Union Politics - Tim S for General President 2016


Active Member
Considering the long legacy of corruption within the Hoffa administration safe to say anyone could do a better job at running the union. I have some serious concerns about the guys you all are running for Secretary Treasurer, Fred Z. My understanding is that before he joined TDU he was actually quite anti TDU and even attempted to break a strike within his own local.

I agree that serious reform is much needed but im skeptical as to whether TDU's candidates can really deliver the goods. I guess we'll soon see.

Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
Something all us as union members can agree on. Lead Belly said on another thread. Call your Reps and Senators on job killing trade deal, till they are sick of hearing from you. It matters

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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
After watching that video I wouldn't buy a stick of gum from Tim, let alone vote for him.
Like you would have before you watched that video.

You have already posted on here your dislike of the man.

So stop acting like you have an open mind.........you don't.