UPS anagrams


Tea anyone ?
I believe the actual word for it is an "acronym" :wink:

but obviously everyone knew what he meant so it doesn't really matter does it?

Oh it matters to me , now I cant remember the correct word and its pissing me off .
I dont think that its an acronym because an acronym is a word, not abbreviations of many words . I supose if you were to say ups how its spelled and not U P S how its abbreiviated then it would be an acronym but we comonly refer to brown the latter way . '

someone help me sleep and post the correct term Please


Well-Known Member
UPS- United Package Smashers (I didn't come up with it.)
UPS- Ur Package Sucks

DHL Delivering Hearts & Livers (remember the news last year)
DHL Duey Huey and Lewie... the silly ducks from the cartoon.


golden ticket member
acronym: a word (as NATO, radar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term; also : an abbreviation (as FBI) formed from initial letters .

UK-Guy......looks like it is the right term.....hope you can sleep now


Tea anyone ?
acronym: a word (as NATO, radar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term; also : an abbreviation (as FBI) formed from initial letters .

UK-Guy......looks like it is the right term.....hope you can sleep now
thanks man goodnight


Well-Known Member

All Good Kids Like Milk is a Mnemonic. (btw, I've seen pneumonic and mneumonic both used in internal UPS docs *shudder*)

an abbreviation is shortening any term to something smaller. Dr for Doctor is an abbreviation as is FBI for Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Acronyms are abbreviations which are designed to be used as words in themselves. eg PAS or EDD or LASER. They usually take just the initial letter but not only, see RADAR (RAdio Detection And Ranging)

anagram is reording of the letters in a phrase to make another phrase. It was actually used in the early modern period to show that you knew a secret without giving the secret away (write a phrase in Latin describing what you knew. publish an anagram of that phrase

This thread has been doing the opposite of acronyms. I think the term is retronym.

and now to stay on topic. this one was from a cheesy book I read in grade school, and I'm almost embarrassed that a) I read it and b) I remember this part.


which has a rather simple anagram in the first word


This thread has been doing the opposite of acronyms. I think the term is retronym.
Word of the day...
a word introduced because an existing term has become inadequate; "Nobody ever heard of analog clocks until digital clocks became common, so 'analog clock' is a retronym"

what we have here is a parodicon
its a parody of an icon

ok I made it up but it describes it better than retonym


Saddle Brook HazMat
ok time to put in my contribution NOTE: most of what will be seen on this post is more likely already here so don't shoot me.

Under Paid Slaves
United Pot Smokers
U Piece of :censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2:
Unified Pissant Society
Union of Poor :censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2:heads
United Parcel Swallows
Ur Package Sucks
U People Suck
and finally
United Package Stealers