Let me explain who i am i am a member just like every other dues paying member.I support nobody except my family no row a, no row b, row c,whoever.I am here over 25 years,when Howie and the boys were in the hall that was my local now that Tim and co are in the hall this is my local.You say i am a cheerleader and yes i am a cheerleader for one thing a good supplement for once since Ron Carey left us.This local has done nothing for us for years no pension increases, medical mismanaged for years to the point now that the members are suffering for it with higher co pays and higher retiree medical.Annuity has been a joke, forgotten like it should have never existed.You talk about the diversion of the 30 cents that the hall is taking a look at it to increase our pension even more and your answer is HECK NO!! I wish to god our board all the 25 years i have been here would have visited an idea like this even with a 300 dollar raise in our pension 25 and out only gets you around 41000 a year but there complacent attitude did nothing positive for our membership.You talk about local taking a pay increase well guess what they are earning there pay increase by trying to move this local in the right direction financially, which is a huge part in our locals success.I have news for you, we as members were overpaying the previous board for running us into the ground financially with there complacency no pension increase all those years even attempting to eliminate 25 and out instead of getting members more in there pocket.
So when i come on here and read comments from guys like you,who i stated that were cheerleaders for failure that is what you are bro,i dont know what your agenda is, i dont care what you future aspirations are, but this our local whether you love everything they do, somethings they do, or nothing they do,bashing them and dividing our membership will only lead to failure for all the members.There were no superheroes in the hall before and there are no superheros in the hall now but at least this board is trying to move our members in the right direction financially.Members need to move forward as a UNION not who wants to go this way or who wants to go that way.IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH PERIOD!!!!!!