Ok.. but where is the line drawn. Suppose for instance, a steward sees a member constantly refusing to follow methods? Maybe not the stewards job to inform management right?
So how about if steward observes a member stealing items out of a package? Is this steward a “rat” if he/she reports the theft? I’m guessing/hoping most people would say no, that theft should obviously be reported.
So where is the line? It’s somewhere in between, right? The steward should be on the side of the member but at some point a members’ bad behavior may actually be potentially harmful to other members whom also deserve the stewards help and representation.
It’s a tricky balance IMO.
I, (given name), pledge my honor to faithfully observe the Constitution and the laws of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, and the Bylaws and laws of this Local Union.
I pledge that I will comply with all the rules and regulations for the government of the International Union and this Local Union.
I will faithfully perform all the duties assigned to me to the best of my ability and skill.
I will conduct myself at all times in a manner as not to bring reproach upon my Union.
I shall take an affirmative part in the business and activities of the Union and accept and discharge my responsibilities during any authorized strike or lockout.
I pledge not to divulge to non-members the private business of this Union, unless authorized to reveal the same.
I will never knowingly harm a fellow member.
I will never discriminate against a fellow worker on account of race, color, religion, sex, age, physical disability or national origin.
I will refrain from any conduct that would interfere with the Union’s performance of its legal or contractual obligations.
I will at all times bear true and faithful allegiance to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, and this Local Union.