Union Politics - Tim S for General President 2016


Well-Known Member
If there was a criminal on Tim's slate, I would need to to find out about it and post about it.

I would.

See the difference.

I owe no loyalty to any group.

Therefore I am free to speak my mind, and change who I support.
Bug is all talk!! He won't produce the documentation ... All talk
Break it out here bugger??? Proof or it didn't happen!! CMON BUGGER! YOUR ALL TALK!!
A picture is worth a thousand words!!
bring it out..
Come at it bugger!!
Get some respect !!
I'm waiting BUG
I think it would be cool if your nickname was booger.


Got the T-Shirt
Bug is all talk!! He won't produce the documentation ... All talk

It's against BrownCafe's TOS, to post personal information.

"8.) You are responsible for protecting your own privacy and respecting the privacy of others. This means no posting of your own or any other person's full name, photos, email addresses, work or home locations, job titles, phone numbers, addresses, Social Security numbers, or any other personally identifiable or private information. This also means your full name cannot be used as your username or posted anywhere on our site."

Read more: http://www.browncafe.com/community/help/terms#ixzz3bRi5Ex6n

Since you have only been a member here (for just over 2 months)....

Maybe, you aren't aware of that policy.

Rather than assume you don't possess the computer knowledge or skills to find out

on your own, I will walk you through it.

Like I previously mentioned, it can start with the Lm-2 reports.

You can find out what "someones" full name is, not just what they are "called".

From there, you can go to the State and County in which their Local is located.

A check with the County "clerk of courts" website can be quite revealing.

(be sure to check the surrounding counties)

They will list all sorts of information.... including;

Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce, and Real Estate records.

Also driving records.

And.... legal litigation records. Including arrest and conviction.

So, rather than directly infer that Bug is full of BS.... show a little respect.

I can't hold everyones hand. :biggrin:



My Senior Picture
It's against BrownCafe's TOS, to post personal information.

"8.) You are responsible for protecting your own privacy and respecting the privacy of others. This means no posting of your own or any other person's full name, photos, email addresses, work or home locations, job titles, phone numbers, addresses, Social Security numbers, or any other personally identifiable or private information. This also means your full name cannot be used as your username or posted anywhere on our site."

Read more: http://www.browncafe.com/community/help/terms#ixzz3bRi5Ex6n

Since you have only been a member here (for just over 2 months)....

Maybe, you aren't aware of that policy.

Rather than assume you don't possess the computer knowledge or skills to find out

on your own, I will walk you through it.

Like I previously mentioned, it can start with the Lm-2 reports.

You can find out what "someones" full name is, not just what they are "called".

From there, you can go to the State and County in which their Local is located.

A check with the County "clerk of courts" website can be quite revealing.

(be sure to check the surrounding counties)

They will list all sorts of information.... including;

Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce, and Real Estate records.

Also driving records.

And.... legal litigation records. Including arrest and conviction.

So, rather than directly infer that Bug is full of BS.... show a little respect.

I can't hold everyones hand. :biggrin:


I rated this as funny, because I couldn't find the hypocrite option.

How many times did you violate #8, before you decided to embrace it?

In all fairness, I myself have learned this sites TOS, one violation at a time.;)
Still saying NOTHING.

Because it's all you got.
90% like me in my local. That's all that matters. I would find it hard to believe 9 people like you in your local. Keep complaining on this site it's making a real difference son.

Keep saying you feel threatened by everyone. You seem like a one of those guys that likes to rat on people. Blaming everyone but yourself. I can't wait to tell you I told you so. Keep beating your drum son.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Hate to tell you....

But the entire "vote no" Facebook page, is fake photo shopped pictures of

Jim Hoffa and hall.

Not that it matters, it's already losing interest.... with the members.


But that's not fair. TDU is above the law. They get to do anything they want, then cry when it's done to them.