Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
be honest
Lol. Not agitator but close. Are you telling me he cant read or follow a contract? If you look on the next grievance meeting docket, he has plenty with his name on it. I would still take him as a BA then a VP that was in a DMers wedding party and fishing buddy captain Kirk. I might take a few row A guys ahead of him, but they were so deep in crap I wouldnt know what to believe.


Well-Known Member
i think he can read yes. but follow the contract on the job noooo. yeah i know at the end he filed 9. 5 grievance. that was like 2.5 years ago. if that grievance is still around u guys are not doing what u promised at all. w hat happend to stopping ups from stealing our pension and health care money?they are still working all over the place. and yes i file grievances and so does alot of people. enough already it does nothing!


Well-Known Member
u would take a few row a guys ahead of him??? wow, what about the stewards that were rite there able to do that job?.. the members really didnt know about him .. they were voting for tim. trust me not him. he is not rite or ready for that.. its proven since hes been there.


Well-Known Member
u would take a few row a guys ahead of him??? wow, what about the stewards that were rite there able to do that job?.. the members really didnt know about him .. they were voting for tim. trust me not him. he is not rite or ready for that.. its proven since hes been there.

Are you talking about the 3 row a stewards that lost the last election for the convention while row a was still in office?


Well-Known Member
i would like to know what this new e board is planning to do with all the friend-up package car drivers that have to say until they are 62 yo. they raised the retiree medical to 525 and going up 10 percent a year. if the avg package driver has 13 years on job. by the time he or she would have the time in to retire the medical would be like 1300 a month. ??? i hope they have the balls to fix that by ups paying or we are all screwed .. this job is not meant for someone physically to work that long..


Well-Known Member
yeah i know at the end he filed 9. 5 grievance. that was like 2.5 years ago. if that grievance is still around u guys are not doing what u promised at all. !

do you know what will speed up the process once its filed and out of the unions hands waiting for a decision? please let us all on the cafe know.


Well-Known Member
i wasnt talking about them.. but you cant talk about them and ken in the same sentence as far as being qualified. those guys gave everything they had for the members they represented. they were willing to put themselves on the line for any of there men. really. i know them well and maybe u didnt like there politics but they knew there stuff.


Well-Known Member
so.. what u are saying? it is the same as it was a few years ago as it is today? i really thought as well as a few thousand people that u guys were going to change it. and make a stand against ups stealing our money and jobs. ups cuts routes and then has supervisors work?? i mean are u kidding me?? we all talk about the fund needing money. well i agree it does. why let ups take money from it?


Well-Known Member
just so u know . im not on here just to break ur balls. im concerned. it is bad now. and its not all your fault i understand that. but.. we have to stop it somewhere rite?

Had enough

Well-Known Member
First, I want to say to Sybil, Male version with Multiple personalities, (Vinny M./Little Billy/Aces/Green Jacket Man) This will be the last post you will get from me on this tread. I think you need to adjust some medication. You totally have such anger within that you finally lost it. So I will not waste anymore time on this. On behalf of myself and the members, the issues still are the same and things are still going down hill!!!

Another thread will get stared when the time is right. In the meantime, remember what this tread started out to be. Not some non medicated nut talking to himself.

Again! I do not stand alone


Well-Known Member
thank god its the last post. now, go back under the rock u came from. and i will adjust my meds thanks.. btw i hope u say or do something about "things going down hill" lone wolf or had enough. and your rite im angry and if u had balls u would be also..
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Well-Known Member
just so u know . im not on here just to break ur balls. im concerned. it is bad now. and its not all your fault i understand that. but.. we have to stop it somewhere rite?

It is bad now but wasnt when the old board was in office? I am not on the board so it can not be my fault, I am a concerned member , just like you. I am for whatever is in the best interest of the membership, and as of right now, its them.


Well-Known Member
thanks 804. i understand your concern. i think we should not give this new e board a pass .. they are correct the last contract was terrible and howie did go along with hoffa. but.. that doesnt mean they have a built in excuse to lay all the cost onto the retirees and current members. the bottom line is the local needs money in the pension fund and health and welfare fund. This board needs to make ups pay more into these funds. what goes in now is not enough.in the next contract neg ups must pay more. that simple! i hope the members of local 804 are ready for a fight cause there needs to be one.


Well-Known Member
thanks 804. i understand your concern. i think we should not give this new e board a pass .. they are correct the last contract was terrible and howie did go along with hoffa. but.. that doesnt mean they have a built in excuse to lay all the cost onto the retirees and current members. the bottom line is the local needs money in the pension fund and health and welfare fund. This board needs to make ups pay more into these funds. what goes in now is not enough.in the next contract neg ups must pay more. that simple! i hope the members of local 804 are ready for a fight cause there needs to be one.

Ups is paying the full amount negotiated by Howie and company for both funds. The terms are in effect for the rest of this "best contract ever".......
The health care fund went from 34 million to one month of payments in less than a few years.
I think the retirees would have been in deep doodoo if they let it go to arbitration. The arbitrator would have seen there was a significantly large output to a minimal input and would have acted quickly. These guys will get no free passes and will need a match lit under their a**es to keep them working for us like they should. President Tim knows he works for us and if he cant cut it, someone else will in 2 years.


Well-Known Member
Where Is Agitator 2...?
I really think it would be great if we actually had one. The original agitator did do his job,Unfortunately for us, he has no brains or b*lls to be a delegate.
So.... is it true about Tony and his church suit at the bagel store?
If u were in our bldg and ur name ended with a vowel, u had a good chance of being a carwasher/porter,etc..
U know, the problem he had was dat he would always tell us, You don't like it........Go work somewhere else !
Row A should of gotten rid of the dead weight a long time ago.They could of had a few fresh stewards from package that know the job.Not from feeder (S.M.)Thats my opinion

P.S. Howie should of retired 10 years ago