We obviously have people from several different pension and health care plans on this board, so each one will have different issues.
The bottom line is that we all have issues of one kind or another with our pension and health care.This should not be.
We work for a multi- BILLION dollar company that is paying mega bucks for our pension and health care, and yet we have major problems.
The funds are all stonewalling us, the company is under contract to them, so they're no help.
The fact of the matter is that we are on our own to fix these problems, and if we come together we can do it.
That is what the APWA is trying to do, BRING THE UPS EMPLOYEES TOGETHER! If anyone has a better solution, LETS HEAR IT!
Otherwise, the APWA is our best shot at securing our future.
What are you out if it doesn't work? $150.00
A very small price to pay at a chance to regain control of our futures and retirement!