agitator didnt even work out of the Suffolk building . It is amazing where people come up with this stuff. BAsh the guy but at least get some real stories, not more fairy tales. I believe he was a driver out of Foster and Melville.


Well-Known Member
it is a real story and kenny had a driver as a helper who seen it. ken was driving out of melville when it happend and he also delivered boxes out of his cab. dont cover it up! and it was never made up cause i can have alot of people on here confirm it. The guy is not qualified to be in that hall and u and everybody who knows him understands that.