
PTJon, less than half or thereabouts of the full time workers even participate in the 401k. How sad is that. I know it's hard to scrape up the money but hey, that's a nice 40k suburban you're driving.


5 stars... roth IRA's are also a great option. Seeing as how in 30 years I will be in a higher tax bracket and the taxes are already taken care of. save a little now live a lot later. i'm not working until i die or to broken down to live. unlike alot of upser's


Excellent move on your part. Live within your means, focus on your needs and your future needs and don't depend on someone else doing it for you. Do this and at the end of the day you will be more prepared to face any number of scenarios.

You know we live in trying times. Pension on the brink of who knows what, company facing various issues and IMO seems rutterless at times, social security facing who knows what as the politicians poster for face time on TV rather than sitting down and tackling the problem head on. Teamster union going who knows where but it doesn't appear a good place to go and various trouble spots around the world which pose no telling what for our futures. But I have good news that all is well. A sign from God that with all the chaos around us things are really normal. That sign?

Tie and OK2BC fighting, arguing and calling each other names. Yep, with all the craziness around me I feel much better knowing things are normal when I see Tie and OK2BC having mud fights!

Thanks guys!


Tie.. If UPS is so generous about pension plans, why dont they as a company recognize that I have put in over 33 years of service for THEM. I have 13 years as a fulltime clerk and 20 as a fulltime driver but still cannot collect anything from anywhere. I don't work for the teamsters or central states so why does'nt UPS take care of me like they promised 19 years ago????


If you ask that question to the teamsters, they will set you straight. In there eyes you work for them and they contract your services to UPS. I state this because I was a teamster for 24 years and this question came up many times and that was the answer that was given me. I don't agree with it, but that's the way the teamsters look at it.


30andout: UPS has taken care of you. Every week that you work one day they send Central States a check. What else do you expect UPS to do?

UPS can't help what has happened to Central States. For those of you that might differ with this, offer up some solutions as to what UPS should have done. I think the solution, as others have stated in this thread, was brought to the negotiations in 1997. That won't happen again.


The bottom line is that UPS and the union are both in it for thier own gain. We are caught in the middle, and neither side gives a ratts butt about you or me. And I also promise you that will never happen either.


Central States Pension Contributions by UPS

PENSION FUND $4.75 hr, $190.00 wk, $9,880 yr

HEALTH/WELFARE 5.64 hr, $225.70 wk, $11,731 yr

$10.39 hour
$415.70 week
$21,611 a year per full-time employee!

as of August 1, 2004


How do you know "...that won't happen again"? Is this your opinion or can you back it up with verifible sources?


In Michigan, our retiree medical comes from the company

so according to Art 34 of the National Master Agreement

UPS keeps the "HEALTH/WELFARE 5.64 hr, $225.70 wk, $11,731 yr " section if I read it right.

Also, the figures on the pension side are off from the ones I can find.

Where did you get them from?

What the CFSP itself states on it's website is a 2005 - 52 weeks at $166 per week = $8,632.


Proups, UPS told me when I went to driving that after 30 years of service I could collect 1/2 from them and 1/2 from central states and it would equal the $3000 we were promised after 30 years THEY LIED!!!!!!


We obviously have people from several different pension and health care plans on this board, so each one will have different issues.
The bottom line is that we all have issues of one kind or another with our pension and health care.This should not be.
We work for a multi- BILLION dollar company that is paying mega bucks for our pension and health care, and yet we have major problems.
The funds are all stonewalling us, the company is under contract to them, so they're no help.
The fact of the matter is that we are on our own to fix these problems, and if we come together we can do it.
That is what the APWA is trying to do, BRING THE UPS EMPLOYEES TOGETHER! If anyone has a better solution, LETS HEAR IT!
Otherwise, the APWA is our best shot at securing our future.
What are you out if it doesn't work? $150.00
A very small price to pay at a chance to regain control of our futures and retirement!


YES, we do know each other. We work out of the same center, and are both members of the APWA, after many years with the teamsters, we finally got feed up with there lies and mishandling of our money. Many have questions about the APWA, and yet they have been being dumped on for year by the teamsters. Follow blindly, or take control. You all will have to deside soon.


