1200 members lost their job since your Buddha has been in office, we went from the best medical to members on collection, the biggest co-pay in 804 history. Our retire members paying one fifth of their monthly pension for medical. Yes Howie was voted out with the help of UPS telling members to vote row B. and TDU taking over our local.Stop crying its over Tim and company control the part timers, this board will be in office for a very long time. Turns out that Tim is way smarter then anyone from the old board. I don't think he's a good President but he knows how to run elections. 1800 to 1000 , 300 hundred no votes turned to yes votes 800 more members voter after Tim and company hit all the buildings. All that people will remember in 2 years that Tim got 804 a pension raise after 12 years of nothing. Billy said it couldn't be done.... Guess what,, Billy's DONE..... So cry all you want it doesn't matter ........
The price of education is expensive, but the price of ignorance is much higher!