Union Politics - Tim S for General President 2016

10 point

Well-Known Member
Like you would have before you watched that video.

You have already posted on here your dislike of the man.

So stop acting like you have an open mind.........you don't.
Sometimes brains fall out of open minds.
Number one,your first of many mistakes. Never assume anything about me

Number 2 ...oh wait I mean number 3. Your poor attempt at humor isn't funny..

Please step up your game....its getting very sad.
You forgot the mindless "yawn" and the rude jab "try to keep up".
Your thoughts on the video?
Spoiled milk and sour grapes from a basement floor sweeper?
Time will tell.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Where you are lost is you say teamsters are threatened. That never happened. Just because of some crap u tube video. Words can be taken out of context.
That sounds timely here too?
I'm not taking up for Tim or condemning O but a BA hanging on a light pole that seemingly put the drivers jobs in jeopardy and cost the local thousands is NOW the hero here?!


Well-Known Member
That sounds timely here too?
I'm not taking up for Tim or condemning O but a BA hanging on a light pole that seemingly put the drivers jobs in jeopardy and cost the local thousands is NOW the hero here?!
Tim called members clowns and people still support that? Forget Liam, what about Tim calling the members clowns? How could anyone support that?
That sounds timely here too?
I'm not taking up for Tim or condemning O but a BA hanging on a light pole that seemingly put the drivers jobs in jeopardy and cost the local thousands is NOW the hero here?!
This is legit stuff though.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Even if someone doesn't like Hoffa how could they support Tim after his comments. I don't care if Liam is mad or not. Tim saying what he said is wrong.
If he said it he'll have to qualify it and own it.
I have never heard anyone at the IBT calling members clowns. Ever.
Short term selective memory? Not calling members clowns....
Just disciplined for THREATS.
Take your pick.