Union Politics - Tim S for General President 2016

Anyone who steals members voting rights is a pig!!
I call them as I see them. PIG
Have you ever tried the Teamcare mental health care? I think I feel so bad for you I'd pay your co pays. Being part time and only being able to work one job because of that massive 20 hour a week commitment and all. Send me you address and I'll send you a few bucks.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who steals members voting rights is a pig!!
I call them as I see them. PIG
I understand but disagree with the stealing the right to vote. He who you speak of was not the only person involved in the situation and there may be people from your local that could have had a hand in it. One or two people didn't do it. I think KH has done more good for unions than most will ever know.

Irishman Collins

Well-Known Member
And I was kind enough, not to point out who he was.

(and Cheryl reminded me :biggrin: .... of the TOS in regards to that)

Bubble.... can stand up and justify his deceit.... at any time.

Agreed, still waiting for Bubble to respond. I am interested in what he might say. He has always claimed to not be TDU. So if he was in the picture. I ask why? I'll reserve judgement and wait for his response


Well-Known Member
Agreed, still waiting for Bubble to respond. I am interested in what he might say. He has always claimed to not be TDU. So if he was in the picture. I ask why? I'll reserve judgement and wait for his response
It appeared to be a picture of a group of attendees at a TDU convention. I don't believe their convention is reserved for "members" only so Bubble (if he was there) may not be a member.


Fight the power.
It appeared to be a picture of a group of attendees at a TDU convention. I don't believe their convention is reserved for "members" only so Bubble (if he was there) may not be a member.
Lmfao. You sound like a rat fought in a trap saying maybe he wasn't trying to get the cheese. Maybe he just wanted to smell it....


Well-Known Member
[uQUOTE="BigUnionGuy, post: 1561447, member: 4992"]You might be waiting, for a while.


Need time to "formulate" their response.

They can't respond to quick....

They have to (remember and ) review what they posted.

Just so they don't get caught, in another lie.


Bug I think you meant too instead of "to"
Maybe you can't run for office now... I had the 500k all set for you. Maybe I'll try to dig up pat Flynn from Chicago.