I thought it was strange that you both registered at about the same time and seem to both be concerned with only one agenda. Can this be the blind leading the blind?


Come on guys...

Discussion can be animated, which is fine, but we do not welcome personal attacks, on- or off-board. It is inappropriate to say anything on a discussion board about any individual or entity that you would not be prepared to say to them face-to-face.

It is fine to disagree with a different viewpoint, but please limit this to challenging the idea and not make your comments a personal challenge or make derogatory personal comments about individuals, their ideas or their situation. The latter is considered to be a flame and will not be tolerated.


Sawman and feeders there appear to be questions floating around about the leadership of APWA. That information is not available on your website. It would certainly be considered critical information in determining the credibility of your organization. Who is running this union?


My guess for the lack of names would be for personal safety. You stick your neck out, you risk retaliation. Its naive to assume otherwise. One must balance courage and safety.



I agree with most everything that you and Feeders have posted so far and my hat is off to you both. It's one thing to educate yourself and others on something as broad of an issue that has such far reaching consequences for us all. It's another to have to shake so many free from the paradigms that help dig the hole deeper every day. I'd like to see a co-existence between the hourlies and management someday where our goals were more alligned with thiers. I doubt that could ever be realized with the Teamsters insisting that the company subsidize a plan that in fact flies in the face of that very principle.

Establishing a consensus is worthwhile and by all means necessary in an undertaking of this magnitude, but summer of 2008 isn't all that far away. Getting a strong majority of the drivers to agree that paying the Hollywood divorce lawyer fees it's going to take to rid ourselves of the heroin addict CSPF and the rest of the "desperate housewives" multi-employer plans is only step 1 out of God knows how many roadblocks towards achieving a contract that could be fair to everyone from coast to coast. As much as I'd like to believe that the company would love to see us throw Hoffa and the rest of the dirty laundry out the door, I can't help but think that there's a pretty good chance they wouldn't mind going into the next round of negotiations against an opponent that's already whipped. If they can have drivers fighting a war against each other for control, then they are going to have an overwhelming advantage at the talks. Have you guys really talked with these lawyers about what kind of variance of scenarios there could be three years from now?

I like the idea of APWA, but it's gonna have to be much more than a handful of drivers come contract time. If it's not about 90% APWA by January of 08 and the company smells divided ranks, what's to stop them from turning it into a turkey shoot?


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 1:37 pm Post subject:


Just look at these calculations of what UPS pays today, compounded annually at only 7% for 30 years. Mind blowing isn't it?

Your Monthly Deposit for 30 Years of $ 760.00
for an Interest Rate of 7.000 % compounded Annually
With an Initial Amount of $ 8600.00:
Yr Mo Ending
Balance Average
1 12 18614.60 12780.00
2 12 29330.22 22794.60
3 12 40795.94 33510.22
4 12 53064.25 44975.94
5 12 66191.35 57244.25
6 12 80237.35 70371.35
7 12 95266.56 84417.35
8 12 111347.82 99446.56
9 12 128554.77 115527.82
10 12 146966.20 132734.77
11 12 166666.43 151146.20
12 12 187745.68 170846.43
13 12 210300.48 191925.68
14 12 234434.12 214480.48
15 12 260257.10 238614.12
16 12 287887.70 264437.10
17 12 317452.44 292067.70
18 12 349086.71 321632.44
19 12 382935.38 353266.71
20 12 419153.46 387115.38
21 12 457906.80 423333.46
22 12 499372.88 462086.80
23 12 543741.58 503552.88
24 12 591216.09 547921.58
25 12 642013.81 595396.09
26 12 696367.38 646193.81
27 12 754525.70 700547.38
28 12 816755.10 758705.70
29 12 883340.55 820935.10
30 12 954586.99 887520.55

Final Savings Balance: $ 954586.99
Initial Investment plus Monthly Contributions: $ 282200.00
Total Interest Earned: $ 672386.99

That equals $954,586.00
Even a safe Tbill @ 4% would give you $38,183 a year in interest. Then you decide how much of the principle you eat in a year. Could you live long enough to spend it all at $7,000 a month?

If anyone is wondering: at 12% compounded annually, the balance would be over $3 Million!


(Message edited by feeders on February 28, 2005)

(Message edited by feeders on February 28, 2005)